Grace Mary Poole

F, #25111
Land-Berwick*13 Nov 1896 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 376435). Transfer from James Gibb to Grace Mary Poole. 3a 0r 3p - C/T 2629-732.1 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 2629-732 - Grace Mary Poole.
Last Edited24 Sep 2020

Clement Tom Ladbury

M, #25113, b. 1864, d. 1 Jul 1927
Birth*1864 Malmesbury, VIC, Australia, #B3414/1864 (par Frederick Clem LADBURY & Catherine ARGYLE) - as Thomas Clement LADBURY.1 
Marriage*6 May 1891 Spouse: Alice Maud Eagland. QLD, Australia, #M1891/C/2017 Clement Tom Ladbury & Alice Maude Eagland, Marriage date: 6 May 1891.2
Marriage-Notice*25 Aug 1891 LADBURY—EAGLAND.—On the 6th May, at Townsville, Queensland, by Canon Barlow, Bishop-Elect of North Queensland, Clement T. Ladbury, manager Marathon Station, Hughenden, to Alice Maude, daughter of E. H. Eagland, Esq., Glenthompson, Victoria.3 
Land-Berwick*2 Aug 1906 BER-Crown-18 2.3.14/LP3972. Transfer from James Gibb to Clement Tom Ladbury. 1a 3r 6p.4 
Land-Berwick*14 Nov 1906 BER-Crown-18 2.3.14/LP3972. Transfer from Clement Tom Ladbury to George Thomas Anderson. 1a 3r 6p.5 
Death*1 Jul 1927 QLD, Australia, #D1927/B/1591 (par Frederick Clement Ladbury & Kate Argyle) - as Clement Tom Ladbury, Death date: 1 Jul 1927.6 
Death-Notice*1 Jul 1927 LADBURY, Clement Tom.—At Brisbane, eldest son of the late Frederick Clement and Kate Ladbury, Moonee Ponds, general manager Pilo Pastoral Co.7 
Death-Notice4 Jul 1927 LADBURY. — On July 1st, 1927, at his residence, "Holyrood," Albion, Clement Tom Ladbury, in his 64th year.8 


  • 8 Jul 1927: MR. C. T. LADBURY
    The death of Mr. Clement Thomas Ladbury occurred on July 1 at his home, Albion. General manager of the Milo Pastoral Company, the deceased was 63 years of age. Although a native of Victoria his pastoral activities were confined mostly to Carrar, in the New South Wales, and in North Queensland, where he was the manager of the Marathon-station. In 1907 he also took over the management of the Milo station, in the Charleville district. Together with this station he managed Ambathala station, until eight years ago, when he came to Brisbane.
    In this city Mr. Ladbury retained the position of manager of the Milo Pastoral Company. Other activities of the deceased included the chairmanship of the United Graziers' Association and chairman of the Rabbit and Dingo Board of the Adavale Shire. He is survived by a widow and a married daughter—Mrs. M. Shield, of Goombie and one son—Mr. Clement M. Ladbury.9


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B3414/1864 (par Frederick Clem LADBURY & Catherine ARGYLE) - as Thomas Clement LADBURY, Birth registered at Malm, Australia."
  2. [S8] Queensland Government Birth, Death & Marriage Indexes "#M1891/C/2017 Clement Tom Ladbury & Alice Maude Eagland, Marriage date: 6 May 1891."
  3. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 25 Aug 1891, p2
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 (tx 530232) - Clement Tom Ladbury of Marathon North Queensland Station Manager - C/T 3141-146.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3141-146 - George Thomas Anderson of Berwick Farmer.
  6. [S8] Queensland Government Birth, Death & Marriage Indexes "#D1927/B/1591 (par Frederick Clement Ladbury & Kate Argyle) - as Clement Tom Ladbury, Death date: 1 Jul 1927."
  7. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 1 Jul 1927, p4
  8. [S14] Newspaper - The Brisbane Courier (Qld.), Mon 4 Jul 1927, p14
  9. [S14] Newspaper - The Week (Brisbane, Qld.), Fri 8 Jul 1927, p18
Last Edited27 May 2024

Mary Anne Barker

F, #25114, b. 16 Feb 1850, d. 19 Oct 1921
Father*Edward Barker b. 1817, d. 30 Jun 1885
Mother*Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot b. 24 Nov 1824, d. 31 Jan 1885
Land-Note In 1912 paid rates N6 for 5.12/LP3972 & N80 for house Lots 1-4 Sec 14 (Inveresk.)1 
Probate (Will)* 181/086. Mary A Barker, Residence: Berwick, Occupation: Spinster, Date Of Death: 19 Oct 1921, Date Of Grant: 13 Jan 1922.
Real Estate: All that piece of land containing one acre two roods being allotments 1, 2 and 3 of Section 14 Parish of Berwick County of Mornington upon which is erected the house known as 'Inveresk' such house is Brick and contains 6 rooms and conveniences Value L1600. This property was retained by the executors.
All that piece of land containing 1 acre 1 rood and 28 perches being lots 5 and 12 on plan of subdivision No 3972 lodged in the Office of Titles being part of Crown Section 18 Parish of Berwick County of Mornington. This land is vacant and unimproved. Value L120. This land was sold for L270 before 1923.
At the time of her death, Mary Anne Barker owned a black heifer, a yellow cow, a black and white cow, and poultry.
In her will she wrote: I direct my trustees or trustee of this my will at the cost and expense of my estate to provide good and suitable homes and food for all animals and pets belonging to me at the time of my decease during their respective lives.2 
Birth*16 Feb 1850 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #B26567/1850 (par Edward BARKER & Madaline Unknown) - as Marianne BARKER.3,4 
Land-Note30 Jan 1900 Inveresk. Purchase price £1,030.5 
Land-Berwick*24 Oct 1906 BER-Crown-18 5.12/LP3972. Transfer from James Gibb to Mary Anne Barker. 1a 1r 28p.6 
Death*19 Oct 1921 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D12913/1921 (Age 72) (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene SCOB) - as Mary Ann BARKER.7 
Death-Notice20 Oct 1921 BARKER.—On the 19th October, at Inveresk, Berwick, Marion, only daughter of the late Edward Barker, M.D., Melbourne.
BARKER.—Friends of the late Miss BARKER are respectfully informed that her remains will, be interred in Berwick Cemetery. Funeral to leave her residence, Inveresk, Berwick, Saturday, October 22, at 3.45p.m.
JOHN GRANT, Undertaker. Tel. 25. Berwick.8 
Land-Note*20 Dec 1922 BER-Crown-18 5.12/LP3972. Red Ink No 2322056. Mary Anne Barker died on 19th October 1921. Probate has been granted to Francis Graham and Harry Graham both of 514 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Merchants. Dated 20 December 1922.9 
Land-Berwick*20 Dec 1922 BER-Crown-18 5.12/LP3972. Transfer from Mary Anne Barker to Euphemia Elizabeth Wilson. 1a 1r 28p.10 


  • 4-175-B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia11


  • 6 Oct 1910: Miss May Edwardes, who has just recovered from a severe attack of bronchitis, is going for a change to Beaconsfield, and afterwards to Miss Barker, "Inveresk," Berwick.12
  • 12 Aug 1914: A PRESENTATION.
    Miss Barker, of "Inveresk," Berwick. was publicly entertained at the Rechabite Hall on Thursday evening last. The gathering was a very large and representative one, visitors being present from all parts of the district, and a most enjoyable evening was spent.
    The hall was tastefully decorated by the ladies and looked very attractive.
    Di Gillio's band supplied the music for the evening and their rendering of the French national anthem, followed by Rule Brittania, afforded those present an opportunity of showing their patriotism, and it was eagerly availed of, hearty cheers being given.
    Supper was served at about 10 o'clock, after which Miss Barker was presented with a handsome illuminated address in book form.
    Mr E. L. Vieusseux made the presentation. In doing so he said he considered it a very great honor. Usually, he said, when they made a presentation of this kind it was to some friend who was leaving them, but he was sure he was voicing the feelings of all present when he said he was pleased Miss Barker was remaining in their midst. Some had asked why the presentation was being made, and it had been stated that it was given as a mark of appreciation for Miss Barker's work in connection with the church or a political organization. It had nothing whatever to do with
    either the church or politics.
    During her residence in the district Miss Barker had done much both publicly and privately to help it on. Her energy and kindness had won her many friends, and the presentation was an outcome of their desire to show their appreciation of the work done by her. Mr Vieusseux then read the address, which was as follows:
    " To Miss Barker, "Inveresk," Berwick,
    Dear Miss Barker, — We, whose signatures are attached herewith, representing your many friends and wellwishers of Berwick and district, take this opportunity of asking your acceptance of this address as a token of the affectionate regard and esteem in which you are held by all.
    We desire to express our sincere appreciation of your ever willing and self-denying efforts for the welfare of all with whom you come into contact, and for the advancement of to best interest of the town and distrist in which you reside.
    Only those whose privilege it is to be intimately associated with you in such work can fully appreciate the self-forgetting spirit and the willingness with which your kindly assistance is always given.
    We sincerely congratulate you upon having gained the goodwill and affectionate esteem of all with whom you have become associated, and we trust that you may be spared to reside among us for many years to come, and that we may continue to enjoy the benefit of your assistance in the many spheres of activity with which we have always been so closely connected.
    We remain very faithfully yours."
    [About seventy signatures were attached.]
    Mr Barker in responding on behalf of his sister, thanked the many friends for their handsome address and for the kindly sentiments it contained. He said his sister came here about 13 years ago with a resolve to work in the interests of the place, and she had endeavored to do her best. During her residence she had
    made many friends whose good wishes and esteem she greatly valued. If she had been successful in her work it was mainly through the co-oporation of the ladies, who had at all times rendered valuable assistance. On account of the good wishes and esteem expressed in the address presented that evening, his sister was pleased to accept it and would value it at all times, and he once more wished to thank all the ledirs and gentlemen for their great kindness.
    After the presentation dancing was indulged in and kept up till about 2 a.m.
    Taken as a whole the function was a great success and Mrs Cole, the hon. secretary, and the ladies committee are to be complimented on the excellent arrangements made for the evening.13
  • 3 May 1916: An exhibition of antiques is at present being held at Federal Government House, Melbourne, in aid of Red Cross funds. There is a very fine display, 371 articles being included in the collection. Included in the list of donors to the exhibition are the names of Miss Barker and Miss Edwardes, of "Inveresk," Berwick.14
  • 22 Oct 1921: BERWICK. Miss Barker, the only daughter of the late Dr. Barker, one of the pioneers of Victoria, died on Wednesday. She had lived at Berwick for 21 years.15
  • 22 Oct 1921: The Churches. On Thursday last the annual flower show held at Berwick, in connection with the Church of England, was open ed by Archdeacon Hindley, the Vicar-General. The proceedings were some what depressed by the fact that Miss Barker, one of the old residents, had died the day before. Miss Barker was a daughter of the late Dr Barker, one of the most distinguished of the early colonists of Victoria.16
  • 12 Jan 1922: PETS NOT FORGOTTEN. Spinster's Charge to Trustees.
    That her trustees should, "at the cost and expense" of her estate, "provide good and suitable homes and food for all animals and pets" belonging to her at the time of her death, was a direction given in her will by Miss Mary Anne Barker, formerly of Williams road, Prahran, and late of Inveresk, Berwick. The executrix, who died on October 19, by will of September 28, 1897, left real estate valued at £1,720 and personal property, £1,280, mainly to her goddaughter, godson, and relatives.17
  • 10 Oct 1925: The engagement is announced of Evelyn Georgina Patricia (Pat), younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. D. Barker, Inveresk, Berwick, and John Loris Gromann, of Berwick, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gromann, of Heaton avenue, East Malvern.18
  • 4 Jun 1926: Miss May Edwards, who has let 'The Cottage,' Berwick, for the winter months to Mr. and Mrs. Grober. is now in Melbourne, and is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker at Wattletree road, Malvern.19
  • 11 Feb 1932: BERWICK. Miss Edwardes, of Irby street, Berwick, has returned from a visit to Tasmania, where she spent a six weeks’ holiday.20


  1. [S66] Berwick Shire Rates, 1870-1965.
  2. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28) / Wills (VPRS7591)
    181/086. Mary A Barker, Residence: Berwick, Occupation: Spinster, Date Of Death: 19 Oct 1921, Date Of Grant: 13 Jan 1922
    VPRS 28/P0003, 181/086; VPRS 7591/P0002, 181/086.
  3. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B26567/1850 (par Edward BARKER & Madaline Unknown) - as Marianne BARKER, Birth registered at Melbourne, Australia."
  4. [S65] Ancestry - various indices, Victoria, Australia, St. Peter's Eastern Hill, Baptisms, 1848-1915
    Private baptism 31 Mar 1850.
  5. [S81] Land Records & Parish Maps ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria). Application.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 (tx 535392) - Mary Anne Barker of Berwick Spinster - C/T 3160-895.
  7. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D12913/1921 (Age 72) (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene SCOB) - as Mary Ann BARKER, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  8. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 20 Oct 1921, p1
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3160-895 - Red Ink No 2322056. Mary Anne Barker died on 19th October 1921. Probate has been granted to Francis Graham and Harry Graham both of 514 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Merchants. Dated 20 December 1922.
  10. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3160-895 - Euphemia Elizabeth Wilson of Berwick Spinster.
  11. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    4-175-B Barker M.B. 52 9/10/1905 399
    4-175-B Barker Mary Ann F 72 22/10/1921 680.
  12. [S14] Newspaper - Table Talk (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 6 Oct 1910, p30
  13. [S19] Newspaper - Berwick Shire News and Pakenham and Cranbourne Gazette (Berwick, Vic.), Wed 12 Aug 1914, p3
  14. [S19] Newspaper - Berwick Shire News and Pakenham and Cranbourne Gazette (Berwick, Vic.), Wed 3 May 1916, p2
  15. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 22 Oct 1921, p16
  16. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 22 Oct 1921, p17
  17. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 12 Jan 1922, p6
  18. [S14] Newspaper - The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 10 Oct 1925, p55
  19. [S14] Newspaper - The Prahran Telegraph (Vic.), Fri 4 Jun 1926, p8
  20. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Thu 11 Feb 1932, p4
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Frank Gerard Hartley

M, #25115, b. 1861, d. 1929
Birth*1861 Castlemaine, VIC, Australia, #B9767/1861 [par Edgar HARTLEY & Elizabeth GERRARD].1 
Marriage*21 Nov 1888 Spouse: Catherine Mary Lube. St Peter and Paul's Church, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #M7574/1888.2
Marriage-Notice*15 Dec 1888 HARTLEY—LUBE. —On the 21st ult., at St. Peter and Paul's Church, South Melbourne, by the Rev. Dean O'Driscoll, Frank Gerard, youngest son of Edgar Hartley, Esq., to Katie, eldest daughter of John B. Lube, Esq., of South Melbourne.3 
Land-Berwick*19 Sep 1907 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 556452). Transfer from James Gibb to Frank Gerard Hartley. 4a 1r 3p - Lot 16 LP3972.4 
Land-Berwick*17 Mar 1911 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 556452). Transfer from Frank Gerard Hartley to Richard Grice. 4a 1r 3p - Lot 16 LP3972 and right of carriage way over roads coloured brown on title.5 
Death*1929 Armadale, VIC, Australia, #D3659/1929 (Age 68) [par Edgar Bibbs HARTLEY & Elizabeth Thersa GERARD].6 


  • 12 Nov 1910: WEDNESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. At 3 o'Clock.
    W. S. KEAST and F. G. HARTLEY (in conjunction) have received instructions to sell by public auction, on account of the owner, That beautiful country villa residence, "WANALTA,"
    together with about 8 acres of land, almost immediately adjoining the Berwick R.S., now occupied by Richard Grice, Esq.
    The property is modern throughout, and contains 8 rooms, also stabling, outhouses, cow shed, buggy shed and man's room. The soil is of the richest quality, beautifully laid out in garden and paddocks, including an orchard of about 200 trees.
    To those in search of a week end home, the position of this property is unsurpassed, the situation being within 28 miles of Melbourne, with a splendid train service, including Sundays, and the station within 3 minutes' walk. The district is noted for its climate, scenery, &c., and magnificent view of the surrounding country are obtained from this property.
    Title, certificate.
    For further particulars, apply W. S. Keast and Co., 610 Collins- street, Melbourne; and F G. Hartley, 330 Collins-street. Melbourne. Richard Grice7


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "as Frank Gerrard HARTLEY."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 15 Dec 1888, p1
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 3247-228 - Frank Gerard Hartley of No 349 Collins Street Melbourne Estate Agent.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3247-228 - Richard Grice - C/T 3533-521.
  6. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  7. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 12 Nov 1910, p2
Last Edited26 Sep 2020

Alfred Smith

M, #25116, b. 1854, d. 22 Oct 1917
Probate (Will)* 156/340. Alfred Smith, Residence: Berwick, Occupation: Bootmaker, Date Of Death: 22 Oct 1917, Date Of Grant: 4 Mar 1918
245/249. Alfred Smith, Residence: Berwick, Occupation: Bootmaker, Date Of Death: 22 Oct 1917, Date Of Grant: 16 Dec 1931.1,2 
Marriage*1873 Spouse: Hannah Lydia Moffett. #M4742/1873, Alfred SMITH & Hannah Lydia MOFFETT.3
Land-Note1906 Smith Alfred Berwick Bootmaker tenant Mrs S Bain H + pt 4 Sec 16 Berwick N12
Smith Alfred Berwick Bootmaker tenant Mrs S Bain H + pt 5 Sec 16 Berwick N10
Smith Alfred Berwick Bootmaker owner Lot 7 Sec 1 New Berwick N3
Smith Alfred Berwick Bootmaker 2.5 acres pt Lot 18 N4. 
Land-Note*1916 In 1916/17 rated for pt 4+5 Sec 16 N20 (barber.) 
Death*22 Oct 1917 Melbourne East, VIC, Australia, #D13148/1917 (Age 63) (par Wm Finis SMITH & Mary Ann WHITEHEAD) - as Alfd SMITH.4 
Death-Notice*23 Oct 1917 SMITH.—On the 22nd October, at Melbourne Hospital, Alfred, beloved husband of Hannah Smith, Berwick, and loving father of Annie, William, Alfred, Maude, Beatrice, Sydney, and the late Private Clarence, A.I.F., aged 63 years.5 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
bt 1903 - 1909High Street, Berwick, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: bootmaker. With Hannah Lydia Smith.6,7,8,9,10
bt 1912 - 1917High Street, Berwick, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: estate agent. With Hannah Lydia Smith.11,12,13,14,15,16


  • 4-344-A+B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia17


Hannah Lydia Moffett b. 1850, d. 23 Jul 1931
Children 1.Edward James Smith19 b. 1879, d. 9 Jan 1894
 2.Sydney Albert Smith b. 1892, d. 1970


  • 26 Oct 1917: Mr Alfred Smith, an old resident of Berwick, died in Melbourne on Monday last, after a short illness. The news of his death was received with much regret by many friends. For several years he was in business at Pakenham prior to taking up his residence in Berwick. He was of a very genial nature, and will be much missed. One of his sons—Gunner C. Smith—was killed at the Front a few months ago.
    Deep sympathy is felt for the bereaved family in their sad trouble.18


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28) / Wills (VPRS7591)
    156/340. Alfred Smith, Residence: Berwick, Occupation: Bootmaker, Date Of Death: 22 Oct 1917, Date Of Grant: 4 Mar 1918
    VPRS 28/P0003, 156/340.
  2. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28) / Wills (VPRS7591)
    245/249. Alfred Smith, Residence: Berwick, Occupation: Bootmaker, Date Of Death: 22 Oct 1917, Date Of Grant: 16 Dec 1931
    VPRS 28/P0003, 245/249.
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M4742/1873, Alfred SMITH & Hannah Lydia MOFFETT."
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D13148/1917 (Age 63) (par Wm Finis SMITH & Mary Ann WHITEHEAD) - as Alfd SMITH, Death registered at Melb E, Australia."
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 23 Oct 1917, p1
  6. [S103] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1903.
  7. [S105] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1905.
  8. [S106] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1906.
  9. [S108] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1908.
  10. [S109] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1909.
  11. [S112] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1912.
  12. [S113] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1913.
  13. [S114] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1914.
  14. [S115] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1915.
  15. [S116] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1916.
  16. [S117] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1917.
  17. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    4-344-A Smith Alfred M 62 24/10/1917 594
    4-344-A Smith Hannah L. F 81 25/07/1931 854
    4-344-A Smith Alfred M 2945
    4-344-B Smith Edward James M 15 11/01/1894 270.
  18. [S19] Newspaper - Pakenham Gazette and Berwick Shire News (Pakenham East, Vic.), Fri 26 Oct 1917, p3
  19. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D702/1894 (Age 15) (par Alf SMITH & Hannah MOFFAT) - as Edw Jas SMITH, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Richard Grice

M, #25117, b. 1858, d. 6 Sep 1911
Father*Richard Grice b. 1813, d. 4 Nov 1882
Mother*Ann Lavinia Hibberson b. 30 Aug 1822, d. 17 Nov 1905
Probate (Will)* 121/514. Richard GRICE Date of grant: 01 Nov 1911; Date of death: 06 Sep 1911; Occupation: Esquire; Residence: Berwick - contains detailed inventory in probate document.1 
Note* Http://
"Wonalta" / "Wanalta" appears to have become part of St Margarets. 
Land-Berwick20 Mar 1855 CRAN-47. Transfer from Alfred Sikes to Richard Grice. 160a 0r 0p - consideration £240.2 
Land-Berwick31 Dec 1855 CRAN-46. Transfer from Charles Rossiter Thomas James Rossiter to Richard Grice. 236 a - consideration £316.3 
Birth*1858 Collingwood, VIC, Australia, #B4946/1858.4 
Marriage*16 Sep 1884 Spouse: Louise Jane Currie. St George's Church, East St Kilda, VIC, Australia, #M4683/1884.5
Marriage-Notice*20 Sep 1884 GRICE—CURRIE.—On the 16th inst., at St. George's Church, East St. Kilda, by the Rev. Samuel Robinson, Richard, third son of the late Richard Grice, of Melbourne, to Louise Jane, second daughter of John L. Currie, of Larra.6 
Land-Berwick*13 Jan 1885 CRAN-46.47. Transfer from William Sykes to Richard Grice. CRAN-46 = 236 a CRAN-47 = 160 a.7 
Land-Berwick*21 May 1885 BER-Crown-33. Transfer from Robert Buchanan to Richard Grice. 234 a - the new title shows the land being 238a 2r 35p.8 
Widower30 Dec 1908He became a widower upon the death of his wife Louise Jane Currie.9 
Land-Berwick*5 Apr 1910 BER-Crown-18 (tx 68793). Transfer from Robert Bain to Richard Grice. 3r 39p - see C/T 1016-151 (acreage later amended) - now corner Gloucester Avenue and Reserve Street - transferred by executors.10 
Land-Berwick*17 Mar 1911 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 556452). Transfer from Frank Gerard Hartley to Richard Grice. 4a 1r 3p - Lot 16 LP3972 and right of carriage way over roads coloured brown on title.11 
Land-Berwick*17 Mar 1911 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 237404). Transfer from Catherine Mary Lube to Richard Grice. 3a.12 
Land-Note17 Mar 1911 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 237404). This piece of land contained 3 acres. In Richard Grice's probate it was described as having a weatherboard house of seven rooms and kitchen, bathroom, scullery and outbuildings. It was valued at £800.13 
Land-Note17 Mar 1911 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 556452). This piece of land of 4a 1r 3p was valued at £150 in Richard Grice's probate. It was fenced but had no other improvements.13 
Land-Berwick*31 Aug 1911 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 660384). Transfer from James Gibb to Richard Grice. 66 ft frontage to Station Street x 650 ft.14 
Death*6 Sep 1911 Melbourne West, VIC, Australia, #D10241/1911 (Age 53) [par Richard GRICE & Ann Lavinia HABBERSON].9 
Death-Notice*7 Sep 1911 GRICE.—On the 6th September, at Melbourne, Richard Grice, third son of the late Richard Grice, of Melbourne, aged 53.15 
Death-Notice8 Sep 1911 GRICE.—The Friends of the late RICHARD GRICE are informed that his remains will be interred TO-DAY (Friday), 8th inst., in the Berwick Cemetery. The cortege will leave the Berwick railway station on arrival of the 11.20 a.m. train from Melbourne.
A. A. SLEIGHT, Undertaker. Phone Central. 410.16 
Land-Note*1 Nov 1911 BER-Crown-18 (tx 68793). 3r 39p - at the time of Grice's death this piece of land at the corner of Reserve Street and Gloucester Avenue was fenced, but had no further improvements. Valued at £60.1 
Land-Note23 Nov 1911 Memo No 49647. Richard Grice died the 6th September 1911. On the 1st day of November 1911 Probate of the will and codicil of the said Richard Grice was granted to Edwin Currie of Gala Lismore Esquire and Henry Alan Currie of Mount Elephant Derrinallum Esquire as executors.17 
Land-Berwick*7 Dec 1911 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 660384). Transfer from Richard Grice to William Pearson, Agar Wynne, Hampton Alexander Gooch. 66 ft frontage to Station Street x 650 ft. This piece of land was transferred by the executors of Richard Grice's will, and was valued at £30 in the probate. It was fenced but had no other improvements.18 
Land-Berwick*23 Jan 1912 BER-Crown-18 (tx 68793). Transfer from Richard Grice to James Robert Ferguson. 3r 39p - now corner Gloucester Avenue and Reserve Street - transferred by executors.19 


  • Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia, Louise Jane Grice 1908 aged 50 wife of Richard, dau of L.L. Currie
    Richard Grice 1911 aged 53 hus of Louisa Jane, son of Richard
    also a stillborn daughter20


  • 3 Sep 1887: THE EIRRUC ESTATE
    About 4 miles from the Berwick railway station and 30 miles from Melbourne is Eirruc, a pretty estate owned by Mr. R. Grice. The drive out from the picturesquely situated town-ship is a pleasant one, although the road, by the judicious expenditure of a little money might be considerably improved. This remark, however, applies to a great many roads in the Western Port district. The property consists of 1000 acres, and has been subdivided into 22 paddocks, the fencing being of a substantial character. Part of it, erected by a former proprietor, consists of two and three rails, while that put up by Mr. Grice is mostly six wires. Two prettily rounded hills, with an elevated ridge between running nearly north and south from a sort of backbone to the estate. On the western slope tho soil is rich, black, fairly friable in texture and well adapted for cultivation. At a depth of from 10 inches to 18 inches a tenacious clay is met with which holds the water to such an extent as to make the value of underground drainage very apparent. On the eastern slope of the ridge the soil is generally of a lighter and more sandy nature. A good deal, has been done in the way of surface draining towards carrying off the surplus water; but, notwithstanding the fact that the drains have been well laid out and made, the paddocks, at the time of my visit, were in a very wet condition. This district always receives a rainfall that would make the heart of a northern farmer rejoice, but this year the fall having been greater than usual, the soil has become so thoroughly saturated that a stroll through the fields is not by any means an unalloyed pleasure. One portion of the estate, about 120 acres in extent is covered with a dense growth of ti-tree, rendering it absolutely useless in its present state. Drains have been run through it, and the water does not lodge now as was formerly the case, but the problem of getting rid of the ti-tree has yet to be solved, Mr. Grice thinks of cutting it down, burning when it becomes sufficiently dry, and afterwards sowing grass seed in the hope that the grass will get a start before the scrub, and by heavy stocking the latter may be kept down for a few years. Unlike the hazel scrub of Gippsland which generally dies after a good burn, the ti-tree will sprout again as vigorously as ever, and is altogether a difficult subject to deal with. Patches of it have been cut and burned in the neighborhood, but the paddocks have quickly gone back to their original state. Mr. Grice's intention is to choose a suitable day, and burn the scrub against the wind; by this means he thinks that not only will all the portion cut be thoroughly consumed, but many of the roots also, and by thus opening it up, and getting stock onto the ground, the growth of the scrub may be checked. That it will come again however, appears almost certain, as it is a scrub very tenacious of life. At Koo-wee-rup swamp, a few miles away, various experiments have been tried to get rid of it, and it is found that in some cases, draining alone causes it to die, but the soil there for a depth of several feet is a vegetable mould on which draining has the effect of causing a consi-derable subsidence thus exposing the roots of the ti-tree and rending their extraction a comparatively easy matter. In Mr. Grice's case a strong clay subsoil prevents sinking and also helps to retain the moisture around the roots, so that much more difficulty is encountered in dealing with the scrub, and tho work of eradicating it is likely to be tedious and costly. Originally all the land hereabouts was covered with heavy timber, but the most of it has now been cleared off, and very little more remains than is necessary. Mr. Grice has done a good deal in the way of clearing the paddocks of dead timber, numerous cords of wood being now cut and stacked ready for carting to the railway station. The price obtained for thoewood is not great, but it leaves a slight margin of profit after paying for clearing. Cultivation is principally carried on for the purpose of working the soil into a fine tilth preparatory to laying it down under permanent pasture. In this way 240 acres has been ope-rated upon, and is now either under rye grass alone or a mixture of rye grass and cocksfoot. The intention is to lay down the whole of the farm under artificial grasses at the rate of 70 acres per year, 25 acres only being reserved for permanent cultivation. This portion will be heavily manured in order to insure good returns and keep up the fertility of the soil.

    A portion of the farm was sown with English grasses by a former proprietor and the grass has held well, but as the seeding in the first instance was light the pasture now requires thickening. It is found unnecessary to sow white clover, this plant always appear-ing amongst the other grasses. In pre-paring a seed bed Gilsenan's patent culti-vator has been used with good effect. In one paddock it was run over the ground previous to ploughing, the result being a splendid tilthe. The usual mode of dealing with the soil is to first plough to a depth of 5 inches, then harrow twice, and afterwards use a brush harrow, formed of a sheep hurdle, through which branches of ti-tree have been interwoven, for covering the seed. The seeding given is 40 lb. of rye grass, or when cocksfoot is used, 10 lb. of the latter and 30 lb. of rye grass per acre are sown. The paddocks laid down have been sown in the months of April and May. An interesting experiment has been tried with stack ensilage. An indifferent crop of 4 acres of maize was cut in March and simpl stacked. All the crop was cut on the one day but the stacking occupied about a week consequently the portion stacked last got rather more sun than is desirable in ensilage. After stacking a trench was dug around and the earth placed on the top of the steak. No more trouble was taken, the stack was even roofed, and nothing further was done until a couple of weeks ago, when Mr. Grice had the stack opened in order to see what it was like. It turned out in splendid condition, far better than was expected, the color not being so dark as is usually the case with sweet ensilage, the temperature having evidently remained below 140 degrees, a height which makers of this class of fodder consider quite safe. Mr. Grice never having examined the stack from the time it was made until recently opening it, is not in a position to say what the temperature really was. The silage is very sweet and not by any means disagreeable to the smell. Previous to the opening of the stack the cattle had never even seen fodder of this description, but on some of it being given to the milking cows they readily eat it and looked for more, no education being required to accustom them to it. The homestead has been lately erected on the summit of one of the hills alluded to. It is a large and commodious wooden building, which with its row of tall chimneys on either side and central tower, presents a picturesque appearance. It is surrounded by a tastefully laid out garden and orchard, amongst the fruit-trees being a number of oranges, which though planted more with a view to ornament than utility, nevertheless are likely to combine both. The house and grounds are well shel-tered by a number of large and shapely eucalyptus trees of the species known as peppermint, on which the foliage is dense enough to break the force of the winter winds and throw a grateful shade in summer. At present there is a newness about the house and grounds which detracts from its pic-turesqueness, but that is a fault which every day will help to remedy. A large lodge has been erected at the entrance gates, and an avenue partly formed, but the wet weather has put a stop to any further work being done in making the drive. The domestic water supply is provided for by an underground tank con-taining 33,000 gallons of water, which accord-ing as it is required is pumped by an Althouse windmill into a number of 400 gallon iron tanks on an elevated stand, from which it is laid on to the house and outbuildings, the heavy rainfall being always sufficient to pro- vide an adequate supply. The stable is a conveniently arranged building, containing four stalls and two loose boxes as well as a coach house and groom's room. It is 38 feet by 53 feet, built of wood and roofed with iron. The residence of the former proprietor occupies a pretty site on the crown of the other hill alluded to above, and is now occu- pied by the farm manager. The farm horses are also kept here, a large cowshed being con- verted into a stable ; an annexe has been added to this building for the purpose of keep- ing machinery and implements under cover. A large barn, close at hand, is partly filled with hay, and also contains a chaffcutter and corn- crusher, worked by a powerful horse works. A reaper and binder, with which the harvesting is done, is sheltered from the weather here. The stock consists principally of horses and a few cattle, a number of fine Clydesdale mares and some Shetland ponies being amongst them. The draught stock comprise some imported mares which have been secured at great ex- pense, and a colonial bred stallion, King Roderick, by Roderick Dhu from Blossom, by Cox's Prince of Wales. He is a 6-year-old horse, standing 16 hands 2 inches, with tho- roughly sound feet, a point of great value in any horse, and one not frequently found nowa- days in Clydesdales, owing in a measure to the practice of high feeding indulged in by many owners. He is a dapple brown horse, with a grand arm and shoulder, good quarters and splendid action. His stock are very promising, and are thought highly of by Mr. Grice. Amongst the mares is Blackball Maggie, a mare imported from Scotland by Mr. A. McWinnie. She is by Topsman, her ( B being Belle, by llautin' Bobin. She is a bca B tiful clear bay in color with large flat boiiOi H plenty of fine silky hair, and when moving s b shows excellent action. In Scotland she « B noted prize winner, having taken first prize B Dumbarton, first at Drymer, first at Johns o . , B open to all Scotland ; and second at the u g g land Society's Show, Glasgow. A gr« I g ling filly from her, approaching m siM » B old, shows what a valuable brood mare. 7-rrd marc, tiiongh now ra low l lion is H'ldl,cll's Grcek Maeg'C ' f S of tbo Valley, dam Riddcll's 1 t Mnrei 2nd. Sho lias an excel-ff fool at foot ¥ King Roderick. A lomilo of mores by Big Gun show many of the £ ' .eristics of their sire, the most of whoso ! are of a high order of merit Another , (|ie Marquis of Lorue is noticeable for rrfleoraura. Mr. Grice has not had I- casualties with iris mares, though he finds To heavy draughts require more watching - ar0 much more susceptiblo to injury if llccted thou arc lighter mares. Tho groat aT'toiard when they are in foal is to see that Lrdo not get too fat. Keeping them in air but not high condition, and giving them , tv of generous food after foaling, he finds - the' bMt rrav of managing them. Of course it !! in.iltnpnsablo to watch thorn carefully, any neglect in that respect being likely to result iu rerious loss. . Tbe Shetland ponies are a nice, well bred lot of iheir hind, and arc all descended from imported slock. In 1861 Mr. Sumner, of Grice, Sumner and Co., imported a pony jiillion named Aloe, and subsequently another pear mare cf the same name. These were mated, and the progeny put to a Inter importation named Bonuio Charlie, aud have siuco been FrsJ down from that strain. Abont two years soMr, Grice imported a stallion, aud is now using liimin thcslnd. Tho brcedingof ponies up to the lost couple of years has been a profitable undertaking, the prices realised being frequently greater than could be obtained for largo horses, but owing to their going somewhat out of
    fashion the price Iras fallen, and tlrcre is also s greater difficulty in getting a sale for them. Mr. Grice, however, has been lncky in getting bis ponies fairly woli matched and has thus been enabled to dispose of a number of pairs. He also makes it a rule to sell only thoso he has broken in and can recommend ns thoroughly quiet Remunerative prices are thus obtained, tod as it does not take much to keep the little thing.', (hey are looked upon as profitable. Mr. Grice also owns Crusader, probably the fiuest Arab stallion ever imported to Australia. Ife stands ovor 15 hands in height, with immenso bone nnd subslauco for one of his brood. In color bo is bay, with black points. Ho was

    raced in India n nnmbcrof times, nud won every race he started for, some of them being very important stakes. He is now on view at Kirk's Bazaar.21
  • 20 Feb 1893: GRICE.—On the 16th inst., at Eirrac, Berwick the wife of Richard Grice of a daughter (stillborn). Louise Jane Currie22
  • 12 Nov 1910: WEDNESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. At 3 o'Clock.
    W. S. KEAST and F. G. HARTLEY (in conjunction) have received instructions to sell by public auction, on account of the owner, That beautiful country villa residence, "WANALTA,"
    together with about 8 acres of land, almost immediately adjoining the Berwick R.S., now occupied by Richard Grice, Esq.
    The property is modern throughout, and contains 8 rooms, also stabling, outhouses, cow shed, buggy shed and man's room. The soil is of the richest quality, beautifully laid out in garden and paddocks, including an orchard of about 200 trees.
    To those in search of a week end home, the position of this property is unsurpassed, the situation being within 28 miles of Melbourne, with a splendid train service, including Sundays, and the station within 3 minutes' walk. The district is noted for its climate, scenery, &c., and magnificent view of the surrounding country are obtained from this property.
    Title, certificate.
    For further particulars, apply W. S. Keast and Co., 610 Collins- street, Melbourne; and F G. Hartley, 330 Collins-street. Melbourne. Frank Gerard Hartley23
  • 25 May 1911: Property Sales. Messrs. D. Stuart Bain & Co., of Collins street. Melbourne, and Berwick, report having effected the following very recent sales of country property: on account F. G. Hartley, gentleman's residence, " Wonalta," and 2 acres of land at Berwick, to R. Grice; on account of Hon. Jas. Gibb, land, Berwick, to R. Grice; on account C. Kent, land, Berwick, to R. Grice;24
  • 27 Mar 1912: REV COLE, Church of England, Berwick, and Miss HIBBERSTON, who were each left £100 (one hundred pounds) in codicil of the will of the late Richard Grice, of Wonalta, Berwick, send Address to F. HAYHOW, Victoria Coffee Palace, Collins-street. , Annie Barbara Herbertson Rev Alfred James Cole25


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), VPRS 7591/ P2 unit 467, item 121/514
    VPRS 28/ P3 unit 233, item 121/514.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 10595 - Retse 24.594 Alfred Sikes to Hy Jennings.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 10595 - Conveyance Thos James & Charles Rossiter to Henry Jennings 34.297.
  4. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online).
  5. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  6. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 20 Sep 1884, p1
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 989-774 - Richard Grice - C/T 1646-100.
  8. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 989-773 - Richard Grice of Melbourne Esquire - C/T 1694-753.
  9. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  10. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1016-151 - Richard Grice of Berwick Grazier.
  11. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3247-228 - Richard Grice - C/T 3533-521.
  12. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2092-372 - Richard Grice - C/T 3533-522.
  13. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), see probate Richard Grice.
  14. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 3534-714 - Richard Grice of Berwick Esquire.
  15. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 7 Sep 1911, p9
  16. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 8 Sep 1911, p16
  17. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1016-151 - Memo No 49647. Richard Grice died the 6th September 1911. On the 1st day of November 1911 Probate of the will and codicil of the said Richard Grice was granted to Edwin Currie of Gala Lismore Esquire and Henry Alan Currie of Mount Elephant Derrinallum Esquire as executors. Dated the 23rd day of November 1911.
  18. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 3534-714 - The Honorable William Pearson of Kilmany Park Sale M.L.C, Agar Wynne of 421Collins Street Melbourne Gentleman, and Hampton Alexander Gooch of Kilmany Park Sale Gentleman - joint proprietors.
  19. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1016-151 - James Ferguson of Reserve Street Berwick Engine Driver.
  20. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    4-647 Grice Louisa J. F 50 31/12/1908 446
    4-647-B Grice R. M 52 13/09/1911 480
    4-647 Grice 0 18/02/1893 258.
  21. [S14] Newspaper - Leader (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 3 Sep 1887, p10
  22. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 20 Feb 1893, p1
  23. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 12 Nov 1910, p2
  24. [S14] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), 25 May 1911, p2
  25. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), 27 Mar 1912, p1
Last Edited27 Dec 2024

Scott Alexander Sharp

M, #25118, b. 1875, d. 1938
Birth*1875 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #B10762/1875 (par John SHARP & Agnes CROW) - as Scott Alexander SHARP.1 
Marriage*1903 #M2609/1903, Scott Alex SHARP & Beatrice May WIMBLE.2
Land-Berwick*13 Apr 1915 BER-Crown-18 part. Transfer from Winifred Grice Chirnside to Scott Alexander Sharp. 4a 0r 33 1/2p - Tx 772536 - this land is situate along Langmore Lane.3 
Land-Berwick*18 Jun 1915 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 777815). Transfer from James Gibb to Scott Alexander Sharp. C/T 3905-902.4 
Land-Berwick*24 Apr 1930 BER-Crown-18 part. Transfer from Scott Alexander Sharp to Florence Mary D'Arcy. 4a 0r 33 1/2p - this land is situate along Langmore Lane.5 
Death*1938 Kew, VIC, Australia, #D2484/1938 (Age 64) (par John SHARP & Agnes CROW) - as Scott Alexander SHARP.6 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B10762/1875 (par John SHARP & Agnes CROW) - as Scott Alexander SHARP, Birth registered at Melb, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M2609/1903, Scott Alex SHARP & Beatrice May WIMBLE."
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3094-632 - Scott Alexander Sharp of Berwick Gentleman - C/T 3874-760.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 3905-902 - Scott Alexander Sharpe.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3874-760 - Florence Mary D'Arcy of "Quambi" Officer Married Woman.
  6. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D2484/1938 (Age 64) (par John SHARP & Agnes CROW) - as Scott Alexander SHARP, born Melbourne East. Death registered at Kew, Australia."
Last Edited5 Jan 2025

Hampton Alexander Gooch

M, #25119, b. 1873, d. 7 Mar 1954
Father*George Cornelius Gooch b. 24 Sep 1837, d. 21 Nov 1915
Mother*Emily Mason Richman
Birth*1873 Corromande Valley, SA, Australia. 
Marriage*1902 Spouse: Lilias Lorne Campbell McLeod. VIC, Australia, #M127/1902.1
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick7 Dec 1911 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 660384). Transfer from Richard Grice to William Pearson, Agar Wynne, Hampton Alexander Gooch. 66 ft frontage to Station Street x 650 ft. This piece of land was transferred by the executors of Richard Grice's will, and was valued at £30 in the probate. It was fenced but had no other improvements.2 
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick13 Nov 1912 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 660384). Transfer from William Pearson to Agar Wynne Hampton Alexander Gooch. Now only two proprietors.3 
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick31 Jul 1915 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 781471). Transfer from James Gibb to Agar Wynne Hampton Alexander Gooch. C/T 3905-903 frontage 58' 8" to Station Street.4 
(Transfer from) Land-Berwick21 Nov 1933 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 660384). Transfer from Agar Wynne Hampton Alexander Gooch to Dora Gipson. 66 ft frontage to Station Street x 650 ft.5 
(Transfer from) Land-Berwick21 Nov 1933 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 781471), Station Street. Transfer from Agar Wynne Hampton Alexander Gooch to Dora Gipson. Frontage 58' 8" to Station Street.6 
Death*7 Mar 1954 Springvale, VIC, Australia, #D16572/1954 (Age 81) (par George Cornelius GOOCH & Unknown RICHMOND) - as Hampton Alexander GOOCH.7 
Death-Notice*9 Mar 1954 GOOCH, Hampton Alexander, of 28 Marley street, Sale.–On March 7, beloved husband of the late Lillias, and loving father of Helen (deceased), Margaret (Mrs. Wallinga), and James.
GOOCH.—The Friends of the late Mr. HAMPTON ALEXANDER GOOCH, of 28 Marley street, Sale, are notified that his Funeral will arrive at the Spring Vale Crematorium TOMORROW (Wednesday, March 10.) at 1.30 p.m.:
GARNAR & SON PTY; LTD., Dandenong. Phone 308.8 


Lilias Lorne Campbell McLeod
Child 1.Emily Margaret Gooch b. 1906, d. 17 Sep 1980


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 3534-714 - The Honorable William Pearson of Kilmany Park Sale M.L.C, Agar Wynne of 421Collins Street Melbourne Gentleman, and Hampton Alexander Gooch of Kilmany Park Sale Gentleman - joint proprietors.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3534-714 - Agar Wynne of 421Collins Street Melbourne Gentleman, and Hampton Alexander Gooch of Kilmany Park Sale Gentleman - joint proprietors.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 3905-903 - Agar Wynne of 421Collins Street Melbourne Gentleman, and Hampton Alexander Gooch of Kilmany Park Sale Gentleman - joint proprietors.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3534-714 - Dora Gipson of St Margaret's School Mayfield Avenue Malvern Schoolmistress.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3905-903 - Dora Gipson of St Margaret's School Mayfield Avenue Malvern Schoolmistress.
  7. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D16572/1954 (Age 81) (par George Cornelius GOOCH & Unknown RICHMOND) - as Hampton Alexander GOOCH, born Corromande Valle South Australia. Death registered at Springvale, Australia."
  8. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 9 Mar 1954, p15
Last Edited8 Dec 2022

Robert Louis Moysey

M, #25120, b. 1859, d. 25 Jul 1935
Father*James Bickford Moysey
Mother*Susannah Brown Treeby
Birth*1859 Moorabbin, VIC, Australia, #B154/1859 - as Robert Lewis MOYSEY.1 
Land-Berwick*14 Jun 1888 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 184366) Christians Meeting House, 108 High Street. Transfer from James Gibb to Robert Louis Moysey, William Henry Moysey, George Matthews, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick. See C/T 2070-845 (Christians Meeting House for Church of Christ.)2 
Marriage*1891 Spouse: Caroline Harriet Matthews. VIC, Australia, #M4086/1891.3
Land-Note*11 Apr 1931 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 184366) Rechabite Hall, High Street. Edward Paul Hillbrick Red Ink No 3189390. Robert Louis Moysey of Narre Warren and Edward Paul Hillbrick of Gippsland Road Berwick Farmers the survivors of the proprietors named herein, are, by direction of The Commissioner of Titles, now registered as joint proprietors of the land now comprised herein. See C/T 5744-618.4 
Death*25 Jul 1935 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D15672/1935 (Age 76) [par James Bickford MOYSEY & Susan Brown TREEBY].5 
Death-Notice*26 Jul 1935 MOYSEY.—On the 25th July, at his residence, Narre Warren, Robert Louis, beloved husband of Carie Moysey and father of Horace (deceased), May, Irene, Ida and Cyril, aged 76 years.
MOYSEY.—The Friends of the late Mr. ROBERT LOUIS MOYSEY are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Berwick Cemetery. Funeral to leave his residence, Narre Warren, THIS DAY (Friday), 26th July, at 3 o'clock.
JOHN GRANT, Undertaker, Berwick, Phone 25.6 


  • 1-073 A+B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia, Caroline Harriet (-Mathews) Moysey 1873-1959 wife/ Robert Louis
    Robert Louis Moysey 1859-1935 hus/ Caroline Harriet
    Horace Oliver Moysey 1892-1921
    Cyril Edward Moysey 1903-1938
    May Elsie Moysey 1894-19597


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online).
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 2070-845 - Robert Louis Moysey and William Henry Moysey both of Narre Warren, George Matthews of Harkaway Berwick and Edward Paul Hillbrick and Ernest Hillbrick both of Gippsland Road Berwick all farmers are now the proprietors.
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-845 - Red Ink No 3189390. Robert Louis Moysey of Narre Warren and Edward Paul Hillbrick of Gippsland Road Berwick Farmers the survivors of the proprietors named herein, are, by direction of The Commissioner of Titles, now registered as joint proprietors of the land now comprised herein.
    Title cancelled see C/T 5744-618 - This certificate is issued pursuant to section 79 Act 3791 the duplicate having as is alleged been lost.
  5. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  6. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 26 Jul 1935, p1
  7. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    1-073-A Moysey     Robert L. & Caroline Harriette 26/07/1935 937
    1-073-A Moysey     Cyril M 34 30/06/1938 997
    1-073-B Moysey     Horace O. M 21 20/10/1921 679
    1-073-B Moysey May Elsie F 64 29/12/1957 1416.
Last Edited14 Mar 2024

William Henry Moysey

M, #25121, b. 1861, d. 1922
Father*James Bickford Moysey
Mother*Susannah Brown Treeby
Birth*1861 Moorabbin, VIC, Australia, #B155/1861 [par James Bick'd MOYSEY & Susannah Brown TREBY].1 
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick14 Jun 1888 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 184366) Christians Meeting House, 108 High Street. Transfer from James Gibb to Robert Louis Moysey, William Henry Moysey, George Matthews, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick. See C/T 2070-845 (Christians Meeting House for Church of Christ.)2 
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick30 Mar 1894 BER-Subn-16.17.22, Inglis Road. Transfer from Patrick McMullen to James Funston, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick, William Henry Moysey, James Herman Jackel, Herman Carl Jackel, Johann Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch. 65a 0r 4p.3 
(Transfer from) Land-Berwick30 Aug 1894 BER-Subn-16.S17 (part), Inglis Road. Transfer from James Funston, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick, William Henry Moysey, James Herman Jackel, Herman Carl Jackel, Johann Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch to Alfred Ede. 4a 0r 0p (transfer 350844.)4 
(Transfer from) Land-Berwick23 Oct 1895 BER-Subn-16.S17 (part), Inglis Road. Transfer from Thomas George Funston, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick, William Henry Moysey, James Herman Jackel, Herman Carl Jackel, Johann Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch to Bertha Emma Meyer. 12a 0r 0p (transfer 363895.)5 
(Transfer from) Land-Berwick6 Nov 1896 BER-Subn-16.17.22 (part), Inglis Road. Transfer from Thomas George Funston, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick, William Henry Moysey, James Herman Jackel, Herman Carl Jackel to Johann Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch. 49a 0r 4p.6 
Death*1922 Yinnar, VIC, Australia, #D15177/1922 (Age 62) [par James Bickford MOYSEY & Susanna Brown UNKNOWN].7


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online).
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 2070-845 - Robert Louis Moysey and William Henry Moysey both of Narre Warren, George Matthews of Harkaway Berwick and Edward Paul Hillbrick and Ernest Hillbrick both of Gippsland Road Berwick all farmers are now the proprietors.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2520-866 - proprietors as tenants-in-common in the following shares: Ernest Hillbrick (3 of 11 shares), Edward Paul Hillbrick (2 of 11 shares), William Henry Moysey (1 of 11 shares), Johan Friedrich Wilhelm Aurisch (1 of 11 shares) all of Narre Warren Farmers, James Herman Jackel of Berwick Carpenter (1 of 11 shares), James Funston of Berwick Boardinghouse Keeper (2 of 11 shares), and Herman Jackel of Berwick Farmer (1 of 11 shares) - parent titles C/T 30-831, C/T 118-490, C/T 118-491.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2520-866 - Alfred Ede of Engles Road Berwick Gentleman - C/T 2540-961.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2520-866 - Bertha Emma Meyer the wife of Jonathan Meyer of Beaconsfield Road Berwick Farmer - C/T 2589-754.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2520-866 - Johan Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch of Narree Worran Farmer - C/T 2629-646 (transfer 376284 - 10 of the 11 shares are transferred to Wilhelm Aurisch -
    now sole proprietor).
  7. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
Last Edited25 Sep 2020

George Matthews

M, #25122, b. 1838, d. 20 Jun 1910
Note* Caroline Vinecombe. Also had six sons between 1869-1882 in Victoria, and earlier children in South Australia. 
Marriage*1 Dec 1857 Spouse: Caroline Vinecombe. Res of John Elsden, Noarlunga, SA, Australia, #M32/383, Marriage Date: 1 Dec 1857, Place: Res of John Elsden Noarlunga, South Australia
George Matthews & Caroline Vinecombe
Father: James Matthews, Spouse Father: William Vinecombe.1
Land-Berwick*29 Feb 1884 BER-Crown-4 (part). Transfer from John Wiegard to George Matthews. Memorial 315-911 Contract of sale part Section 4 (255 acres) with carriage way 33' wide £2000 (£100 cash; £900 within a month; £1000 on 22 June 1888.)2 
Land-Berwick*11 May 1887 BER-Crown-4 (part). Transfer from George Matthews to Herbert Dawson Smith. Memorial 338-297 Conveyance part Section 4 (255 acres) with carriage way 33' wide £2932 10s.3 
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick14 Jun 1888 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 184366) Christians Meeting House, 108 High Street. Transfer from James Gibb to Robert Louis Moysey, William Henry Moysey, George Matthews, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick. See C/T 2070-845 (Christians Meeting House for Church of Christ.)4 
Marriage*1903 Spouse: Ann Ritchie. VIC, Australia, #M5508/1903, Geo MATTHEWS & Ann RITCHIE.5
Widower10 Jul 1903George Matthews became a widower upon the death of his wife Caroline Vinecombe.6 
Death*20 Jun 1910 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D4363/1910 (Age 72) (par Unknown & Elizth) - as Geo MATTHEWS.7 
Death-Notice*21 Jun 1910 MATTHEWS.—On the 20th June, at the Nursing Home, "Shipton," Berwick, George Matthew, the beloved husband of Ann Matthews, of Pakenham, aged 72 years.8 


  • Pakenham Cemetery, Pakenham, VIC, Australia9


Caroline Vinecombe b. 1839, d. 10 Jul 1903
Children 1.Caroline Harriet Matthews+ b. 1873, d. 1959
 2.Stephen George Matthews13 b. 1875, d. 1888


  • 17 Dec 1884: MEETING AT HARKAWAY.
    A public meeting of persons interested in cutting down Buchanan's hill was held in the Harkaway school house on Monday evening last. About fifteen persons were present, Mr. Matthews occupying the chair. The chairman expressed regret at seeing so few persons present and at the apathy displayed by the residents of Harkaway on this important matter, he also referred to the inspection by the Shire Council of the different routes in lieu of Buchanan's hill. The Council considered a deviation through Buchanan's paddock the best, but Mr. Buchanan objected to it, and the Council had an aversion to force a road.—Mr. Anderson thought the best thing to do was to face the hill, and it was for the meeting to decide whether the matter was to he dealt with or not. - Mr. Andrews considered it a matter that affected them individually. They should levy a rate of one shilling per acre on the land in Harkaway that would be benefited by the road as a subscription towards cutting the hill, they should then go to the Council and demand their rights, and if the Council had not sufficient funds a special loan should be demanded. He considered the Council had not acted fairly towards Harkaway, but spent their money on those whose favors they want. The road leading to his own place had had nothing done to it and was in very bad state. They should try and shame the Council. He would suggest that the Berwick Riding Councillors be requested to obtain a statement of the money expended in Harkaway during the last twenty years, as was done in Beaconsfield. They would then see they were entitled to have the hill cut down. Twelve hundred or fifteen hundred pounds should do it. Mr. Fritzlaff wanted to know if £1500 was spent on the hill, should a horse pull half a load up it? His opinion was it would not take a quarter of a load.
    —Mr Hallam was of the same opinion. The engineer's report was most infavorable. He would like to know how much Harkaway would contribute to cutting the hill down ; Hessel's road could be repaired for a deal less:—Mr. Andrews
    said they must stick to the hill; to consider other routes was only to throiw a red herring in their path, and would foil them ...
    A subscription list was then opened, and about £50 promised in the room, A committee was appointed to canvas for subscriptions, and also a deputation; to wait on the Shire Council to urge their claims.
    A vote of thanks to the chairman and the meeting adjourned to that day fortnight.10
  • 4 May 1887: HARKAWAY. CLEARING SALE, MAY 9th, 1887.
    JOSEPH CLARKE and CO. have received instructions from Mr. George Matthews, who has sold his farm, to sell by auction, on the above date, at the Farm, Harkaway, the whole of his
    40 Head Choice Dairy Cattle—20 in full milk, 20 springers - 1 Alderney Bull, 3 years old
    3 Useful Medium Draught Mares
    1 Saddle Horse
    1 Timor Pony, 2 years old
    1 Chaffcutter, with Horse Works, by Robinson
    Iron Plough, Set Harrows, Field Roller Reaping Machine, Spring Cart with Break, Blacksmiths Anvil - 1 Double-seated Buggy, nearly new; 1 set of Buggy Harness, new, 1 Bay Buggy Mare—to be sold in one lot
    Churn, Milk cans, Dishes and numerous Sundries
    Household Furniture. -
    On account of the large number of lots the sale will commence at Eleven o'clock.
    Luncheon provided. Catalogues at the sale.11
    Mr. George Matthews, who recently sold his farm at Harkaway to Smith Bros. and Rising, has been the victim of a piece of seemingly very sharp practice, and in the interests of all farmers we deem it advisable to give publicity to the case. So far as we can learn the particulars are as follow :—Some time ago Mr. Matthews, desiring to sell his farm, put it into the hands of McEwan and Co., of Melbourne, for disposal, the price being stated. Some time after McEwan and Co. introduced a probable purchaser to Mr. Matthews. The place was inspected, and the would-be buyer, expressive of his satisfaction, agreed to purchase at £12 10s. per acre. £100 deposit money was paid to the agents. There the transaction ended, the buyer failing to fulfil within the specified time. McEwan and Co. still held the property for sale, and in process of time introdued the present holders, at a price much below that of the abortive sale. When the sale and transfer to Smith Bros. and Rising had been completed the agents surprised the vendor by including in their account an item for conmmission "in full" on the umcompleted as well as the completed sale. The vendor objected, but an appeal to law showed that he was responsible, and had to pay commission on both sales. This seems to us an unfair law. What is to prevent collusion between agents and dummy buyers? A £10 deposit wound have been as evidential of bona fide intention as £100, and the commission would far exceed the deposit.
    We certainly agree with a writer in the Herald that steps should be taken to have some alteration made in the law relating to sales and commission thereon. Some of our local auctioneers gave it as their opinion, when the appeal to law was made, that the appeal would not be unheld, but that opinion notwithstanding, farmers are at the mercy of agents in whose hands they place their property for disposal, for a sale is held completed, so far as the agent is concerned, when a deposit has been paid, and the vendor must then pay "full" commission whether the transaction goes further or not.12


  1. [S63] South Australian Government. BDM Index South Australia "South Australia Marriages
    #M32/383, Marriage Date: 1 Dec 1857, Place: Res of John Elsden Noarlunga, South Australia
    George Matthews & Caroline Vinecombe
    Father: James Matthews, Spouse Father: William Vinecombe."
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Memorial Book 315 No 911 29 Feb 1884 / 2 May 1884 (Ap 36790)
    See also memorials 338-295; 338-296; 338-297;.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Memorial Book 338-297 11 May 1887 (Ap 36790).
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 2070-845 - Robert Louis Moysey and William Henry Moysey both of Narre Warren, George Matthews of Harkaway Berwick and Edward Paul Hillbrick and Ernest Hillbrick both of Gippsland Road Berwick all farmers are now the proprietors.
  5. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M5508/1903, Geo MATTHEWS & Ann RITCHIE."
  6. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D8697/1903 (Age 64) (par Richd VINECOMBE & Elizth MOORE) - as Carol MATTHEWS, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  7. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D4363/1910 (Age 72) (par Unknown & Elizth) - as Geo MATTHEWS, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  8. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 21 Jun 1910, p1
  9. [S38] Index of burials in the cemetery of…,.
  10. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 17 Dec 1884, p3
  11. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 4 May 1887, p2
  12. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 17 Aug 1887, p3
  13. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D8554/1888 (Age 13) (par George MATTHEWS & Carol VINECOMBE) - as Stephen George MATTHEWS, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
Last Edited2 Jul 2022

Edward Paul Hillbrick

M, #25123, b. 15 Jan 1860, d. 17 Dec 1937
Father*Johann Gottlieb Hillbrick b. 1814, d. 13 Nov 1899
Mother*Maria Dorothea Wagner b. 1821, d. 1888
Probate (Will)* 297/823. Edward P Hillbrich, Residence: Narre Warren, Occupation: Dairy Farmer, Date Of Death: 17 Dec 1937, Date Of Grant: 12 May 1938.1 
Birth*15 Jan 1860 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #B1915/1860 (par John Gottlieb HILLBRIH & Dorathia WAGNER) - as Edward HILLBRIH.2 
Marriage*10 May 1881 Spouse: Johanna Lydia Jakel. At Hillbrick home, Narre Warren, VIC, Australia, #M2688/1881, Paul Edward HILLBRICK & Johanna Lydia JAKEL.3,4
Land-Berwick*27 Feb 1883 BER-Crown-14 (part). Transfer from Johann Gottlieb Hillbrick to Edward Paul Hillbrick. Transfer 114763 - 60a (centre of property) - C/T 1437-253 - this property had a 6-room wb house on it.5 
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick14 Jun 1888 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 184366) Christians Meeting House, 108 High Street. Transfer from James Gibb to Robert Louis Moysey, William Henry Moysey, George Matthews, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick. See C/T 2070-845 (Christians Meeting House for Church of Christ.)6 
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick30 Mar 1894 BER-Subn-16.17.22, Inglis Road. Transfer from Patrick McMullen to James Funston, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick, William Henry Moysey, James Herman Jackel, Herman Carl Jackel, Johann Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch. 65a 0r 4p.7 
(Transfer from) Land-Berwick30 Aug 1894 BER-Subn-16.S17 (part), Inglis Road. Transfer from James Funston, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick, William Henry Moysey, James Herman Jackel, Herman Carl Jackel, Johann Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch to Alfred Ede. 4a 0r 0p (transfer 350844.)8 
(Transfer from) Land-Berwick23 Oct 1895 BER-Subn-16.S17 (part), Inglis Road. Transfer from Thomas George Funston, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick, William Henry Moysey, James Herman Jackel, Herman Carl Jackel, Johann Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch to Bertha Emma Meyer. 12a 0r 0p (transfer 363895.)9 
(Transfer from) Land-Berwick6 Nov 1896 BER-Subn-16.17.22 (part), Inglis Road. Transfer from Thomas George Funston, Edward Paul Hillbrick, Ernest Gottlieb Hillbrick, William Henry Moysey, James Herman Jackel, Herman Carl Jackel to Johann Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch. 49a 0r 4p.10 
Land-Berwick2 Jul 1914 BER-Crown-14 (part). Transfer from Johann Gottlieb Hillbrick to Edward Paul Hillbrick. Transfer 752343 - 40a (N of previous land) - C/T 3810-822 - a 4-room wb cottage was on this property. It was later moved to 7 Rutland Road Berwick.11 
Land-Berwick*26 Mar 1920 BER-Town S10-1.2.3. Transfer from Johanna Christiane Koenig to Edward Paul Hillbrick. 1a 2r.12 
Land-Berwick*4 Sep 1920 BER-Town S10-1.2.3. Transfer from Edward Paul Hillbrick to William John Stuart. 1a 2r.13 
Land-Note*11 Apr 1931 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 184366) Rechabite Hall, High Street. Robert Louis Moysey Red Ink No 3189390. Robert Louis Moysey of Narre Warren and Edward Paul Hillbrick of Gippsland Road Berwick Farmers the survivors of the proprietors named herein, are, by direction of The Commissioner of Titles, now registered as joint proprietors of the land now comprised herein. See C/T 5744-618.14 
Widower15 Feb 1934Edward Paul Hillbrick became a widower upon the death of his wife Johanna Lydia Jakel.15 
Death*17 Dec 1937 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D17772/1937 (Age 77) (par Johann Gettliele HILLBRICH & Maria Dora WAGNER) - as Edward Paul HILLBRICH.16 


Johanna Lydia Jakel b. 1860, d. 15 Feb 1934
Child 1.Sydney James Hillbrick21 b. 1892, d. 1956


  • 4 May 1933: NARRE WARREN. While Mr. E. P. Hillbrick, “Sunnyside,” Narre Warren, was attempting to blow open a fallen three with gunpowder for firewood, an explosion occurred which temporarily blinded him. He had placed a charge there which did not explode. Then he went up to investigate. He extracted the failing explosive and laid it along the tree. Placing a portion of it further along the tree, he set fire, meaning to test it. It exploded, as the remainder did also. He was hurried to Berwick, where Dr. Langmore rendered first aid. Later he was removed to a private hospital in Melbourne. He remained there for a few days, and has returned to Narre Warren, with the sight of both eyes preserved. Mr. Hillbrick is a very highly respected citizen, and was one of the early pioneers of the Narre Warren district.17
  • 18 Dec 1937: NARRE WARREN.—Mr. Edward P. Hillbrick, an old resident of the district, has died aged 77.18
  • 18 Dec 1937: Mr. Edward Paul Hillbrich at his home, Sunnyside. He was aged 77 years, and was born in the district. He is survived by two sons and four daughters.19
  • 23 Dec 1937: BERWICK. Another old and respected resident of this district, in the person of Mr. Edwin Paul Hillbrick, passed to the Great Beyond early on Friday morning last. Mr. Hillbrick had resided at “Sunnyside,” Narre Warren, since his birth, 77 years ago. He was widely known for his sterling character and integrity, and was for many years an active member of the Church of Christ, at Berwick. Though in failing health for some time, it was only during the last week or two that he was confined to his room, after which he gradually sank, and passed peacefully away. His remains, were interred in the Harkaway Cemetery on Saturday afternoon, where a large number of friends paid their last respects to his memory. Three sons and four daughters are left to mourn their loss. His wife predeceased him a few years ago.20


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28) / Wills (VPRS7591)
    297/823. Edward P Hillbrich, Residence: Narre Warren, Occupation: Dairy Farmer, Date Of Death: 17 Dec 1937, Date Of Grant: 12 May 1938
    VPRS 28/P0003, 297/823; VPRS 7591/P0002, 297/823.
  2. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B1915/1860 (par John Gottlieb HILLBRIH & Dorathia WAGNER) - as Edward HILLBRIH, Birth registered at Berw, Australia."
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M2688/1881, Paul Edward HILLBRICK & Johanna Lydia JAKEL."
  4. [S80] Ancestry - Family Tree, Ancestry Tree Name: PJD Family Tree, Tree ID: 112230413
    Person viewed: Eduard Paul 'Hülbrich' HILBRICH, Birth Date: 15 Jan 1860, Harkaway, Berwick, W Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, Marriage Date: 10 May 1881, Marriage Place: Hillbrich Homestead, Narre Warren, Harkaway, Victoria, Australia, Marriage Spouse: Johanna Lydia JÄCKEL, Death Date: 16 Dec 1937, 'Sunnyside', Narre Warren, Berwick District, West Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1424-649 - Edward Paul Hillbrick of Harkaway in the county of Mornington Farmer - C/T 1437-253.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 2070-845 - Robert Louis Moysey and William Henry Moysey both of Narre Warren, George Matthews of Harkaway Berwick and Edward Paul Hillbrick and Ernest Hillbrick both of Gippsland Road Berwick all farmers are now the proprietors.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2520-866 - proprietors as tenants-in-common in the following shares: Ernest Hillbrick (3 of 11 shares), Edward Paul Hillbrick (2 of 11 shares), William Henry Moysey (1 of 11 shares), Johan Friedrich Wilhelm Aurisch (1 of 11 shares) all of Narre Warren Farmers, James Herman Jackel of Berwick Carpenter (1 of 11 shares), James Funston of Berwick Boardinghouse Keeper (2 of 11 shares), and Herman Jackel of Berwick Farmer (1 of 11 shares) - parent titles C/T 30-831, C/T 118-490, C/T 118-491.
  8. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2520-866 - Alfred Ede of Engles Road Berwick Gentleman - C/T 2540-961.
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2520-866 - Bertha Emma Meyer the wife of Jonathan Meyer of Beaconsfield Road Berwick Farmer - C/T 2589-754.
  10. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2520-866 - Johan Frederick Wilhelm Aurisch of Narree Worran Farmer - C/T 2629-646 (transfer 376284 - 10 of the 11 shares are transferred to Wilhelm Aurisch -
    now sole proprietor).
  11. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1424-649 - Edward Paul Hillbrich of Narre Warren Dairyman - C/T 3810-822.
  12. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 743-452 - Red Ink No 2031649 - Johanna Christiane Koenig [herein called Christiana Koenig] died on the 17th May 1919. Probate of her will has been granted to Edwad Paul Hillbrick of Narre Warren Dairy Farmer. Dated the 26th day of March 1920.
  13. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 743-452 - William John Stuart of Berwick Farmer.
  14. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-845 - Red Ink No 3189390. Robert Louis Moysey of Narre Warren and Edward Paul Hillbrick of Gippsland Road Berwick Farmers the survivors of the proprietors named herein, are, by direction of The Commissioner of Titles, now registered as joint proprietors of the land now comprised herein.
    Title cancelled see C/T 5744-618 - This certificate is issued pursuant to section 79 Act 3791 the duplicate having as is alleged been lost.
  15. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D12361/1934 (Age 73) (par Erdmand YAKEL & Johanna Christina SCHOPPE) - as Lydia Johanna HILLBRICH, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  16. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D17772/1937 (Age 77) (par Johann Gettliele HILLBRICH & Maria Dora WAGNER) - as Edward Paul HILLBRICH, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  17. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Thu 4 May 1933, p4
  18. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 18 Dec 1937, p26
  19. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 18 Dec 1937, p8
  20. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Thu 23 Dec 1937, p4
  21. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B10642/1892 (par Edwd Paul HILLBRICH & Lydia Johanna YAKEL) - as Sydney Jas HILLBRICH, Birth registered at Berwick, Australia."
Last Edited1 Sep 2024

James Bickford Moysey

M, #25124
Marriage* Spouse: Susannah Brown Treeby.


Susannah Brown Treeby
Children 1.Robert Louis Moysey+ b. 1859, d. 25 Jul 1935
 2.William Henry Moysey b. 1861, d. 1922
Last Edited25 Sep 2020

Susannah Brown Treeby

F, #25125
Marriage* Spouse: James Bickford Moysey.
Married NameMoysey. 


James Bickford Moysey
Children 1.Robert Louis Moysey+ b. 1859, d. 25 Jul 1935
 2.William Henry Moysey b. 1861, d. 1922
Last Edited25 Sep 2020

Caroline Harriet Matthews

F, #25126, b. 1873, d. 1959
Father*George Matthews b. 1838, d. 20 Jun 1910
Mother*Caroline Vinecombe b. 1839, d. 10 Jul 1903
Married NameMoysey. 
Birth*1873 Amherst, VIC, Australia.1, #B13832/1873 par Geo MATTHEWS & Caroline VINSCOMBE] 
Marriage*1891 Spouse: Robert Louis Moysey. VIC, Australia, #M4086/1891.2
Widow25 Jul 1935Caroline Harriet Matthews became a widow upon the death of her husband Robert Louis Moysey.3 
Death*1959 Narre Warren, VIC, Australia, #D20461/1959 (Age 84) [par George MATHEWS & Carolin VINECOMBE].4 


  • 1-073 A+B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia, Caroline Harriet (-Mathews) Moysey 1873-1959 wife/ Robert Louis
    Robert Louis Moysey 1859-1935 hus/ Caroline Harriet
    Horace Oliver Moysey 1892-1921
    Cyril Edward Moysey 1903-1938
    May Elsie Moysey 1894-19595


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online).
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D20461/1959 - born NARRE WARREN."
  5. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    1-073-A Moysey     Robert L. & Caroline Harriette 26/07/1935 937
    1-073-A Moysey     Cyril M 34 30/06/1938 997
    1-073-B Moysey     Horace O. M 21 20/10/1921 679
    1-073-B Moysey May Elsie F 64 29/12/1957 1416.
Last Edited14 Mar 2024

Alexander Miller

M, #25127, b. 1857, d. 22 Aug 1946
Birth*1857 TAS, Australia. 
Marriage*May 1882 Spouse: Marian Henderson. Berwick, VIC, Australia, #M2353/1882.1
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick14 Jun 1888 BER-Crown-17.18 (tx 184367) Rechabite Hall, 106 High Street. Transfer from James Gibb to Thomas Henderson, Alexander Miller, John Grant, William Wilson, Thomas Cornelius Camm. See C/T 2070-846 (Rechabite Hall.)2 
Land-Note*27 Jul 1889 BER-Crown-17.18 (Rechabite Hall): Mortgagee: Thomas Henderson. Mortgage provided by Thomas Henderson to the five trustees - discharged 22 Nov 1920, partly discharged (£175) on 6 April 1908, remainder £550. Mortgagor was Alexander Miller, John Grant, William Wilson, Thomas Cornelius Camm.3,4 
Land-Note22 Nov 1920 BER-Crown-17.18 (Rechabite Hall). John Grant Red Ink No 2112344. Alexander Miller, John Grant, William Wilson the younger and Thomas Cornelius Camm the survivors of the proprietors named herein, are, by the direction of the Commissioner of Titles given under Section 268 of the Transfer of Land Act 1915, now registered as joint proprietors of the within described estate.5 
Land-Berwick*22 Nov 1920 BER-Crown-17.18 (Rechabite Hall), 106 High Street. Transfer from Alexander Miller, John Grant, William Wilson, Thomas Cornelius Camm to Harold Edward Elliott. Was Rechabite Hall - to be transferred and used as an RSL.6 
Land-Note1925 Pt CA 18 House N55.7 
Widower20 Feb 1926Alexander Miller became a widower upon the death of his wife Marian Henderson.8 
Land-Berwick*28 Sep 1926 BER-Crown-18 (part). Transfer from Marian Henderson to Alexander Miller. 3r 9 1/4p. This property was at the corner of Gibb Street (325 feet) and Clyde Road (300 feet.)9 
Land-Berwick*14 Oct 1937 BER-Subn-2 part, Bowling Club. Transfer from George Lindsay Wilson to Alexander Miller, Leslie Wilson Anderson, Cadwallader Jones. Tx 1665562 - C/T 6164-691.10 
Death*22 Aug 1946 Dandenong, VIC, Australia, #D20582/1946 (Age 89) [par Peter MILLER & Unknown].11 
Death-Notice*23 Aug 1946 MILLER.—On August 22, Alexander, loved husband of the late Marian Miller, formerly of Berwick, and loving father of Frank, Alex (deceased), and Madge (Mrs. Brocklebank), aged 89 years.12 
Land-Note*26 Nov 1946 BER-Crown-18 (part). Alexander Miller died on 22 August 1946. Probate of his will has been granted to Ralph Thomas Brocklebank of 4 Barenya Court Kew Bank Accountant.13 
Land-Berwick*19 Mar 1947 BER-Crown-18 (part). Transfer from Alexander Miller to Herman Immanuel Wanke. 3r 9 1/4p. This property was at the corner of Gibb Street (325 feet) and Clyde Road (300 feet.)14 
Land-Berwick*24 Nov 1961 BER-Subn-2 part. Transfer from Alexander Miller Cadwallader Jones to Leslie Wilson Anderson. Leslie Wilson Anderson of Point Lonsdale Gentleman is now the surviving proprietor.15 


  • 5-346-A + 5-346-B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia16


Marian Henderson b. 1860, d. 20 Feb 1926
Children 1.Frank Leslie Miller b. 1883
 2.Alexander Henderson Miller b. 1885, d. 26 Sep 1917
 3.Maggie May Miller b. 1887


  • 17 May 1882: ROUGH SKETCHES AND ODD JOTTINGS. (Items communicated).
    At Berwick, last week, Miss Minnie Henderson, daughter of Mr. Thomas Henderson, was united in matrimony Mr. Alexander Miller, also of that interesting township, being the happy bridegroom. As the parties are popular there has been quite a flutter in social circles over the event, the wedded couple having gone away on a honeymoon tour. Marian Henderson17
  • 18 Apr 1929: BERWICK. Mr. A. Miller, who for many years has conducted a timber yard and building business at Berwick, has sold out to Mr. A. C. Gardiner. Mr. Miller held a clearing sale on Friday last, and Mr. J. Sturken was the auctioneer. Albert Charles Gardiner18
  • 15 Jan 1947: AUCTION SALE - BERWICK - Township Property FRIDAY, JANUARY 24th, AT 2.30 P.M.
    Alex. Scott & Cos. Pty. Ltd, And MR. R. C. KEMP (Agents in conjunction) Have been favored with instructions from the Executor in the Estate of ALEX. MILLER (deceased) to offer as above on the property—
    ALL THAT piece of land being Part of Crown Section 18 Town and Parish of Berwick County of Mornington Vol. 1036 Folio 207060 on which is erected comfortable well-built W.B Home of 7 rooms and bathroom, with detached washhouse and verandah on three sides. House is in good condition with e.l. and water laid on.
    The property has a frontage of 174 feet to Clyde Rd. with a depth, of 190 feet along Gibb St.
    TERMS: Cash. Title Certificate.
    Solicitors: Messrs. Shaw and Turner 94 Queen St., Melbourne.
    For further particulars or arrangements to inspect apply:
    ALEX SCOTT & CO. PTY. LTD., Dandenong and Branches; MR. R. C. KEMP, Berwick (Agents in conj.)19


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1348-580 - C/T 2070-846 - Thomas Henderson Builder, Alexander Miller Carpenter, John Grant Wheelwright, William Wilson Contractor, Thomas Cornelius Camm Teacher all of Berwick are now the proprietors.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - Mortgage provided by Thomas Henderson to the five trustees - discharged 22 Nov 1920, partly discharged (£175) on 6 April 1908.
  4. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Inventory of Thomas Henderson outlines mortgage: VPRS 28/ P3 unit 426, item 132/875.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - Red Ink No 2112344. Alexander Miller, John Grant, William Wilson the younger and Thomas Cornelius Camm the survivors of the proprietors named herein, are, by the direction of the Commissioner of Titles given under Section 268 of the Transfer of Land Act 1915, now registered as joint proprietors of the within described estate.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - Harold Edward Elliott of 360 Collins Street Melbourne Solicitor.
  7. [S66] Berwick Shire Rates, 1870-1965.
  8. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D394/1926."
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1036-060 - Alexander Miller of Berwick Timber Merchant.
  10. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3918-439 - Alexander Miller Gentleman, Leslie Wilson Anderson Auctioneer and Cadwallader Jones Clergyman all of Berwick - joint proprietors - C/T 6164-691.
  11. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D20582/1946 - born CAMBRIA TASMANIA."
  12. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 23 Aug 1946, p2
  13. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1036-060 - Alexander Miller died on 22 August 1946. Probate of his will has been granted to Ralph Thomas Brocklebank of 4 Barenya Court Kew Bank Accountant.
  14. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1036-060 - Herman Immanuel Wanke of Narre Warren Farmer.
  15. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 6164-691 - Leslie Wilson Anderson of Point Lonsdale Gentleman is now the surviving proprietor.
  16. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    5-346-A Henderson Elizabeth F 66 18/10/1895 284
    5-346-B Miller Alexander M 89 23/08/1946 1188
    5-346-B Miller Marion F 66 21/02/1926 754.
  17. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 17 May 1882, p3
  18. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Thu 18 Apr 1929, p4
  19. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 15 Jan 1947, p4
Last Edited7 Jan 2025

Anne Louisa Brown

F, #25128, b. 1842, d. 20 Aug 1915
Married NameCamm. 
Marriage*1867 Spouse: Thomas Cornelius Camm. VIC, Australia, #M295/1867.1
Death*20 Aug 1915 Carlton North, VIC, Australia, #D8363/1915 (Age 73) [par Nathaniel BROWN & Carol BROWN].2 
Death-Notice*23 Aug 1915 CAMM.–On the 20th August, at "Belvoir," The Avenue, Royal Park, Anne Louisa, the beloved wife of T C Camm, aged 74 years. Private funeral. At rest.3 


Thomas Cornelius Camm b. 1838, d. 31 Jul 1925
Children 1.Florence May Camm4 b. 4 Apr 1870
 2.Ethel Maud Camm+5 b. 13 Feb 1872, d. 25 Oct 1955
 3.Willie Camm6 b. Nov 1873, d. 15 Nov 1873
 4.Constance Lillia Camm7 b. 1875
 5.Thomas Carlyle Leichardt Camm8 b. 11 Jan 1879
 6.Robert Harold John Camm9 b. 12 Sep 1880


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic), Mon 23 Aug 1915, p1
  4. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B7186/1870 (par Thomas Corneliu CAMM & Anne Louisa BROWN) - as Florence May CAMM, Birth registered at Berwick, Australia."
  5. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B817/1872 (par Thomas Corneli CAMM & Ann Louisa BROWN) - as Ethel Maud CAMM, Birth registered at Berw, Australia."
  6. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B22196/1873 (par Thos Cornelius CAMM & Ann Louisa BROWN) - as Willie CAMM, Birth registered at Berwick, Australia."
  7. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B21293/1875 (par Thomas Corneli CAMM & Anne Louisa BROWN) - as Constance Lillia CAMM, Birth registered at Berw, Australia."
  8. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B718/1879 (par Thomas Corneli CAMM & Ann Louisa BROWN) - as Thomas Carlyle Leichardt CAMM, Birth registered at Berw, Australia."
  9. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B20543/1880 (par Thos Cornelius CAMM & Ann Louisa BROWN) - as Robt Harold Jno CAMM, Birth registered at Berwick, Australia."
Last Edited19 Apr 2023

Ella Mary Colvin

F, #25129, b. 1872, d. 10 Jul 1951
Married NameCamm. 
Marriage*10 Apr 1918 Spouse: Thomas Cornelius Camm. Methodist Parsonage, Auburn, VIC, Australia, #M4148/1918.1
Marriage-Notice*1 May 1918 CAMM—COLVIN.—On the 10th April, at the Methodist Parsonage, Auburn, by the Rev. A. E. Albiston, M.A., Thomas C. Camm, to Ella Mary, youngest daughter of the late Frederic Colvin, Esq., Actuary, Savings Bank, Lewes, England.2 
Widow31 Jul 1925Ella Mary Colvin became a widow upon the death of her husband Thomas Cornelius Camm.3 
Death*10 Jul 1951 Coburg West, VIC, Australia, #D9924/1951 (Age 79) [par Frederic COLVIN & Ann CRUTTENDEN].3 
Death-Notice*12 Jul 1951 CAMM.—On July 10, at her home, 4 Saunders-street, West Coburg, Ella May, dearly loved wife of the late Thomas C. Camm, loving aunt of Daisy and Cicely, aged 79 years. Home at last. No flowers by request.4 


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  2. [S14] Newspaper - Spectator and Methodist Chronicle (Melbourne, Vic.), 1 May 1918, p438
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  4. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), 12 Jul 1951, p2
Last Edited25 Sep 2020

Harold Edward Elliott

M, #25130
Land-Berwick*22 Nov 1920 BER-Crown-17.18 (Rechabite Hall), 106 High Street. Transfer from Alexander Miller, John Grant, William Wilson, Thomas Cornelius Camm to Harold Edward Elliott. Was Rechabite Hall - to be transferred and used as an RSL.1 
Land-Berwick*26 Nov 1920 BER-Crown-17.18 (Soldiers Memorial Hall), 106 High Street. Transfer from Harold Edward Elliott to Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick.2 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - Harold Edward Elliott of 360 Collins Street Melbourne Solicitor.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick.
Last Edited25 Sep 2020

Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick

?, #25131
Land-Berwick*26 Nov 1920 BER-Crown-17.18 (Soldiers Memorial Hall), 106 High Street. Transfer from Harold Edward Elliott to Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick.1 
Land-Berwick*5 Sep 1930 BER-Crown-17.18 (Soldiers Memorial Hall), 106 High Street. Transfer from Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick to Robert Elsmere Haysey, Thomas Clair Whiteside, Sydney Alexander Greaves, Ernest Edward Gardiner, Alexander Hugh McNabb, Norman Edward Beaumont, Thomas Edward Roberts. C/T 5691-099. This may be the transfer to the Freemasons.2 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - C/T 5691-099 - Robert Elsmere Haysey, Thomas Clair Whiteside, Sydney Alexander Greaves, Ernest Edward Gardiner, Alexander Hugh McNabb, Norman Edward Beaumont, and Thomas Edward Roberts.
Last Edited25 Sep 2020

Robert Elsmere Haysey

M, #25132, b. 1894, d. 8 Apr 1979
Probate (Will)* 859/931. Robert Elsmere HAYSEY Date of grant: 17 Jul 1979; Date of death: 08 Apr 1979; Occupation: Rtd; Residence: Coolangatta.1 
Birth*1894 Seymour, VIC, Australia, #B32883/1894 [par George William HAYSEY & Anne ADKINS].2 
Marriage*1925 Spouse: Isobel Black. VIC, Australia, #M11817/1925.3
Land-Berwick*5 Sep 1930 BER-Crown-17.18 (Soldiers Memorial Hall), 106 High Street. Transfer from Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick to Robert Elsmere Haysey, Thomas Clair Whiteside, Sydney Alexander Greaves, Ernest Edward Gardiner, Alexander Hugh McNabb, Norman Edward Beaumont, Thomas Edward Roberts. C/T 5691-099. This may be the transfer to the Freemasons.4 
Widower25 May 1957Robert Elsmere Haysey became a widower upon the death of his wife Isobel Black.5 
Death*8 Apr 1979 Coolangatta, QLD, Australia. 


  • 10 Dec 1925: The marriage of Miss Isobel Jean Black, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R. Black, of "Blackheath," Clematis, to Mr. Robert B. Maysey, Croix de Guerre, Narre Warren East, will be celebrated in the St. Kilda Presbyterian Church, Alma-road, on December 15, and afterwards at Wickliffe House. Isobel Black6


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), VPRS 28/ P9 unit 190, item 859/931
    VPRS 7591/ P5 unit 36, item 859/931.
  2. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online).
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - C/T 5691-099 - Robert Elsmere Haysey, Thomas Clair Whiteside, Sydney Alexander Greaves, Ernest Edward Gardiner, Alexander Hugh McNabb, Norman Edward Beaumont, and Thomas Edward Roberts.
  5. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D6001/1957 - born TOORAK."
  6. [S14] Newspaper - Table Talk (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 10 Dec 1925, p16
Last Edited25 Sep 2020

Ernest Edward Gardiner

M, #25133, b. 1887, d. 1967
Father*James Gardiner b. 1847, d. 22 Dec 1923
Mother*Mary Elizabeth Church b. 1849, d. 1 Apr 1920
Birth*1887 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #B8666/1887.1 
Land-Note*1925 Ernest Edward Tenant of J J Gardiner - Lots Sec 28 N6
Ernest Edward & Daisy (2 Jun 1926) - 130 ac CA 31C House Berwick N100
Ernest Edward - Lots 1.2 Sec 8 N1.2 
Marriage*1925 Spouse: Daisy Lexton Campbell. VIC, Australia, #M2710/1925, Daisy Lexton CAMPBELL & Ernest Edward GARDINER.3
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick5 Sep 1930 BER-Crown-17.18 (Soldiers Memorial Hall), 106 High Street. Transfer from Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick to Robert Elsmere Haysey, Thomas Clair Whiteside, Sydney Alexander Greaves, Ernest Edward Gardiner, Alexander Hugh McNabb, Norman Edward Beaumont, Thomas Edward Roberts. C/T 5691-099. This may be the transfer to the Freemasons.4 
(Witness) Probate (Will)1 Nov 1932Witnessed the will of William Troup.5 
Death*1967 Dandenong, VIC, Australia, #D15313/1967 (Age 80) (par James GARDINER & Mary Elizabeth CHURCH) - as Ernest Edward GARDINER.6 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1931Pinemont, Beaconsfield, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: grazier. With Daisy Lexton Gardiner.7


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online).
  2. [S66] Berwick Shire Rates, 1870-1965.
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M2710/1925, Daisy Lexton CAMPBELL & Ernest Edward GARDINER."
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - C/T 5691-099 - Robert Elsmere Haysey, Thomas Clair Whiteside, Sydney Alexander Greaves, Ernest Edward Gardiner, Alexander Hugh McNabb, Norman Edward Beaumont, and Thomas Edward Roberts.
  5. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Debts due to the Estate (in 1937): Ernest Edward Gardiner (now D. Avery)
    Balance of purchase money due under Contract of Sale dated 1st Nov 1932 £1000
    Quarter's interest thereon to 1/5/36 at 5% £12:10: -
    Interest 1/5/36 to 10/7/36 - 70 days at 5% £9:11:9
    £1022:1:9 - Deceased's half share £511:0:10.
  6. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D15313/1967 (Age 80) (par James GARDINER & Mary Elizabeth CHURCH) - as Ernest Edward GARDINER, born Berwick. Death registered at Dandenong, Australia."
  7. [S131] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1931.
Last Edited13 Aug 2022

Thomas Edward Roberts

M, #25134, b. 1896, d. 1968
Father*Stephen Roberts d. 18 Jul 1937
Mother*Margaret Anora Tracy b. 1865, d. 9 Jun 1945
Birth*1896 Mirboo North, VIC, Australia, #B21974/1896 (par Stephen ROBERTS & Margt Ann TRACY) - as Thos Edwd ROBERTS.1 
Land-Berwick*22 Jun 1926 BER-Subn-21. Transfer from Margaret Anora Roberts to Thomas Edward Roberts. 22a 0r 12p.2 
Land-Berwick*1 Jun 1927 BER-Subn-18.19. Transfer from Christopher Hanley to Thomas Edward Roberts. 41a 1r 30p.3 
Land-Berwick*28 Jun 1928 BER-Subn-20. Transfer from Geoffrey Livesey Cole to Thomas Edward Roberts. 14a 3r 15p.4 
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick5 Sep 1930 BER-Crown-17.18 (Soldiers Memorial Hall), 106 High Street. Transfer from Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick to Robert Elsmere Haysey, Thomas Clair Whiteside, Sydney Alexander Greaves, Ernest Edward Gardiner, Alexander Hugh McNabb, Norman Edward Beaumont, Thomas Edward Roberts. C/T 5691-099. This may be the transfer to the Freemasons.5 
Land-Berwick*2 Aug 1932 BER-Subn-20. Transfer from Thomas Edward Roberts to Charles Harrison. 14a 3r 15p.6 
Land-Berwick10 Nov 1933 BER-Subn-18.19. Transfer from Thomas Edward Roberts to William Joseph O'Toole. 41a 1r 30p.7 
Land-Berwick*10 Nov 1933 BER-Subn-21. Transfer from Thomas Edward Roberts to William Joseph O'Toole. 22a 0r 12p.8 
Death*1968 Heidelberg, VIC, Australia, #D269/1968 (Age 71) (par Stephen ROBERTS & Margaret Ann TRACY) - as Thomas Edward ROBERTS.9 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1924Berwick, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: farmer. With Stephen Roberts and Margaret Anora Roberts.10


  • 25 Apr 1929: Mr. Roberts, of Berwick, has leased his property to Mr. Smth, of Springvale.11


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B21974/1896 (par Stephen ROBERTS & Margt Ann TRACY) - as Thos Edwd ROBERTS, Birth registered at Mirboo North, Australia."
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 357-250 - Thomas Edward Roberts of Berwick Farmer.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2852-245 - Thomas Edward Roberts of Berwick Farmer - C/T 5279-641.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 865-995 - Thomas Edward Roberts of Berwick Farmer - C/T 5428-481.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2070-846 - C/T 5691-099 - Robert Elsmere Haysey, Thomas Clair Whiteside, Sydney Alexander Greaves, Ernest Edward Gardiner, Alexander Hugh McNabb, Norman Edward Beaumont, and Thomas Edward Roberts.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 5428-481 - Charles Harrison of Berwick Farmer.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 5279-641 - William Joseph O'Toole of Berwick Farmer.
  8. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 357-250 - William Joseph O'Toole of Berwick Farmer - C/T 5868-509.
  9. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D269/1968 (Age 71) (par Stephen ROBERTS & Margaret Ann TRACY) - as Thomas Edward ROBERTS, born Mirboo North. Death registered at Heidelberg, Australia."
  10. [S124] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1924.
  11. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Thu 25 Apr 1929, p4
Last Edited31 Mar 2024

Elsie Gardiner Coveney

F, #25136, b. 1899, d. Dec 1978
Married NameSwalling.1 
Married NameMcNabb. 
Birth*1899 Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia, #B10315/1899 (par Chas Caduwallde COVENEY & Ruth Charl BIRKIN) - as Elsie Gardner COVENEY.2 
Marriage*1916 Spouse: Leslie Charles Swalling. VIC, Australia, #M11408/1916, Elsie COVENEY & Leslie Chas SWALLING.3
Widow8 Oct 1920Elsie Gardiner Coveney became a widow upon the death of her husband Leslie Charles Swalling.4 
Marriage*1924 Spouse: Alexander Hugh McNabb. VIC, Australia, #M10907/1924, Elsie Gardiner SWALLING & Alex Hugh MCNABB.5
Widow1961Elsie Gardiner Coveney became a widow upon the death of her husband Alexander Hugh McNabb.6 
Death*Dec 1978 Dandenong, VIC, Australia, #D27788/1978 (Age 80) (par Charles COVENEY & Ruth BIRKIN) - as Elsie Gardiner MCNABB.7 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1942Clyde Road, Berwick, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties. With Alexander Hugh McNabb.8


  • 5-383-B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia9


Alexander Hugh McNabb b. 1888, d. 1961
Child 1.Annie Ruth Swalling b. 1917, d. 1955


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  2. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B10315/1899 (par Chas Caduwallde COVENEY & Ruth Charl BIRKIN) - as Elsie Gardner COVENEY, Birth registered at Fitzroy North, Australia."
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M11408/1916, Elsie COVENEY & Leslie Chas SWALLING."
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  5. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M10907/1924, Elsie Gardiner SWALLING & Alex Hugh MCNABB."
  6. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D7061/1961 - born WARRAK."
  7. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D27788/1978 (Age 80) (par Charles COVENEY & Ruth BIRKIN) - as Elsie Gardiner MCNABB, born Fitzroy North. Death registered at Dandenong, Australia."
  8. [S142] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1942.
  9. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    5-383-B McNabb Alexander Hugh M 73 3/05/1961 1441
    5-383-B McNabb Aslie [Elsie] F 80 6/12/1978 1783
    McNabb Alexander Hugh 1961 73 hus/ Elsie, son/ Donald & Frances I. (-Carmichael)
    McNabb Elsie Gardiner 1978 80 wife/ Alexander Hugh bw2142.
Last Edited29 Aug 2022

Annie Catherine Witton

F, #25137, d. 11 Aug 1946
Married NameHenderson.1 
Marriage*1896 Spouse: Thomas Henderson. VIC, Australia, #M1460/1896.2
Death*11 Aug 1946 East Preston, VIC, Australia, #D8560/1946 (Age 84) [par Edwin WITTON & Catherine TALBOYS].3 
Death-Notice*12 Aug 1946 HENDERSON.—On August 11, at the residence of her niece (Mrs. Pegram), 191 Wood street, East Preston, Annie Catherine, the loved wife of the late Thomas Henderson, formerly of Berwick, and loved mother of Milton, loved sister of Fanny (Mrs. Murphy), loved sister-in-law of the late W. H. Murphy, loving aunt of Katie (Mrs. Pegram), Robert, Dorothy (Mrs. Brown, deceased), Garnet, Charles, and Winnie (deceased).—Loved by all.4 


Thomas Henderson b. 1832, d. 3 Jan 1914
Child 1.Milton Thomas Henderson b. 1898, d. 31 Jul 1907


  1. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "born Westgarth."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D8560/1946 - born Westgarth."
  4. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 12 Aug 1946, p15
Last Edited25 Sep 2020

Milton Thomas Henderson

M, #25138, b. 1898, d. 31 Jul 1907
Father*Thomas Henderson b. 1832, d. 3 Jan 1914
Mother*Annie Catherine Witton d. 11 Aug 1946
Birth*1898 Northcote, VIC, Australia, #B28249/1898.1 
Death*31 Jul 1907 Northcote, VIC, Australia, #D9729/1907 (Age 8) (par Thos HENDERSON & Annie Cath WITTON) - as Thos Milton HENDERSON.2 
Death-Notice*1 Aug 1907 HENDERSON.—On the 31st July, at his parents' residence, 28 Ross-street, Northcote, Milton, the dearly beloved only child of Thomas and Annie C. Henderson, aged 8 years and 10 months. A patient little sufferer at rest.
HENDERSON.—The Friends of Mr. THOMAS HENDERSON are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late beloved only child (Milton) to the place of interment, the Melbourne General Cemetery.
The funeral is appointed to move from his residence, No. 28 Ross-street, Northcote, on Friday, August 2nd, at a quarter to 3 o'clock punctually.
WILLIAM GEORGE APPS, Undertaker, Fitzroy and Moor streets, Fitzroy; St. Kilda; Lonsdale-street, city; Elsternwick; and Heidelberg.3 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online).
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D9729/1907 (Age 8) (par Thos HENDERSON & Annie Cath WITTON) - as Thos Milton HENDERSON, Death registered at Ncote, Australia."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 1 Aug 1907, p1
Last Edited21 Oct 2021

Marian Henderson

F, #25139, b. 1860, d. 20 Feb 1926
Father*Thomas Henderson b. 1832, d. 3 Jan 1914
Mother*Elizabeth Roberts b. 1829, d. Oct 1895
Married NameMiller. 
Probate (Will)* 208/418. Marian Miller. Berwick. Married. Date of grant: 14 Apr 1926 ; Date of death: 20 Feb 1926 - In her will she bequeaths real estate to her husband Alexander. Money in State Savings bank to son Frank, and personal effects to he daughter Maggie.1 
Birth*1860 Harkaway, VIC, Australia, #B11066/1860 [par Thomas HENDERSON & Elizabeth ROBERTS].2 
Marriage*May 1882 Spouse: Alexander Miller. Berwick, VIC, Australia, #M2353/1882.3
Land-Berwick*18 Jun 1883 BER-Crown-18 (part), Railway Road. Transfer from an unknown person to Marian Miller. 1r 6p.4 
Land-Berwick*29 Jun 1897 BER-Crown-18 (part). Transfer from Thomas Henderson to Marian Miller. 3r 9 1/4p. This property was at the corner of Gibb Street (325 feet) and Clyde Road (300 feet.)5 
Land-Note*29 Jun 1897 BER-Crown-18. Thomas Henderson Charge - Marian Miller to Thomas Henderson. The annuity secured by the above charge is satisfied.6 
Land-Berwick*20 Sep 1907 BER-Crown-18 (part), Railway Road. Transfer from Marian Miller to James Sherriff. 1r 6p.7 
Death*20 Feb 1926 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D394/1926 (Age 66) [par Thomas HENDERSON & Elizabeth ROBERTS].8 
Death-Notice*23 Feb 1926 MILLER.—On the 20th February, at private hospital, Berwick, Marian, the beloved wife of Alexander Miller, and loving mother of Frank, Alex. (deceased), and Madge (Mrs. Brocklebank). (Privately interred, Berwick, February 21.) At rest.9 
Land-Note*28 Sep 1926 Marian Miller died on 20 February 1926. Probate has been granted to Ralph Thomas Brocklebank of 205 Dandenong Road, Windsor, Bank Officer, and William Donaldson Williams of "Area" Milton Parade East Melbourne, Chemist.10 
Land-Berwick*28 Sep 1926 BER-Crown-18 (part). Transfer from Marian Henderson to Alexander Miller. 3r 9 1/4p. This property was at the corner of Gibb Street (325 feet) and Clyde Road (300 feet.)11 


  • 5-346-A + 5-346-B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia12


Alexander Miller b. 1857, d. 22 Aug 1946
Children 1.Frank Leslie Miller b. 1883
 2.Alexander Henderson Miller b. 1885, d. 26 Sep 1917
 3.Maggie May Miller b. 1887


  • 17 May 1882: ROUGH SKETCHES AND ODD JOTTINGS. (Items communicated).
    At Berwick, last week, Miss Minnie Henderson, daughter of Mr. Thomas Henderson, was united in matrimony Mr. Alexander Miller, also of that interesting township, being the happy bridegroom. As the parties are popular there has been quite a flutter in social circles over the event, the wedded couple having gone away on a honeymoon tour. Alexander Miller13


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), VPRS 28/P0003, 208/418;
    VPRS 7591/P0002, 208/418.
  2. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online).
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online).
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1472-350 - Marian Miller the Wife of Alexander Miller of Berwick (parent title C/T 1307-288).
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1036-060 - Marian Miller of Berwick Married Woman.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1036-060 - Charge - Marian Miller to Thomas Henderson. The annuity secured by the above charge is satisfied.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1472-350 - James Sherriff of Berwick Carrier.
  8. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D394/1926."
  9. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 23 Feb 1926, p1
  10. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1036-060 - Marian Miller died on 20 February 1926. Probate has been granted to Ralph Thomas Brocklebank of 205 Dandenong Road, Windsor, Bank Officer, and William Donaldson Williams of "Area" Milton Parade East Melbourne, Chemist.
  11. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1036-060 - Alexander Miller of Berwick Timber Merchant.
  12. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    5-346-A Henderson Elizabeth F 66 18/10/1895 284
    5-346-B Miller Alexander M 89 23/08/1946 1188
    5-346-B Miller Marion F 66 21/02/1926 754.
  13. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 17 May 1882, p3
Last Edited30 May 2023

Elizabeth Roberts

F, #25140, b. 1829, d. Oct 1895
Married NameHenderson.1 
Marriage* Spouse: Thomas Henderson.1
Death*Oct 1895 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D12242/1895 (Age 66) [par John ROBERTS & Elizabeth WOOTON].1 


  • 5-346-A + 5-346-B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia2


Thomas Henderson b. 1832, d. 3 Jan 1914
Child 1.Marian Henderson+ b. 1860, d. 20 Feb 1926


  1. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D394/1926."
  2. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    5-346-A Henderson Elizabeth F 66 18/10/1895 284
    5-346-B Miller Alexander M 89 23/08/1946 1188
    5-346-B Miller Marion F 66 21/02/1926 754.
Last Edited6 Jun 2021


Some family sections show only the children who were associated with Upper Beaconsfield.

Some individuals may be featured because members of their family were associated with the Upper Beaconsfield area, even though they themselves never lived here.