Thomas Robinson

M, #30489
Land-Beac*12 Jun 1890 PAK-1A 9/LP2593. Transfer from Sarah Wite to Thomas Robinson.1 
Land-Note*14 Aug 1890 PAK-1A 9/LP2593: Mortgagee: The Mercantile Bank of Australia Ltd. Mortgage 115459. Transfer by Mortgagee - Discharged 3 Dec 1908. Mortgagor was Thomas Robinson.2 
Land-Beac*b 3 Dec 1908 PAK-1A 9/LP2593. Transfer from Thomas Robinson to The Mercantile Bank of Australia Ltd.2 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2237-215 - Thomas Robinson of Cambridge Street Collingwood Boot and Shoe Manufacturer.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2237-215 - Mortgage 115459. Transfer by Mortgagee - Discharged 3 Dec 1908.
Last Edited2 Jun 2024

Berwick Tennis Club

?, #30490


  • 23 Sep 1885: Berwick Shire Council. Correspondence, Saturday, September 19, 1885.
    From W. H. Fossey, stating that it was proposed to establish bowling and tennis clubs in Berwick, and asking the Council to grant free use of allotment 2 sec. 21, or sell it at the price originally paid for it. If so it would be made a permanent reserve.—The Engineer was instructed to enquire into the matter and reportat next meeting, Councillor White observing that there could be no objection to giving the applicants a long lease of the land for such purposes.1
  • 25 May 1892: BALL AT BERWICK.
    On Friday night last a grand ball, in aid of the funds of the Berwick Lawn Tennis Club, was held in the Rechabite Hall, Berwick. A large number of invitations were issued, and numerous favorable responses received, so that a good attendance was expected. In consequence of this fact, and owing to the smallness of the hall, extensive preparations had to be made to provide supper rooms, etc., and for days previous quite a host of ladies devoted all their energies and time to devising methods of utilising the space at their disposal to the best possible advantage. Under the supervision of Dr. James, secretary to the Tennis Club, and Messrs. Fossey and Rankine, assisted largely by Messrs. R. and J. Bain, a most comfortable supper room was erected, and tastefully decorated.
    The ball-room was also decorated in a most artistic and pleasing manner, and one could scarcely discern the walls in places, so hidden were they in the branching foliage. The supper room, with its neatly arranged tables, heavily laden with all the good things that man (or woman) could wish for, and with the rustic seats literally hidden in the wealth of evergreens, ferns and flowers, presented one of the prettiest sights we have seen for some time. The arrangements in connection with the supper were carried out by Mesdames A'Beckett, Vieusseux, Brown, Elmes, James, Stoddart, Wilson, Buchanan, Bain and Miss McGill. To the two latter ladies especial credit is due, for their efforts were untiring from beginning to end. The supper was provided wholly by the ladies, and was one of the best, both for quality, quantity and variety, that we have seen in the district. There were 80 couples present, and although these naturally tended to make the room crowded, a most delightful evening was spent. A large number of visitors from the metropolis were present, and also a contingent from Dandenong, who thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The company separated about 4 am.2
  • 21 Sep 1892: BERWICK TENNIS CLUB.
    TENDERS for CONSTRUCTION of an Asphalt TENNIS COURT, at Berwick, will be received up till Saturday, October 1.
    Specifications may be seen at Messrs. Crouch and Wilson's, architects, &c. City-chambers, corner of Elizabeth and Little Collins streets, Melbourne, and Bain's Border Hotel, Berwick. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders, with 10 per cent, deposit, to he addressed to the secretary, Dr. W. HOWARD JAMES, Berwick.3
  • 7 Dec 1892: BERWICK SHIRE COUNCIL. SATURDAY DECEMBER 3. Correspondence.
    From the committee of the Berwick Tennis Club, submitting a proposal reforming into a park the low portion of the road (about two acres), adjoining the Berwick Tennis grounds.—Cr. Gibb recommended that the matter be referred to the Berwick public works committee, with power to act.—Seconded by Cr. Barr and carried.4
  • 21 Apr 1932: Berwick Council. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1932. CORRESPONDENCE. From Dr. P. V. Langmore, asking for attention to Tennis street, Berwick.—Dayman to attend.5
  • 26 Jun 1946: Berwick To Have Tennis Courts On Old Site. TRANSFER OF LAND TO CROWN SOUGHT
    IN CONNECTION with the proposed erection of public tennis courts at Berwick, the Berwick Tennis Club had this letter before the June meeting of the Berwick Council last Friday:
    ‘At a public meeting on June 11th it was unanimously decided to form a tennis club and erect courts on the site previously used. As it is our desire, with the approval of Dr. P. Langmore, who is the sole remaining trustee, that the land be transferred to the Crown, we would appreciate it if council would proceed to do this.”
    The club also asked to be advised what the club’s rights and duties to the Crown would be?
    Following a search of the title, the shire solicitor advised that the registered joint proprietors of the triangular block on the corner of the Princes Highway and Normanby St., Berwick, are P. V. Langmore and the late Messrs. F. C. D. Barker and W. G. a’Beckett.
    Cr. J. G. Dore pointed out that if the land was transferred to the Crown the courts would have to be open to the public, and not only to club members.
    As it was stated that the club’s object was to secure a Government grant towards the development of the courts, the secretary was instructed to take the necessary action to arrange the transfer.6
  • 31 Jul 1946: Berwick Man’s Appointment. Mr. Kevyn Hume-Cook of Gloucester Av., Berwick, who was recently appointed Public Relations Officer of the Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division).
    Mr. Hume-Cook served for more than five years in the A.I.F. He was a member of the 4th Anti-Tank Regiment with the 8th Division in Malaya, As a prisoner of war for 3 & 1/2 years in Japanese hands, he spent some six months of that time working on the railway in Thailand (Siam).
    He has taken an active interest in the R.S.L., being a life member of that body, and amongst other offices is a junior vice-president of the Berwick Sub-branch.
    Although only a newcomer to the district, he has taken part in a number of community movements, including the State School Committee, Mechanics’ Institute, Progress Association, and the two young people’s clubs; “The Pathfinders,” and “Torchbearers.”
    He is producing the play “I’ll Leave It To You,” being presented by these two clubs in the Soldiers’ Hall, Berwick, on August 22nd and 23rd.
    He was also recently appointed President of the Berwick Tennis Club, which is arranging to re-build the tennis courts on the Public Reserve between the Highway and “Doctors Lane.”
    Mr. Hume-Cook is the younger son of the late Hon. J. Hume-Cook, C.M.G., who was a member of the first Federal Parliament.
    For some years before the war, Mr. Kevyn Hume-Cook was assistant secretary of the Australian Industries Protection League, and later Assistant Secretary of the Victorian Chamber of Manufacturers.7
  • 21 Jan 1948: Revival Of Berwick Tennis Club
    Under the sponsorship of the Berwick District Progress Association it is intended to re-form the Berwick Tennis Club, utilising the old site in Normanby Rd., the Progress secretary advised Berwick Council on Friday.
    Preliminary work has been carried out on foundations, but before in augurating the club, clarification of several points was sought: (1) Has the land been handed to the Crown or is it still vested in three trustees? (Dr. P. V. Langmore is the only one of the original trustees still living). (2) If the land were transferred to the Crown, what powers would the proposed club have over its management? (Would the club have the power to prevent the general public using the facilities as desired?) (3) Would it be necessary to appoint three new trustees?
    The club’s inaugural meeting was held on January 16th.
    The shire secretary reported that he had replied that the registered proprietors (probably by virtue of their trusteeship) were Dr. P. V. Langmore and two gentlemen now deceased. Dr. Langmore could probably advise generally on the management. The Trustees as registered proprietors, would have the power to determine who could use the land and any buildings or facilities thereon, but it is usual for the trustees to leave the actual management to the Committee. It would be necessary to appoint two new trustees.
    Cr. Robinson said it was not Crown land but had been given to the public by a prominent resident.
    Cr. Whiteside pointed out that it was quite open for the Association to call a public meeting and elect two new trustees.8
  • 18 Feb 1948: Two New Tennis Courts For Berwick
    WORK on the foundations for two new tennis courts at Berwick is well under way, and on completion of this, and with, the removal of the club-house to a position north of the courts, tennis players in llhe district will have a facility sadly lacking during the past few years.
    Two new trustees, Messrs. A. H. McNabb and J. B. Thomas, have been appointed to act with Dr. P. V. Langmore, one of the original trustees.
    All interested in this popular sport, are invited to contact the president, Mr. W. P. Triplett, or secretary, Mr. K. H. Atkins, and to support the various entertainments, listed for the next few months, the first of which will be a dance in the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall on Friday, February 20th. A bumper attendance is hoped for, as the new club is starting off scratch financially.
    The revival of the club was sponsored by the Berwick Progress Association.9
  • 20 Oct 1948: Transfer Of Berwick Tennis Courts To Recreation Reserve
    BERWICK Sportsground Committee of Management last Friday sought Berwick council’s approval for the Berwick Tennis Club to erect tennis courts on the recreation reserve. The Tennis Club, it was stated, desires to transfer its club-house from the Normanby Rd. site to a position west of the proposed courts' (2) on the reserve, and still leave room for further courts if necessary.
    Council is agreeable provided the Ground Committee consents.10
  • 30 Mar 1949: NO GRANT FOR TENNIS CLUB BERWICK TENNIS CLUB asked for a grant towards cost of construction of two new tennis courts on Berwick Recreation Reserve. The club has 40 per cent of the funds in hand, it said.—Council regrets inability to assist. The engineer said he had assisted by pegging the courts out and promised to give any technical advice.11
  • 21 Dec 1949: Berwick Tennis Club Opening Day
    IN GLORIOUS tennis weather and in the presence of over 70 people, the re-constituted Berwick Tennis Club was launched in its new surroundings at the local Recreation Reserve on Saturday, December lOtli, by Crs. C. F. Greaves and A. G. Robinson.
    In introducing the councillors the club president, Mr. Allan Funston, thanked them for so kindly accepting the invitation to officiate, and welcomed them to the club, at the same time apologising for Cr. G. F. Rae, who was unable to attend owing to election duties. A welcome was also extended to visitors from neighboring clubs. Mr. Funston thanked, on behalf of the club, all who had so generously assisted, financially and otherwise, in the construction of the courts. Without their help it would have been many months before play could have commenced. The courts were at present in a somewhat crude state, but many improvements are planned, and this will call for the continued support of all interested. Upon being introduced, Cr. Robinson thanked the club for their invitation, and congratulated those concerned for the work done. He had seen the site during the winter, and had realised the enormous work to be done, and the money that would have to be raised.
    He was very pleased that the Shire Engineer had been able to assist, and promised the aid of the Shire Council as far as was possible. The organisers were to be congratulated on shifting the site from Normanby Rd. to the Reserve, as the former position would have proved hopeless. As the town grew, the benefit of the present position would be increasingly evident. In conclusion, Cr. Robinson wished the club all the best for the future.
    Cr. Greaves, in officially opening the courts, declared himself proud to be associated with this historic day in Berwick, The presence of the two new courts was convincing evidence that the club had come to life again. All concerned in the construction had done an excellent job, and were to be congratulated on their splendid team work and its result. The surroundings were particularly appropriate. Sporting facilities were an essential part of the community life, and resulted in the right spirit amongst the people jn times of crisis. Finally, Cr. Greaves wished the club “good luck” and continued success. He was extremely pleased to open the courts for play, and fully aware of the honor afforded him in so doing.
    A delightful afternoon tea was served by the ladies prior to completion of the afternoon’s mixed and men’s doubles tournaments. Sectional winners in the mixed were Mr. Bayley and Miss M. Smith, Mr. Funston and Mrs Cowley, and Mr. Atkins and Mrs. Ron Tivendale, the final going to the last named pair after a very tough battle. The consolation men's doubles resulted in an equally close win for Messrs. Bill Kemp and C. G. Ward over Messrs. W. Cowley and T. Black.12


  1. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 23 Sep 1885, p3
  2. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 25 May 1892, p2
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 21 Sep 1892, p3
  4. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 7 Dec 1892, p3
  5. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Thu 21 Apr 1932, p2
  6. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 26 Jun 1946, p13
  7. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 31 Jul 1946, p6 (Illustrated)
  8. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 21 Jan 1948, p7
  9. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 18 Feb 1948, p12
  10. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 20 Oct 1948, p3
  11. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 30 Mar 1949, p7
  12. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 21 Dec 1949, p6
Last Edited6 Jun 2024

Robert Gibb1

M, #30491, b. 1854, d. 1923
Father*Alexander Gibb1 b. 1809, d. 23 Mar 1882
Mother*Elizabeth Coupar1 b. 26 Jul 1821, d. 11 Dec 1906
Birth*1854 Campbellfield, VIC, Australia, #B5375/1854 (par Alexander GIBB & Elizabeth COUPAR) - as Robert GIBB.1 
Marriage*2 May 1883 Spouse: Dora Robina Duff. Scots' Church, Cranbourne, VIC, Australia, #M2663/1883, Robt GIBB & Dora Robina DUFF.2
Marriage-Notice*10 May 1883 GIBB—DUFF. — On the 2nd May, at Scots' Church, Cranbourne, by the father of the bride, Robert, third son of the late Alexander Gibb, Meadow Bank, Campbellfield, to Dora Robina, second daughter of the Rev. A. Duff. M.A., Cranbourne.3 
Death*1923 Malvern East, VIC, Australia, #D15570/1923 (Age 69) (par Alexander GIBB & Elizabeth COOPER) - as Robert GIBB.4 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B5375/1854 (par Alexander GIBB & Elizabeth COUPAR) - as Robert GIBB, Birth registered at Camp, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M2663/1883, Robt GIBB & Dora Robina DUFF."
  3. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 10 May 1883, p1
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D15570/1923 (Age 69) (par Alexander GIBB & Elizabeth COOPER) - as Robert GIBB, Death registered at Malvern East, Australia."
Last Edited6 Jun 2024

Berwick Post Office

?, #30492


    A deputation, introduced by Mr Gibb, M.L.A., waited upon the Postmaster General yesterday, asking him to make provision on the next estimates for post and telegraph offices at Berwick It was suggested that all the public offices, including court-house and post and telegraph offices should be erected on a site which Mr Gibb undertook to furnish gratuitously. The deputation urged that they were entitled to a favourable reply inasmuch as no public money with the exception of that expended upon the state school, had been expended at Berwick.
    Mr Cuthbert promised that if the Minister of Justice saw his way to providing for the erection of a court house on the site referred to, he (Mr Cuthbert) would place a sum of money on the estimates to provide the post and telegraph accommodation required. James Gibb1
  • 19 May 1882: Borough of Flemington .... Cr. Cox suggested that the council write to the Government requesting them to undertake the building of a court house in a central position. He saw they were in favor of building court houses and police stations by instancing the erection of the same at a cost of £2000 at Berwick, a place not so important by any means as their borough.
    At Berwick, however, he noticed a resident had given the land and he wished some local gentleman would follow the example. James Gibb2
  • 7 Oct 1885: TENDERS will be received, subject to the conditions of tendering, for Furniture and Fittings, Post and Telegraph Office and Court House, Berwick, until Twelve o'Clock on Thursday, 15h October.
    Particulars may be learnt at this office, and at the police station, Berwick.
    The amount of the preliminary deposit to accompany the tender is £5 and the amount of the deposit as cash security for the due performance of the contract is 10 per cent.
    The Board of Land and Works will not necessarily accept the lowest or any tender.
    Commissioner of Public Works.3
  • 10 Oct 1885: PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE. MELBOURNE. TENDERS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock on the days and for the purposes undermentioned:—
    Particulars may be learnt at this office, and also at the offices named in each instance. The Board of Land and Works will not necessarily accept the lowest or any tender.
    15th OCTOBER.
    Furniture and fittings. Post and Telegraph Office and Court House, Berwick. Particulars also at Police Station, Berwick. Preliminary deposit to accompany tender. £5. Final deposit. 10 per cent.4
  • 16 Oct 1885: Public Tenders. The Minister of Public Works yesterday accepted the following tenders : — Furniture and fittings Post and Telegraph Office, Berwick, W. J. Parlett, Fitzroy, £206 4s. James Gibb5


  1. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 17 Jun 1880, p10
  2. [S14] Newspaper - Essendon and Flemington Chronicle (Vic.), Fri 19 May 1882, p3
  3. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 7 Oct 1885, p2
  4. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 10 Oct 1885, p1
  5. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 16 Oct 1885, p5
Last Edited7 Jun 2024

Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot

F, #30493, b. 24 Nov 1824, d. 31 Jan 1885
Probate (Will)* 30/385. Madeline C. S. Barker, Residence: Melbourne, Occupation: Married Woman, To whom committed: E. A. Barker, Date Of Death: 31 Jan 1885, Date Of Grant: 10 Sep 1885.1 
Married NameBarker. 
Birth*24 Nov 1824 Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland.2 
Marriage*6 Jan 1844 Spouse: Edward Barker. Bushy Park, VIC, Australia, #M1791/1844, Edward BARKER & Madaline Charlotte Skene SCOT.3
Marriage-Notice*10 Jan 1844 MARRIED, on the 6th instant at Bushy Park, near Melbourne, by the Rev. James Clow, Edward Barker, Esq., of Cape Schank, to Madaline Charlotte Skene, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Scot, Esq., of Trinity, Edinburgh.4 
Marriage-Notice22 Jun 1844 Marriages. On the 6th of January, (by special licence), at Bushy Park, near Melbourne, in Australia, by the Rev. James Clow, Edward Barker, Esq, of Cape Shank, (formerly of Aylesbury), to Madaline Charlotte Skene, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Scott, Esq., of Trinity, Edinburgh.5 
Death*31 Jan 1885 East St Kilda, VIC, Australia, #D3579/1885 (Age 60) (par Alexr SCOT & Madeline BLAIR) - as Madeline Charl Skene BARKER. Spouse Edward BARKER.6 
Death-Notice*2 Feb 1885 BARKER.—On the 31st ult., at Alma-road, East St. Kilda, Madeline Charlotte Skene, wife of Edward Barker, M.D., 53 Latrobe-street, Melbourne, and eldest daughter of the late Alexander Scot, Esq., Trinity, N.B.7 


Edward Barker b. 1817, d. 30 Jun 1885
Children 1.Alexander Scot Barker8 b. 9 Jun 1846, d. 2 Jul 1883
 2.Mary Anne Barker b. 16 Feb 1850, d. 19 Oct 1921
 3.Edward Hamilton Blair Barker9 b. 5 Feb 1853, d. 20 May 1885
 4.Ernest Arthur Barker10 b. 1855, d. 15 Nov 1887
 5.Frederick Charles Darling Barker+ b. 1863, d. Jun 1936
 6.Madeline Eugenia Barker11 b. 18 Nov 1865, d. 9 Aug 1866


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28) / Wills (VPRS7591)
    30/385. Madeline C. S. Barker, Residence: Melbourne, Occupation: Married Woman, To whom committed: E. A. Barker, Date Of Death: 31 Jan 1885, Date Of Grant: 10 Sep 1885
    VPRS 28/P0002, 30/385; VPRS 28/P0000, 30/385.
  2. [S80] Ancestry - Family Tree, Ancestry Tree Name: Cris - My Evergrowing Tree, Tree ID: 58362005
    Person viewed: Madeline Charlotte Skene Scott, Birth Date: 26 Nov 1824, Edinburgh, Scotland, Marriage Date: 6 Jan 1844, Marriage Place: Busby Park, Victoria, Australia, Marriage Spouse: Edward Barker *MD, FRCS, Death Date: 31 Jan 1885, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia.
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M1791/1844, Edward BARKER & Madaline Charlotte Skene SCOT, Marriage registered at Bushy Park, Australia."
  4. [S14] Newspaper - Port Phillip Gazette (Vic.), Wed 10 Jan 1844, p3
  5. [S333] Newspaper (England) - The Bucks Gazette, Bedford Chronicle, And Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Northamptonshire and Middlesex Advertiser (Bucks.), 22 Jun 1844, p1.
  6. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D3579/1885 (Age 60) (par Alexr SCOT & Madeline BLAIR) - as Madeline Charl Skene BARKER, Death registered at U, Australia. Spouse Edward BARKER."
  7. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 2 Feb 1885, p1
  8. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B34072/1847 (par BARKER Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SKENE) - as Alexander Scot BARKER, Birth registered at Kenilworth Wannon, Australia
    #B8157/1847 (par BARKER Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene - as Alexander Scot BARKER, Birth registered at Kenilworth Wannon, Australia."
  9. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B3584/1855 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skeane SCOT) - as Unnamed Male BARKER, Birth registered at Melb, Australia."
  10. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D15660/1887 (Age 32) (par Edwd BARKER & Madelen Charl Skene SCOT) - as Ernt Arthur BARKER, Death registered at Sy, Australia."
  11. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B3632/1866 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SKENE) - as Madeline Eugenia BARKER, Birth registered at North Melb., Australia."
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Edward Barker

M, #30494, b. 1817, d. 30 Jun 1885
Birth*1817 Buckinghamshire, England. 
Marriage*6 Jan 1844 Spouse: Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot. Bushy Park, VIC, Australia, #M1791/1844, Edward BARKER & Madaline Charlotte Skene SCOT.1
Marriage-Notice*10 Jan 1844 MARRIED, on the 6th instant at Bushy Park, near Melbourne, by the Rev. James Clow, Edward Barker, Esq., of Cape Schank, to Madaline Charlotte Skene, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Scot, Esq., of Trinity, Edinburgh.2 
Marriage-Notice22 Jun 1844 Marriages. On the 6th of January, (by special licence), at Bushy Park, near Melbourne, in Australia, by the Rev. James Clow, Edward Barker, Esq, of Cape Shank, (formerly of Aylesbury), to Madaline Charlotte Skene, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Scott, Esq., of Trinity, Edinburgh.3 
Widower31 Jan 1885Edward Barker became a widower upon the death of his wife Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot.4 
Death*30 Jun 1885 St Kilda, VIC, Australia, #D10472/1885 (Age 68) (par Jno BARKER & Mary Ann ELRIDGE) - as Edwd BARKER. Spouse Madelaine Charlotte Skene SCOT.5 
Death-Notice*1 Jul 1885 BARKER.—On the 30th ult., at Beaconsfield-parade, St. Kilda, Edward Barker, M.D., F.R.C.S., in the 68th year of his age.
THE Friends of the late Dr. EDWARD BARKER are informed that his funeral will leave his late residence, Beaconsfield-parade, St. Kilda for the Melbourne Cemetery, THIS DAY, 1st July, at half-past 2 o'clock, passing Prince's-bridge about a quarter-past 3.
JOHN DALEY, undertaker, Latrobe and Spring streets, Melbourne.6 


Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot b. 24 Nov 1824, d. 31 Jan 1885
Children 1.Alexander Scot Barker10 b. 9 Jun 1846, d. 2 Jul 1883
 2.Mary Anne Barker b. 16 Feb 1850, d. 19 Oct 1921
 3.Edward Hamilton Blair Barker11 b. 5 Feb 1853, d. 20 May 1885
 4.Ernest Arthur Barker12 b. 1855, d. 15 Nov 1887
 5.Frederick Charles Darling Barker+ b. 1863, d. Jun 1936
 6.Madeline Eugenia Barker13 b. 18 Nov 1865, d. 9 Aug 1866


  • 2 Jul 1885: The funeral of the late Dr. Edward Barker took place yesterday. The chief mourners were the deceased gentleman's brothers, Mr. John Barker, clerk of the Parliaments, and Dr. W. Barker, of South Melbourne, his only surviving son, Mr. E. H. Barker, and his brother-in-law, Dr. Rudall. The pall-bearers were Mr. Jas. Graham, M.L.C., Drs. Thos. Black, Haig, and Allen, and Mr. Wall, of the Bank of Victoria. The burial service at the Melbourne General Cemetery was performed by the Rev. J. Stanley Low, assisted by the Rev. Canon Chase. A number of the members of the medical profession and several old colonists were present at the interment. The funeral arrangements were conducted by Mr. J. Daley.7
  • 4 Jul 1885: Dr. Edward Barker, whose death took place on Tuesday, was an old colonist, having come to this part of the world in 1840. He did not, at first, practise his profession, but, like several other medical men who came hither at that epoch, he took up land, and successfully applied himself to pastoral pursuits. In 1849, however, he came to Melbourne and commenced practice, and soon acquired an extensive and lucrative connexion. When the medical school of the University was founded in 1882, he was appointed lecturer on surgery, an office he held until 1880. He was one of the founders of the Medical Society of Victoria, and shortly after its commencement became its president. He took an active share in the commencement of the Australian Medical Journal, and was for some years a regular contributor to its pages.
    He was a native of Buckinghamshire, England, and was in his 70th year.8
  • 10 Jul 1885: THE LATE DR. BARKER
    Dr. Henry in the absence of Dr Neild, the librarian of the society, proposed the following motion:—
    "That the Royal Society of Victoria places on record the lamented death of the late Dr. Edward Barker, and expresses its sense of the services which he has rendered to the Society."
    He mentioned that Dr. Barker was one of the founders of the Philosophical Society of Victoria in 1857, out of which the Royal Society sprang, and that he took a very active part in the affairs of both societies.
    Mr. E. L. Marks seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.9


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M1791/1844, Edward BARKER & Madaline Charlotte Skene SCOT, Marriage registered at Bushy Park, Australia."
  2. [S14] Newspaper - Port Phillip Gazette (Vic.), Wed 10 Jan 1844, p3
  3. [S333] Newspaper (England) - The Bucks Gazette, Bedford Chronicle, And Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Northamptonshire and Middlesex Advertiser (Bucks.), 22 Jun 1844, p1.
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D3579/1885 (Age 60) (par Alexr SCOT & Madeline BLAIR) - as Madeline Charl Skene BARKER, Death registered at U, Australia. Spouse Edward BARKER."
  5. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D10472/1885 (Age 68) (par Jno BARKER & Mary Ann ELRIDGE) - as Edwd BARKER, Death registered at U, Australia. Spouse Madelaine Charlotte Skene SCOT."
  6. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 1 Jul 1885, p1
  7. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 2 Jul 1885, p5
  8. [S14] Newspaper - The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 4 Jul 1885, p27
  9. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 10 Jul 1885, p7
  10. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B34072/1847 (par BARKER Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SKENE) - as Alexander Scot BARKER, Birth registered at Kenilworth Wannon, Australia
    #B8157/1847 (par BARKER Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene - as Alexander Scot BARKER, Birth registered at Kenilworth Wannon, Australia."
  11. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B3584/1855 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skeane SCOT) - as Unnamed Male BARKER, Birth registered at Melb, Australia."
  12. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D15660/1887 (Age 32) (par Edwd BARKER & Madelen Charl Skene SCOT) - as Ernt Arthur BARKER, Death registered at Sy, Australia."
  13. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B3632/1866 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SKENE) - as Madeline Eugenia BARKER, Birth registered at North Melb., Australia."
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Frederick Charles Darling Barker

M, #30495, b. 1863, d. Jun 1936
Father*Edward Barker b. 1817, d. 30 Jun 1885
Mother*Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot b. 24 Nov 1824, d. 31 Jan 1885
Birth*1863 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #B21709/1863 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SCOT) - as Frederick Charles Darling BARKER.1 
Marriage*1897 Spouse: Elizabeth Ann Smith. VIC, Australia, #M4192/1897, Fred Chas Darling BARKER & Elizth Ann SMITH.2
Note*bt 1899 - 1910 Other children: #B21353/1899 (par Fredk Chas Darl BARKER & Elizth SMITH) - as Madeline Rose BARKER, Birth registered at Prn, Australia
#B13036/1902 (par Fredk Chas Darling BARKER & Elizabeth Ann SMITH) - as Evelyn Georgeanna Patricia BARKER, Birth registered at Prahran, Australia
#B5897/1910 (par BARKER, Fredk Chas Darl BARKER & BARKER, Elizth SMITH) - as Leslie Chas Blair BARKER, Birth registered at Prahran, Vic, Australia.3 
Death*Jun 1936 Malvern East, VIC, Australia, #D4663/1936 (Age 73) (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene SCOT) - as Frederick Charles Darling BARKER.4 


  • 4-207-A+B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia, Frederick Charles Darling Barker 1936 Age 73
    Elizabeth Ann (-Smith) Barker 1941 Age 69 wife/ Frederick C.D., mother/ Madge, Evelyn, Gordon, Leslie
    Edward Alfred Gordon Barker 1946 Age 41 son/ Frederick Charles Darling & Elizabeth Ann5


Elizabeth Ann Smith d. Jul 1941
Child 1.Edward Alfred Gordon Barker b. 1905, d. Aug 1946


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B21709/1863 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SCOT) - as Frederick Charles Darling BARKER, Birth registered at Melb, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M4192/1897, Fred Chas Darling BARKER & Elizth Ann SMITH."
  3. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "other children: #B21353/1899 (par Fredk Chas Darl BARKER & Elizth SMITH) - as Madeline Rose BARKER, Birth registered at Prn, Australia
    #B13036/1902 (par Fredk Chas Darling BARKER & Elizabeth Ann SMITH) - as Evelyn Georgeanna Patricia BARKER, Birth registered at Prahran, Australia
    #B5897/1910 (par BARKER, Fredk Chas Darl BARKER & BARKER, Elizth SMITH) - as Leslie Chas Blair BARKER, Birth registered at Prahran, Vic, Australia."
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D4663/1936 (Age 73) (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene SCOT) - as Frederick Charles Darling BARKER, born Melbourne. Death registered at Malvern East, Australia."
  5. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    4-207-A Barker F.C.D. M 73 9/06/1936 953
    4-207-B Barker F 69 17/07/1941 1081
    4-207-B Barker E.A.Gordon M 41 5/08/1946 1186.
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Edward Hamilton Blair Barker1

M, #30496, b. 5 Feb 1853, d. 20 May 1885
Father*Edward Barker1 b. 1817, d. 30 Jun 1885
Mother*Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot1 b. 24 Nov 1824, d. 31 Jan 1885
Birth*5 Feb 1853 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #B18063/1853 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene UNKNOWN) - as Edward Hamilton Blair BARKER.2 
Birth-Notice*10 Feb 1853 On the 5th (or 9th) inst., at 133, Bourke-street, Mrs. Edward Barker, of a son.3 
Marriage*1882 Spouse: Mary Bryant Singleton. VIC, Australia, #M3365/1882, Edward Hamilton Blair BARKER & Mary Bryant SINGLETON.4
Death*20 May 1885 Robe, SA, Australia, # 146/418, 1885 - as Edward Hamilton Blair BARKER, registered at Robe.5 
Death-Notice*23 May 1885 BARKER.—On the 20th inst., suddenly, at Robe, South Australia, Edward Hamilton Blair Barker, M.B., eldest surviving son of Dr. Edward Barker, M.D., Melbourne.6 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B3584/1855 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skeane SCOT) - as Unnamed Male BARKER, Birth registered at Melb, Australia."
  2. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B18063/1853 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene UNKNOWN) - as Edward Hamilton Blair BARKER, Birth registered at Bourke Street Melbourne, Australia."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 10 Feb 1853, p4
  4. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M3365/1882, Edward Hamilton Blair BARKER & Mary Bryant SINGLETON."
  5. [S63] South Australian Government. BDM Index South Australia "Genealogy SA
    # 146/418, 1885 - as Edward Hamilton Blair BARKER, registered at Robe."
  6. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 23 May 1885, p1
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Mary Bryant Singleton

F, #30497, b. 1853, d. 7 Oct 1905
Married NameBarker. 
Marriage*1882 Spouse: Edward Hamilton Blair Barker. VIC, Australia, #M3365/1882, Edward Hamilton Blair BARKER & Mary Bryant SINGLETON.1
Widow20 May 1885Mary Bryant Singleton became a widow upon the death of her husband Edward Hamilton Blair Barker.2 
Death*7 Oct 1905 Inveresk, Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D11715/1905 (Age 52) (par Jos SINGLETON & Unknown) - as Mary Bryant BARKER.3 
Death-Notice*14 Oct 1905 BARKER.—On the 7th October, at "Inveresk," Berwick, Mary Bryant, widow of late Edward Hamilton Blair Barker, Robe, South Australia.4 


  • 4-175-B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia5


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M3365/1882, Edward Hamilton Blair BARKER & Mary Bryant SINGLETON."
  2. [S63] South Australian Government. BDM Index South Australia "Genealogy SA
    # 146/418, 1885 - as Edward Hamilton Blair BARKER, registered at Robe."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D11715/1905 (Age 52) (par Jos SINGLETON & Unknown) - as Mary Bryant BARKER, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  4. [S14] Newspaper - Leader (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 14 Oct 1905, p44
  5. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    4-175-B Barker M.B. 52 9/10/1905 399
    4-175-B Barker Mary Ann F 72 22/10/1921 680.
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Elizabeth Ann Smith

F, #30498, d. Jul 1941
Married NameBarker. 
Marriage*1897 Spouse: Frederick Charles Darling Barker. VIC, Australia, #M4192/1897, Fred Chas Darling BARKER & Elizth Ann SMITH.1
WidowJun 1936Elizabeth Ann Smith became a widow upon the death of her husband Frederick Charles Darling Barker.2 
Death*Jul 1941 Malvern, VIC, Australia, #D6371/1941 (Age 69) (par Edward SMITH & Caroline Ann CHIBNALL) - as Elizabeth Ann BARKER.3 


  • 4-207-A+B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia, Frederick Charles Darling Barker 1936 Age 73
    Elizabeth Ann (-Smith) Barker 1941 Age 69 wife/ Frederick C.D., mother/ Madge, Evelyn, Gordon, Leslie
    Edward Alfred Gordon Barker 1946 Age 41 son/ Frederick Charles Darling & Elizabeth Ann4


Frederick Charles Darling Barker b. 1863, d. Jun 1936
Child 1.Edward Alfred Gordon Barker b. 1905, d. Aug 1946


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M4192/1897, Fred Chas Darling BARKER & Elizth Ann SMITH."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D4663/1936 (Age 73) (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene SCOT) - as Frederick Charles Darling BARKER, born Melbourne. Death registered at Malvern East, Australia."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D6371/1941 (Age 69) (par Edward SMITH & Caroline Ann CHIBNALL) - as Elizabeth Ann BARKER, Death registered at Malvern, Australia."
  4. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    4-207-A Barker F.C.D. M 73 9/06/1936 953
    4-207-B Barker F 69 17/07/1941 1081
    4-207-B Barker E.A.Gordon M 41 5/08/1946 1186.
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Edward Alfred Gordon Barker

M, #30499, b. 1905, d. Aug 1946
Father*Frederick Charles Darling Barker b. 1863, d. Jun 1936
Mother*Elizabeth Ann Smith d. Jul 1941
Birth*1905 Prahran, VIC, Australia, #B20959/1905 (par Fredk Chas Darl BARKER & Elizth SMITH) - as Edwd Alfd Gordon BARKER.1 
Death*Aug 1946 Malvern, VIC, Australia, #D7982/1946 (Age 41) (par Frederick Charles Darling BARKER & Elizabeth Ann SMITH) - as Edward Alfred Gordon BARKER.2 


  • 4-207-A+B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia, Frederick Charles Darling Barker 1936 Age 73
    Elizabeth Ann (-Smith) Barker 1941 Age 69 wife/ Frederick C.D., mother/ Madge, Evelyn, Gordon, Leslie
    Edward Alfred Gordon Barker 1946 Age 41 son/ Frederick Charles Darling & Elizabeth Ann3


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B20959/1905 (par Fredk Chas Darl BARKER & Elizth SMITH) - as Edwd Alfd Gordon BARKER, Birth registered at Prahran, Australia."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D7982/1946 (Age 41) (par Frederick Charles Darling BARKER & Elizabeth Ann SMITH) - as Edward Alfred Gordon BARKER, born Prahran. Death registered at Malvern, Australia."
  3. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    4-207-A Barker F.C.D. M 73 9/06/1936 953
    4-207-B Barker F 69 17/07/1941 1081
    4-207-B Barker E.A.Gordon M 41 5/08/1946 1186.
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Alexander Scot Barker1

M, #30500, b. 9 Jun 1846, d. 2 Jul 1883
Father*Edward Barker1 b. 1817, d. 30 Jun 1885
Mother*Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot1 b. 24 Nov 1824, d. 31 Jan 1885
Birth*9 Jun 1846 Kenilworth Wannon, VIC, Australia, #B34072/1847 & #B8157/1847 (par BARKER Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SKENE) - as Alexander Scot BARKER.1 
Birth-Notice*20 Jun 1846 On Tuesday, the 9th instant, at Bierton, Wannon River, the lady of Edward Barker, Esq., J. P., of a son.2 
Death*2 Jul 1883 South Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #D8810/1883 (Age 35) (par Edwd BARKER & Madeline Charl SCOT) - as Alex Scot BARKER.3 
Death-Notice*3 Jul 1883 BARKER.—On the 2nd inst., at the residence of his father, 53 Latrobe-street east, Alexander Scot Barker, L.F.P.S., Glasgow, in the 36th year of his age.4 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B34072/1847 (par BARKER Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SKENE) - as Alexander Scot BARKER, Birth registered at Kenilworth Wannon, Australia
    #B8157/1847 (par BARKER Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skene - as Alexander Scot BARKER, Birth registered at Kenilworth Wannon, Australia."
  2. [S14] Newspaper - The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (Vic.), Sat 20 Jun 1846, p2
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D8810/1883 (Age 35) (par Edwd BARKER & Madeline Charl SCOT) - as Alex Scot BARKER, Death registered at S Melb, Australia."
  4. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 3 Jul 1883, p1
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Ernest Arthur Barker1

M, #30501, b. 1855, d. 15 Nov 1887
Father*Edward Barker1 b. 1817, d. 30 Jun 1885
Mother*Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot1 b. 24 Nov 1824, d. 31 Jan 1885
Birth*1855 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #B3584/1855 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skeane SCOT) - as Unnamed Male BARKER.2 
Death*15 Nov 1887 South Yarra, VIC, Australia, #D15660/1887 (Age 32) (par Edwd BARKER & Madelen Charl Skene SCOT) - as Ernt Arthur BARKER.1 
Death-Notice*16 Nov 1887 BARKER.—On the 15th inst., at 7 Avoca-street, South Yarra, Ernest Arthur Barker, eldest surviving son of the late Dr. Edward Barker, M.D.3 


  1. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D15660/1887 (Age 32) (par Edwd BARKER & Madelen Charl Skene SCOT) - as Ernt Arthur BARKER, Death registered at Sy, Australia."
  2. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B3584/1855 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte Skeane SCOT) - as Unnamed Male BARKER, Birth registered at Melb, Australia."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 16 Nov 1887, p1
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Madeline Eugenia Barker1

F, #30502, b. 18 Nov 1865, d. 9 Aug 1866
Father*Edward Barker1 b. 1817, d. 30 Jun 1885
Mother*Madeline Charlotte Skene Scot1 b. 24 Nov 1824, d. 31 Jan 1885
Birth*18 Nov 1865 North Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #B3632/1866 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SKENE) - as Madeline Eugenia BARKER.1 
Birth-Notice*25 Nov 1865 BARKER.—On the 18th inst., at 53 Latrobe-street east, Mrs. Edward Barker of a daughter.2 
Death*9 Aug 1866 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #D8467/1866 (Age 9 months) (par Edward BARKER & Madalina Charlotte SCOTT) - as Madalina Georgina BARKER.3 
Death-Notice*10 Aug 1866 BARKER.-On the 9th inst., at 53 Latrobe-street east, Madulina Georgiana, youngest daughter of Edward Barker, Esq., M.D., aged nine months.4 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B3632/1866 (par Edward BARKER & Madeline Charlotte SKENE) - as Madeline Eugenia BARKER, Birth registered at North Melb., Australia."
  2. [S14] Newspaper - The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 25 Nov 1865, p8
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D8467/1866 (Age 9 months) (par Edward BARKER & Madalina Charlotte SCOTT) - as Madalina Georgina BARKER. Born Melbourne."
  4. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 10 Aug 1866, p4
Last Edited8 Jun 2024

Jessie Robinson

F, #30506
Land-Berwick*11 Oct 1918 BER-Crown-18 (part). Transfer from Ernest Herbert Sherriff to Jessie Robinson. 1r 33 8/10p (Railway Road) - C/T 4154-748.1 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1064-674 - Jessie Robinson - C/T 4154-748.
Last Edited9 Jun 2024


Some family sections show only the children who were associated with Upper Beaconsfield.

Some individuals may be featured because members of their family were associated with the Upper Beaconsfield area, even though they themselves never lived here.