Jane Beatrice Wollen

F, #30691, b. 1878, d. 27 Jan 1947
Married NameHenry. 
Birth*1878 Ballarat, VIC, Australia, #B13264/1878 (par William WOLLEN & Jane MANCHESTER) - as Jane Beatrice WOLLEN.1 
Marriage*10 May 1907 Spouse: Alfred Henry. VIC, Australia, #M4526/1907, Alfd HENRY & Jane Beatrice WOLLEN.2
Marriage-Notice*15 Jun 1907 HENRY—WOLLEN.—On 10th May, by the Rev. Dr Gosman, Alfred, only son of the late Charles F. Henry to Jane Beatrice, only daughter of Mrs J. Wollen, Surrey Hills.3 
Widow16 Jul 1937Jane Beatrice Wollen became a widow upon the death of her husband Alfred Henry
Death*27 Jan 1947 QLD, Australia, #D1947/C/1237 (par William Wollen & Jane Mancheslen) - as Jane Beatrice Henry, Death date: 27 Jan 1947.4 
Death-Notice*8 Feb 1947 HENRY.—On January 27 (after a short illness), at Townsville Hospital, Jane (Jean) Beatrice Henry, late of Melbourne, aged 67 years.5 


  • 7 Oct 1899: Miss Jane Beatrice Wollen, daughter of Mr. W. Wollen, chemist, of Chapel-street, Prahran (Vic), who was the gold medallist and dux student of the College of Pharmacy in 1897, has now gained the distinction of being the first lady in Victoria to pass the final qualifying examination for a pharmacist.6


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B13264/1878 (par William WOLLEN & Jane MANCHESTER) - as Jane Beatrice WOLLEN, Birth registered at Ba Ll, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M4526/1907, Alfd HENRY & Jane Beatrice WOLLEN."
  3. [S14] Newspaper - Weekly Times (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 15 Jun 1907, p12
  4. [S8] Queensland Government Birth, Death & Marriage Indexes "#D1947/C/1237 (par William Wollen & Jane Mancheslen) - as Jane Beatrice Henry, Death date: 27 Jan 1947."
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 8 Feb 1947, p22
  6. [S14] Newspaper - Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW), Sat 7 Oct 1899, p14
Last Edited26 Aug 2024

Charles Vaughan

M, #30692, b. 1811, d. 18 Jun 1864
Charles Vaughan, M.L.C.
(Image State Library of Victoria)
Probate (Will)* 4/928. Charles Vaughan, Residence: Fitzroy, Occupation: Esquire, To whom committed: C C Dunn And T J Somner, Date Of Death: 18 Jun 1864, Date Of Grant: 18 Aug 1864.1 
Birth*1811 Liverpool, England. 
Land-Beac*30 Jul 1860Selection: PAK-31. 129a 1r 23p - consideration £ 
Land-Beac*4 May 1863 PAK-31. Transfer from Charles Vaughan to Richard Walkden. 129a 1r 23p - consideration £130.3 
Death*18 Jun 1864 St Kilda, VIC, Australia, #D4947/1864 (Age 53) (par VAUGHAN & unknown) - as Charles VAUGHAN.4 
Death-Notice*20 Jun 1864 VAUGHAN.—On the 18th instant, St. Kilda, the honorable Charles Vaughan, M.L.C., aged fifty-three years.5 


    We have to record the death of another old colonist and colonial legislator. Within a twelvemonth, two members of our Legislative Council have passed away, and now the Hon. Charles Vaughan, member for the Western Province, makes a third. The deceased has for many years occupied a prominent and useful place in society. He was born in 1811, in Liverpool, where his father was a merchant draper, and in his school days he had for tutor Mr. La Trobe, afterwards Superintendent of Port Philip, and subsequently the first Lieutanant-Governor of Victoria.
    In 1831, Mr. Vaughan, then twenty years old, left England for Portugal, where he joined in business a firm of which a cousin of Mr. Wild, his late partner, was the head. He was at Oporto during its siege by Don Miguel, and remained in that city for several years afterwards. He then returned to Liverpool, where, as sleeping partner, he connected himself in business with Mr. Jones, a watch manufacturer. In 1839, both Mr. Jones and himself came to Victoria, then Port Philip, and here he invested his capital in squatting pursuits, and occupied a station in the Avoca district. He also fulfilled the office of inspector of markets to the City of Melbourne, which he resigned to become chief clerk to his old tutor, his Honour Mr. La Trobe. He resigned that position on being appointed a territorial magistrate, the duties belonging to that office being his favourite occupation till his last illness. He was also elected a member of the City Council, and eventually alderman, but severed his connexion with the Corporation in 1853, when he joined in partnership with Mr. Wild, the firm of Vaughan and Wild being the successors of Bear and Son, in Queen-street. When the New Constitution came into operation, he was elected member of the Legislative Council for the Western Province. His legislative career was marked by a quiet consistency which procured him respect, though his most prominent appearance was as Acting-chairman of Committees during the illness of the Hon. J. Hedgton and the Hon. R. Thomson. His political opinions were of a moderately conservative character. After serving some years, he was re-elected by his constituents, and would, had he lived, have held office till 1868. Perhaps he was best known in his magisterial and municipal capacity. He was twice elected a member of the Fitzroy Council, and was twice its chairman. During his last year of chairmanship, the new Municipal Act came into force, and he was, therefore, the first mayor of Fitzroy. He was also for several years chairman of the Fitzroy and East Collingwood benches of magistrates, though he resigned the latter office some three or more years since. He was chairman of the Fitzroy Bench at his death, and his excessive impartiality and integrity, joined to no small share of intelligence, were universally admitted.
    In 1860, Messrs. Vaughan and Wild adopted the brewing trade as their own, and the firm is still in a prosperous existence, though the deceased was known to have experienced heavy losses during his later career. The Hon. C. Vaughan was also a prominent member of the Baptist Church in Albert-street, under the pastorate of the Rev. Isaac New, and for many years fulfilled the office of senior deacon. He was, as well as his partner, widely known in musical circles as an enthusiastic amateur, and was a member of the Philharmonic Scciety and Orpheus Union. He was never married, and, as we understand, his only surviving relations are some married sisters living in England. For the last ten weeks, he has been laid up with rheumatism under his knee, but yesterday week he was attacked with water round the heart, and on Saturday afternoon last he died, aged fifty-three years, at St. Kilda, whither he had been removed for change of air.
    We are informed that the funeral will take place to-morrow. The body being removed to the Albert-street Baptist Church, a special service will commence at half-past two, and the procession will move thence to the cemetery at three o'clock.
    Some few months since, a number of gentlemen subscribed funds for a testimonial, in the shape of a full-length portrait of Mr. Vaughan, in oil, to be placed in the Fitzroy Town-hall. The picture, painted by Mr. Calder, of Bourke-street, is nearly finished, and doubtless will soon occupy its promised place of honour, where it will serve as a remembrance of an unostentatious gentleman, who fulfilled many public duties with credit to himself and to his country.6
  • 22 Jun 1864: FUNERAL OF THE HON. C. VAUGHAN.
    The remains of the Hon Charles Vaughan, M.L.C., were consigned to their last resting place, in the new cemetery, yesterday afternoon. As an old colonist, well known and highly respected by all classes of his fellow colonists, Mr Vaughan occupied many prominent positions during his lengthened residence in Victoria. So long ago as the year 1839 he was occupied in squatting pursuits in the Avoca district. He then became inspector of markets under the Corporation, and this he resigned to assume office as chief clerk to Mr Latrobe, the then Superintendent of the district. For some time afterwards he was again connected with the corporats body, but as one of its members, and fulfilled the duties of alderman. In 1856 he joined in partnership with Mr Wild as stock and station agents, in Queen street, and at the first general election under the new Constitution was elected as one of the representatives of the Western Province, and remained so up to the time of his decease. In his legislatorial capacity Mr Vaughan never put himself prominently forward ; but if he was not a brilliant speaker he was a consistent voter, and was a constant attendant at the house. As a Magistrate and Chairman of the Fitzroy Bench he won the confidence and esteem of all who knew him by the impartiality and intelligence which he displayed in the discharge of the duties appertaining to this important office. For some time previous to his death, Mr Vaughan was removed to St. Kilda for change of air ; but the malady from which he was suffering had taken so strong a hold upon his constitution that all efforts to prolong his life were rendered unavailing, and he finally succumbed on Saturday afternoon. The body was brought into town on Monday, and deposited previous to interment in the Baptist Church, in Albert street, of which the deceased gentleman was a prominent member, having for many years occupied the position of senior deacon. After a special service had been said at the church yesterday, by the Rev Isaac New, the funeral cortege was formed and proceeded by Bourke street and Swanston street to the cemetery. Without exception the remains of no private gentleman has been followed to the grave by a larger procession than that which assembled to pay the last earthly tribute of respect to Mr Vaughan. Both branches of the Legislature were represented by some of its most prominent members. The Mayor and Town Clerk were present on behalf of the Corporation of Melbourne. The Freemasons, of which body the deceased was long and closely associated, were present in their regalia, and assumed a prominent position in the procession. The funeral arrangements, which were simple and unostentatious, consisted of a hearse drawn by two horses, and three mourning coaches containing the chief mourners, viz — Mr E. Wild, Mr Sprent, Mr R. Grice, and Mr Sumner. Then followed a long line of private carriages containing the personal friends of the deceased, and those by whom he was held in such high regard. Mr Vaughan had been for many years connected with the districts of Fitzroy and East Collingwood, both in his public and private capacities, having lately been connected as a partner in the well known brewing firm of Vaughan and Wild. Many of the shopkeepers in these localities, in order to show their respect for his memory, partly closed their shops during the day. On reaching the grave, the impressive funeral service was read by the Rev Isaac New. The pall bearers were the Hon C. J. Jenner, M.L.C., Mr Ham, Mr Jackson, Mr F. Kerr, Mr E. Fuller, and the Rev A. Moritz.
    The coffin having been placed below the ground, the last offices of the dead were performed, and the melancholy proceedings were brought to a close. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr Daley, of Spring street.7


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28) / Wills (VPRS7591)
    4/928. Charles Vaughan, Residence: Fitzroy, Occupation: Esquire, To whom committed: C C Dunn And T J Somner, Date Of Death: 18 Jun 1864, Date Of Grant: 18 Aug 1864
    VPRS 28/P0001, 4/928; VPRS 28/P0000, 4/928; VPRS 7591/P0001, 4/928.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 26109 - search notes viewed.
    Portion 31 Parish of Pakenham. Grantee Charles Vaughan 30 Mar 1860 / 30 Jul 1860
    129a 1r 23p £129.7.11 p 3585.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 26109 - search notes viewed.
    as to Portion 31 Parish of Pakenham. Charles Vaughan 1, Richard Walkden 2, Charles Ferguson Henry 3 - 4 May 1863 / 12 May 1863 £130 pd 1 by 2; £130 pd 2 by 3.
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D4947/1864 (Age 53) (par VAUGHAN & unknown) - as Charles VAUGHAN. Born Live."
  5. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 20 Jun 1864, p4
  6. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 20 Jun 1864, p5
  7. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 22 Jun 1864, p2
Last Edited27 Aug 2024

Richard Walkden

M, #30693, b. 1793, d. 11 Aug 1880
Land-Beac*4 May 1863 PAK-31. Transfer from Charles Vaughan to Richard Walkden. 129a 1r 23p - consideration £130.1 
Land-Beac*4 May 1863 PAK-31. Transfer from Richard Walkden to Charles Ferguson Henry. 129a 1r 23p - consideration £130.1 
Death*11 Aug 1880 #D7251/1880 (Age 87) (par Thomas WALKDEN & unknown) - as Richard WALKDEN. Spouse Mary KIPHEN.2 
Death-Notice*19 Aug 1880 WALKDEN.—On the 11th inst., at his son's house at Hanson South, Mr Richard Walkden, in his 83rd year.3 


  • 7 Feb 1881: WALKDEN.—On Jan. 18th, at Como, South Rakaia, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mary Stephen, relict of the late Richard Walkden, Geelong.4


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 26109 - search notes viewed.
    as to Portion 31 Parish of Pakenham. Charles Vaughan 1, Richard Walkden 2, Charles Ferguson Henry 3 - 4 May 1863 / 12 May 1863 £130 pd 1 by 2; £130 pd 2 by 3.
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D7251/1880 (Age 87) (par Thomas WALKDEN & unknown) - as Richard WALKDEN. Spouse Mary KIPHEN."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 19 Aug 1880, p1
  4. [S14] Newspaper - Gippsland Times (Vic.), Mon 7 Feb 1881, p3
Last Edited27 Aug 2024

Nelson Polak

M, #30694, b. 1818, d. 22 Dec 1868
Marriage* Spouse: Elizabeth Atkinson.
Land-Beac*20 Jun 1860Selection: PAK-32. 156a 0r 10p - consideration £187.9.6 as tenants in common.1 
Land-Beac30 Dec 1860 PAK-32. Transfer from Nelson Polak to Moton Moss. 156a 0r 10p - consideration £93.19.9 - undivided moiety.2 
Death*22 Dec 1868 St Kilda, VIC, Australia, #D9897/1868 (Age 50) (par Nelson POLAK & Sarah) - as Nelson POLAK.3 
Death-Notice*23 Dec 1868 POLAK.—On the 22nd inst., at his residence, Northampton-buildings, Acland-street, St. Kilda, Nelson Polak, aged fifty years.4 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 26109 - search notes viewed.
    Portion 32 Parish of Pakenham. Grantee Nelson Polak + Moton Moss 30 Mar 1860 / 20 Jun 1860
    156a 0r 10p £187.9.6 p 2597.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 26109 - search notes viewed.
    Portion 32 Parish of Pakenham. Conveyance Nelson Polak to Moton Moss 30 Dec 1860 / 5 Jan 1861
    156a 0r 10p £93.19.9.
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D9897/1868 (Age 50) (par Nelson POLAK & Sarah) - as Nelson POLAK. Born Prus."
  4. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 23 Dec 1868, p4
Last Edited27 Aug 2024

Moton Moss

M, #30695, b. 7 Jun 1800, d. 12 Jun 1879
Birth*7 Jun 1800 London, England. 
Land-Beac*20 Jun 1860Selection: PAK-32. 156a 0r 10p - consideration £187.9.6 as tenants in common.1 
Land-Beac30 Dec 1860 PAK-32. Transfer from Nelson Polak to Moton Moss. 156a 0r 10p - consideration £93.19.9 - undivided moiety.2 
Land-Beac*6 Nov 1872 PAK-32. Transfer from Moton Moss to Charles Ferguson Henry. 156a 0r 10p - consideration £200.3 
Death*12 Jun 1879 Carlton, VIC, Australia, #D4043/1879 (Age 79) (par David MOSS & Sarah SOLOMON) - as Moton MOSS. Spouse Rebecca ABRAHAMS.4 
Death-Notice13 Jun 1879 THE Friends of Mr. MOTON MOSS, merchant, Melbourne, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral to the place of interment, the Melbourne General Cemetery.
The funeral is appointed to leave his late residence 3 Alfred Place, Victoria street, Carlton, THIS DAY (Friday, 13th June), at half past 2p.m.
JOHN DALEY, undertaker, Latrobe and Spring-street, Melbourne.5 
Death-Notice*13 Jun 1879 MOSS.—On the 12th inst., at his residence, 3 Alfred-place, Victoria street, Moton Moss, merchant, the beloved husband of Mrs. Moton Moss, by a paralytic stroke, just entered his 80th year. May his soul rest in peace. Sydney and New Zealand papers please copy.6 


  • 12 Jun 1879: MR MOTON MOSS
    Shortly after seven o'clock this morning, a well-known and old established colonist, with whose doings nearly everyone is familar, in the person of Mr Moton Moss, died at his residence, in Alfred Place, Victoria street. Mr Moss has for some time past been suffering from a stroke of paralysis, brought on, it is said, by the knowledge of some severe losses incurred by the failure of a number of houses in Tasmania in which he was interested, and for a fortnight before he expired had been confined to his bed on this account. He was born at London on the 7th June, 1800, and came out to Tasmania during the year 1837, which place he left fifteen years afterwards, and settled down in Melbourne, opening a small drapery warehouse at the corner of Bourke and Elizabeth streets, where the establishment of Messrs Dunn, Carter, and Collins now stands. During the days of the diggings he carried on business with varied success, and afterwards left that place and went to Sydney, where, after remaining for a short time he returned colony, and opened business as a merchant in 1861, which he carried on up to the time of his death. He dealt largely in mining shares, and was also interested in most of the Banking and Insurance Companies in Melbourne being concerned in the failure af the Australian and European Bank. When the Jewish Synagogue was established in Bourke street, it was he who made the clergy a present of the gasfittings at that place, the Gas Company having just then started, which remain to this day. His presence at the various auction rooms in town was always a source of pleasantry to those engaged there, his humor and good nature never deserting him up to the last. About a fortnight ago, when at the Exchange in Bourke street, he was observed to be looking very unwell, and the next day was confined to his bed with an illness which proved fatal. His son was married yesterday week, and the old man, being then very ill, attended it in his private carriage, and was lifted out of it into tho room where the ceremony was performed. He is one of the largest city property holders here, and leaves a considerable amount of money to his widow and children, by whom his death was much regretted, although not altogether unexpected, he having reached the ripe age of 79 years.7


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 26109 - search notes viewed.
    Portion 32 Parish of Pakenham. Grantee Nelson Polak + Moton Moss 30 Mar 1860 / 20 Jun 1860
    156a 0r 10p £187.9.6 p 2597.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 26109 - search notes viewed.
    Portion 32 Parish of Pakenham. Conveyance Nelson Polak to Moton Moss 30 Dec 1860 / 5 Jan 1861
    156a 0r 10p £93.19.9.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), AP 26109 - search notes viewed.
    as to Portion 32 Parish of Pakenham. Moton Moss to Charles Ferguson Henry - 6 Nov 1872 / 8 Nov 1872 £200.
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D4043/1879 (Age 79) (par David MOSS & Sarah SOLOMON) - as Moton MOSS. Born London. Spouse Rebecca ABRAHAMS."
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 13 Jun 1879, p8
  6. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 13 Jun 1879, p1
  7. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 12 Jun 1879, p3
Last Edited27 Aug 2024

Elizabeth Atkinson

F, #30696, d. 12 Dec 1875
Married NamePolak. 
Marriage* Spouse: Nelson Polak.
Widow22 Dec 1868Elizabeth Atkinson became a widow upon the death of her husband Nelson Polak.1 
Death*12 Dec 1875 St Kilda, VIC, Australia, #D15258/1875 (Age 52) (par Willia ATKINSON & Mary) - as Elizabeth POLAK. Spouse Nelson Polak.2 
Death-Notice*13 Dec 1875 POLAK.—On the 12th inst., at her residence, No. 4 Apsley-terrace, St. Kilda, after a lingering illness from disease of heart and lungs, Elizabeth, relict of the late Nelson Polak, Esq., in her 52nd year.3 
Death-Notice14 Dec 1875 THE Friends of the late Mrs ELIZABETH POLAK (relict ot the late Nelson Polak, Esq.), are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, the Melbourne General Cemetery.
The funeral will move from her late residence, No 4 Apsley-terrace, Acland street, St. Kilda, THIS DAY (Tuesday, the 14th inst.), at 2 o'clock precisely.
R. CHURCHUS, undertaker, High-street, St. Kilda.4 


  1. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D9897/1868 (Age 50) (par Nelson POLAK & Sarah) - as Nelson POLAK. Born Prus."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D15258/1875 (Age 52) (par Willia ATKINSON & Mary) - as Elizabeth POLAK. Born Hudd. Spouse Nelson Polak."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 13 Dec 1875, p1
  4. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 14 Dec 1875, p8
Last Edited27 Aug 2024

William Park

M, #30697
Land-Berwick14 Mar 1865Selection: BER-Town S29-8. 0a 2r 0p - consideration £4.1 
Land-Berwick*14 Mar 1865Selection: BER-Town S29-7. 0a 2r 0p - consideration £5 10s.2 
Land-Berwick*24 Jun 1870 BER-Town S29-7.8. Transfer from William Park to John Ginty. 1a 0r 0p.3 


  • 15 Mar 1865: BERWICK, County of Mornington, parish of Berwick. Situated at the crossing of the road from Melbourne to Gipps Land, by the Cardinia Creek, twenty-three miles from Melbourne.
    Upset price, £8 per acre.
    Lot 22.-2r., £5 10s. the lot. Wm. Park.
    Lot 23.-2r, £4 the lot. W. Park.4


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 360-850 - William Park of Berwick.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 360-851 - William Park of Berwick.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 360-850 + 360-851 - John Ginty of Berwick Farmer - Consolidated C/T 359-730.
  4. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 15 Mar 1865, p1
Last Edited1 Sep 2024

John Riordan

M, #30698, b. 1835, d. 1 Feb 1898
Marriage*1865 Spouse: Margaret Lane. VIC, Australia, #M3204/1865, John RIORDAN & Margaret LANE.1
Land-Berwick28 Aug 1888 BER-Town S29- Transfer from Matthew O'Connor to John Riordan. 2a 2r.2 
Land-Berwick28 Aug 1888 BER-Town S10- Transfer from Matthew O'Connor to John Riordan. 2a 2r.3 
Land-Berwick*15 Jul 1891 BER-Town S29-5-9 + S10-4-8. Transfer from John Riordan to Margaret Riordan. 5a.4 
Death*1 Feb 1898 Melbourne South, VIC, Australia, #D3793/1898 (Age 63) (par Jno RIORDAN & Mary MCMAHON) - as Jno RIORDAN.5 
Death-Notice*2 Feb 1898 RIORDAN.—On the 1st February, at his residence, 6 Smith-street, South Melbourne, John, the beloved husband of Margaret Riordan, aged 63 years. R.I.P.6 
Death-Notice2 Feb 1898 RIORDAN.—The Friends of the late Mr. JOHN RIORDAN are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral will leave his late residence, 6 Smith-street, South Melbourne, THIS (Wednesday) MORNING, 2nd February, at 10 o'clock.
JOHN DALEY, Undertaker, Latrobe and Spring streets, Melbourne. Telephone 827.7 


  • 11 Jun 1892: Relative? RIORDAN.—On the 10th June, at his mother's residence, 6 Smith-street, South Melbourne, Michael, the beloved son of Mary and the late James Riordan, aged 18 years. R.I.P.8
  • 19 Aug 1892: NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria in Its Probate jurisdiction that LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION of the estate of MICHAEL RIORDAN, late of No 6 Smith-street, South Melbourne, of no occupation, deceased, intestate, may be granted to Mary Riordan, of No. 6 Smith-street, South Melbourne aforesaid, widow the mother and one of the next of kin of the said deceased.
    Dated this 18th day of August, 1892.
    JOHN HOPKINS, 439 Collins-street, Melbourne, proctor for the said Mary Riordan.9
    Mr John Riordan, Berwick, Gippsland ... £1 1 010
  • 12 Feb 1894: TO Let, furnished brick Villa, 8 rooms, 5 a land, beautifully situated. J. Riordan, Berwick.11
  • 31 Dec 1895: RIORDAN - On the 29th December, at his mother's residence, 6 Smith-street, South Melbourne, James, the beloved son of Mary and the late James Riordan, aged 18 years. R.I. P.12


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M3204/1865, John RIORDAN & Margaret LANE."
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1401-085 + C/T 1459-763 - John Riordan of Number 295 Bay Street Port Melbourne Builder - C/T 2059-785.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1401-086 - John Riordan of Number 295, Bay Street Port Melbourne Builder - C/T 2059-785.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2059-785 - Margaret Riordan wife of John Riordan of Berwick Gentleman.
  5. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D3793/1898 (Age 63) (par Jno RIORDAN & Mary MCMAHON) - as Jno RIORDAN, Death registered at Melb S, Australia."
  6. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 2 Feb 1898, p1
  7. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 2 Feb 1898, p8
  8. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 11 Jun 1892, p5
  9. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 19 Aug 1892, p8
  10. [S14] Newspaper - Advocate (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 3 Sep 1892, p14
  11. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 12 Feb 1894, p3
  12. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 31 Dec 1895, p1
Last Edited1 Sep 2024

Margaret Lane

F, #30699, b. 1837, d. 23 Apr 1919
Married NameRiordan. 
Marriage*1865 Spouse: John Riordan. VIC, Australia, #M3204/1865, John RIORDAN & Margaret LANE.1
Land-Berwick*15 Jul 1891 BER-Town S29-5-9 + S10-4-8. Transfer from John Riordan to Margaret Riordan. 5a.2 
Widow1 Feb 1898She became a widow upon the death of her husband John Riordan.3 
Death*23 Apr 1919 Melbourne South, VIC, Australia, #D8359/1919 (Age 82) (par unknown) - as Margt RIORDAN.4 
Death-Notice*25 Apr 1919 RIORDAN.—On the 23rd April, 1919, at the Convent of the Good Shepherd (Rosary place), Beaconsfield parade, Middle Park, Margaret, the dearly beloved wife of the late John Riordan.
May her soul rest in peace.
RIORDAN.- The Friends of the late Mrs. MARGARET RIORDAN are respectfully notified that her remains will be interred in the Melbourne General Cemetery.
The funeral is appointed to leave the Convent of the Good Shepherd (Rosary place), Beaconsfield parade, Middle Park, THIS MORNING (Friday, the 25th April, 1919), at 11 o'clock.
CHAS. P. FRILAY, Funeral Director. 'Phone head office, Brunswick 446, and branches.5 
Land-Note*15 Sep 1919 BER-Town S29-5-9 + S10-4-8. Red Ink No 1978470. Margaret Riordan died on the 23rd day of April 1919. Probate of her will and two codicils has been granted to Daniel Mannix of St Patrick's Cathedral Melbourne Roman Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne. Dated the 15th day of September 1919.6 
Land-Berwick*30 Apr 1947 BER-Town S29- Transfer from Margaret Riordan to William Harland 'Bill' Hudson Helen Lesley Hudson. 2a 2r (transferred from Margaret Riordan's estate (ie Catholic Church.)7 
Land-Berwick*11 Feb 1948 BER-Town S10- Transfer from Margaret Riordan to Lawrence Cadby. 2a 2r (transferred from Margaret Riordan's estate (ie Catholic Church.)8 


  • 25 Jun 1919: RELIGIOUS BEQUEST.
    Newtown Police, Roman Catholic churches, orphanages, and religious bodies benefit considerably under the will of Mrs. Margaret Riordan, of Rosary place, Beaconsfield parade, South Melbourne, who died on April 23. The will, which was filed for probate yesterday, disposed of real estate, valued at £6,630 and personal property worth £834, as follows: House and land at Berwick, known as "Innisfail," to St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Berwick, house and land at Berwick, known as "Mount Carmel," to the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Rosary place, South Melbourne; St. Vincent de Paul's Orphanage for Boys, £100; St. Vincent de Paul's Orphanage for Girls, £100; the order of Carmelite Fathers, Port Melbourne, £100; Little Sisters of the Poor, Northcote, £50; St. Joseph's Home for Destitute Children, Surrey Hills, £20; St. Augustine's Orphanage, Geelong, £20, and the residue of the real and personal eststate (with the exception of two bequests of £10 each to friends), to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne, to be used for the erection, equipment, and maintenance of a Roman Catholic college in the Melbourne University, Dr. Mannix is the executor of the will.9
  • 18 Nov 1920: Berwick Shire Council. Correspondence. From Warming and Mulcahy, solicitors, re M. Riordan deceased, and transfer of property it Berwick to the R.C. church.—Received.10


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M3204/1865, John RIORDAN & Margaret LANE."
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2059-785 - Margaret Riordan wife of John Riordan of Berwick Gentleman.
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D3793/1898 (Age 63) (par Jno RIORDAN & Mary MCMAHON) - as Jno RIORDAN, Death registered at Melb S, Australia."
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D8359/1919 (Age 82) (par unknown) - as Margt RIORDAN, Death registered at Melb S, Australia."
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 25 Apr 1919, p1
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2059-785 - Red Ink No 1978470. Margaret Riordan died on the 23rd day of April 1919. Probate of her will and two codicils has been granted to Daniel Mannix of St Patrick's Cathedral Melbourne Roman Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne. Dated the 15th day of September 1919.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2059-785 - William Harland Hudson and Helen Lesley Hudson - C/T 6992-284.
  8. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2059-785 - Lawrence Cadby - C/T 7085-841.
  9. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 25 Jun 1919, p7
  10. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Thu 18 Nov 1920, p5
Last Edited1 Sep 2024

Charles Metzenthin

M, #30700
Marriage*1867 Spouse: Mary Jane Davidson. VIC, Australia, #M273/1867, Charles METZENTHIN & Mary Jane DAVIDSON.1
Land-Berwick*7 Mar 1867 BER-Town S10-2.3.4. Transfer from Ralph Brunt to Charles Metzenthin. 1a 2r.2 
Land-Berwick*7 Mar 1867 BER-Town S10-5. Transfer from Herman Carl Jackel to Charles Metzenthin. 2r.3 
Land-Berwick*15 Mar 1867 BER-Town S10-1. Transfer from an unknown person to Charles Metzenthin. 2r 0p (probably selected by George Robinson.)4 
Land-Berwick11 Feb 1875 BER-Town S10-1. Transfer from Charles Metzenthin to Johann Hollman. 2r 0p.5 
Land-Berwick*11 Feb 1875 BER-Town S10-2.3. Transfer from Charles Metzenthin to Johann Hollman. 1a 0r.6 
Land-Berwick*7 Jun 1877 BER-Town S10-4.5. Transfer from Charles Metzenthin to John Ginty. 1a 0r.7 


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M273/1867, Charles METZENTHIN & Mary Jane DAVIDSON."
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 143-521 + C/T 143-522 + C/T 143-523 - Charles Metzenthin of Berwick in the County of Mornington Laborer - C/T 205-943.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 143-524 - Charles Metzenthin of Berwick in the County of Mornington Laborer - C/T 205-943.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 179-704 - Charles Metzenthin or Berwick - C/T 205-983.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 205-983 - John Hollman of Berwick in the County of Mornington Farmer - C/T 743-452.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 205-943 - John Hollman of Berwick in the County of Mornington Farmer - C/T 743-452.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 205-943 - John Ginty - C/T 956-189.
Last Edited3 Nov 2024

Mary Jane Davidson

F, #30701
Married NameMetzenthin. 
Marriage*1867 Spouse: Charles Metzenthin. VIC, Australia, #M273/1867, Charles METZENTHIN & Mary Jane DAVIDSON.1


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M273/1867, Charles METZENTHIN & Mary Jane DAVIDSON."
Last Edited1 Sep 2024

William John Stuart

M, #30706
Land-Berwick*4 Sep 1920 BER-Town S10-1.2.3. Transfer from Edward Paul Hillbrick to William John Stuart. 1a 2r.1 
Land-Berwick*2 Jun 1933 BER-Town S10-1.2 (pt). Transfer from William John Stuart to Mary Elizabeth Corry. 3r (3 lots consolidated in divided in half.)2 
Land-Berwick*8 Jan 1935 BER-Town S10-1.2.3 (pt). Transfer from William John Stuart to Norman Charles Quin. 3r (3 lots consolidated in divided in half.)3 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 743-452 - William John Stuart of Berwick Farmer.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 743-452 - Mary Elizabeth Corry - C/T 5846-008 (transfer 1524786).
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 743-452 - Norman Charles Quin - C/T 5939-686 (transfer 1567372).
Last Edited1 Sep 2024

Norman Charles Quin

M, #30707, b. 1885, d. 1969
Birth*1885 Carlton, VIC, Australia, #B8260/1885 (par Charles QUINN & Elizabeth MCROBINSON) - as Norman Charles QUINN.1 
Marriage*1914 Spouse: Stella Downward. VIC, Australia, #M3728/1914, Norman Chas QUIN & Stella DOWNWARD.2
Land-Berwick*8 Jan 1935 BER-Town S10-1.2.3 (pt). Transfer from William John Stuart to Norman Charles Quin. 3r (3 lots consolidated in divided in half.)3 
Widower24 Mar 1940He became a widower upon the death of his wife Stella Downward.4 
Death*1969 Prahran, VIC, Australia, #D7223/1969 (Age 84) (par Charles QUIN & Elizabeth MCROBINSON) - as Norman Charles QUIN.5 


  • 30 Aug 1944: BERWICK COUNCIL BREVITIES. N. QUIN and M. E. Corry Palmerston street, Berwick, in again asking for attention to the footpath in front of their properties, said that in bad weather the path is just a continuous pool. They offered to spread necessary filling if council supplied it.—Referred to engineer. Mary Elizabeth Cosgrove6


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B8260/1885 (par Charles QUINN & Elizabeth MCROBINSON) - as Norman Charles QUINN, Birth registered at Carl, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M3728/1914, Norman Chas QUIN & Stella DOWNWARD."
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 743-452 - Norman Charles Quin - C/T 5939-686 (transfer 1567372).
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D2708/1940 (Age 53) (par Thomas Patrick DOWNWARD & Lydia ELLIOTT) - as Stella QUIN, Death registered at Melbourne, Australia."
  5. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D7223/1969 (Age 84) (par Charles QUIN & Elizabeth MCROBINSON) - as Norman Charles QUIN, born Carlton. Death registered at Prahran, Australia."
  6. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 30 Aug 1944, p7
Last Edited1 Sep 2024

Stella Downward

F, #30708, d. 24 Mar 1940
Married NameQuin. 
Marriage*1914 Spouse: Norman Charles Quin. VIC, Australia, #M3728/1914, Norman Chas QUIN & Stella DOWNWARD.1
Death*24 Mar 1940 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #D2708/1940 (Age 53) (par Thomas Patrick DOWNWARD & Lydia ELLIOTT) - as Stella QUIN.2 
Death-Notice*26 Mar 1940 QUIN.—On March 24, at Melbourne, Stella, the dearly beloved wife of Norman Quin, of Berwick.
QUIN.— The Friends of Mr. NORMAN QUIN, of Berwick, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his dearly beloved wife, Stella, to the place of interment, the Fawkner Cemetery. The funeral will leave the residence of his brother (Mr. John Quin), 68 Glenora-avenue, Coburg, THIS DAY (Tuesday), March 26, at 11 o'clock.
R. ROBSON, Funeral Director, corner Brunswick-street and St. George's-road. North Fitzroy. Telephone JW2345.3 


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M3728/1914, Norman Chas QUIN & Stella DOWNWARD."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D2708/1940 (Age 53) (par Thomas Patrick DOWNWARD & Lydia ELLIOTT) - as Stella QUIN, Death registered at Melbourne, Australia."
  3. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 26 Mar 1940, p1
Last Edited1 Sep 2024

Mary Lang

F, #30715, b. 1865, d. 24 May 1944
Married NameEves. 
Birth*1865 Colac, VIC, Australia, #B1478/1865 (par Alexander LANG & Elizabeth MCDONALD) - as Mary LANG.1 
Marriage*1909 Spouse: Henry James Eves. #M6430/1909, Hy Jas EVES & Mary LANG.2
Death*24 May 1944 Newtown, VIC, Australia, #D18986/1944 (Age 79) (par Alexander LANG & Elizabeth MCDONALD) - as Mary EVES.3 
Death-Notice*25 May 1944 EVES.—On May 24, at Geelong, Mary, loved wife of Henry James Eves (of 17 Drumcondra avenue, Geelong West), loved sister of Elizabeth (Mrs. W. O. Read), Margaret, Annie Clark Lang, Archibald, James, and J. A. Lane (deceased). —Deeply regretted. (Private interment.)4 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B1478/1865 (par Alexander LANG & Elizabeth MCDONALD) - as Mary LANG, Birth registered at Cola, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M6430/1909, Hy Jas EVES & Mary LANG."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D18986/1944 (Age 79) (par Alexander LANG & Elizabeth MCDONALD) - as Mary EVES, born Beeac. Death registered at Newtown, Australia."
  4. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 25 May 1944, p2
Last Edited6 Sep 2024

George Frederick McMullen

M, #30716, b. 1911, d. 1991
ChartsDescendants of William WILSON
Birth*1911 Caulfield, VIC, Australia, #B2059/1911 (par Geo Rowland Wau MCMULLEN & Margt Blackwood BASSETT) - as Geo Fredk MCMULLEN.1 
Marriage*12 Feb 1941 Spouse: Joyce Nellie Wilson. #M2768/1941, George Fredk MCMULLEN & Joyce Nellie WILSON.2
Widower1985George Frederick McMullen became a widower upon the death of his wife Joyce Nellie Wilson.3 
Death*1991 Malvern, VIC, Australia, #D21598/1991 (Age 80) (par George MCMULLEN & Margaret BASSETT) - as George Frederick McMULLEN. Spouse Joyce Nellie WILSON.4 


  • 13 Feb 1941: McMULLEN - WILSON
    Rev. H. J. Harvey, assisted by the Rev. Dr. A. Law, officiated at the marriage yesterday at St. John's, Toorak, of Joyce Wilson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wilson, "Numba", Berwick, to George Frederick McMullen, only son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. McMullen, Burke Rd., South Camberwell.
    The bride wore a gown of parchment satin with heart-shaped neckline, long sleeves, and full skirt forming a train. Her tulle veil was that worn by her mother on her wedding day, and it was held in place with clusters of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of lilies. Mrs. W. Lorne Smith, Mrs. James Wilson, of Winchelsea, and Miss Alison Reid, of Berwick, attended the bride. They wore bouffant frocks of cream marquisette, with matching bows in their hair, and carried white lacquered baskets of golden centred daisies, Mr. Clifford Cohn was best man and the bride's brother, Mr. George Wilson, and Flight-Lieutenant George Pape were groomsmen. The reception was at 9 Darling st. Joyce Nellie Wilson5


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B2059/1911 (par Geo Rowland Wau MCMULLEN & Margt Blackwood BASSETT) - as Geo Fredk MCMULLEN, Birth registered at Caul, Vic, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M2768/1941, George Fredk MCMULLEN & Joyce Nellie WILSON."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D24494/1985 (Age 73) (par George WILSON & Marie PRITCHARD) - as Joyce Nellie MCMULLEN, born Berwick. Death registered at Malvern, Australia."
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D21598/1991 (Age 80) (par George MCMULLEN & Margaret BASSETT) - as George Frederick McMULLEN, born Caulfield. Death registered at Malvern, Australia. Spouse Joyce Nellie WILSON."
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 13 Feb 1941, p8
Last Edited7 Jan 2025

Katherine May Edwardes

F, #30717, b. 2 May 1864, d. 15 May 1941
Birth*2 May 1864 Knightsbridge, Middlesex, England, Jun Q 1864 (Westminster) 01a 339. Mother's maiden surname: Rudall. As Katherine May Edwardes (baptised 20 Jul 1864.)1,2 
Land-Berwick*20 Feb 1923 BER-Town S22-1 (part), Irby Street (Rutland Road). Transfer from Helen Richardson Webster to Katherine May Edwardes. Tx 1089622 (western 94' of allotment - about a third.)3 
Probate (Will)*1941 323/752. In the Will and Codicil of Katherine May Edwardes late of Irby Street, now known as Rutland Road, Berwick, Spinster
Real Estate L400 Personal Estate L708 13s 4
Real Estate - All that piece of land being part of Crown Allotment 1 Section 22 Township and Parish of Berwick County of Mornington described in Certificate of Title Volume 4668 Folio 933419 having a frontage of 94 feet to Rutland Road by a depth of 66 feet on which is erected a four roomed weatherboard dwelling lately in the occupation of deceased. Municipal annual valuation 25 . Valued by Stewart J. Scott, valuer at £ 400.0.0
Will dated 5 Dec 1931, Codicil dated 7 May 1941
Legacies one hundred pounds each:
to Clara Cole wife of Rev AJ Cole of the Vicarage Berwick
Katherine Morell Kelly of McPhail Street Essendon Spinset (legacy revoked)
John Valentine Clancy son of Christina Clancy of Newell Street Footscray
Emma Beatrice Williamson of 59 Riversdale Road Hawthorn Spinster
Residue divide equally
Rosa Rudall the wife of James Ferdinand Rudall Medical Practitioner of Walsh Street South Yarra
Elizabeth Ann Barker wife of Frederick Charles Darling Barker of 11 Allenby Avenue East Malvern
Ida Alice Williamson of 59 Riversdale Road Hawthorn Spinster. 
Land-Berwick*1941 BER-Town S22-1 (part). Transfer from Katherine May Edwardes to Kathleen Valetta Kent Marcia Bastow. Tx 1089622 (western 94' of allotment - about a third.)4 
Death*15 May 1941 The Cottage, Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D16912/1941 (Age 76) (par Unknown UNKNOWN & Catherine RUDALL) - as Catherine May EDWARDS.5 
Death-Notice*16 May 1941 EDWARDS - On May 15, at her residence, The Cottage, Berwick, Catherine May Edwards, cousin of James F. Rudall.
EDWARDS.—The friends of the late Miss Catherine May Edwards are informed that her remains will be interred in the St Kilda Cemetery.
The funeral will leave her residence, The Cottage, after a short service at 1.30. Arrive at cemetery at 3 p.m. THIS DAY (Friday, May 16).
JOHN GRANT, Undertaker, Berwick, Phone 23.6 
Land-Note*15 Sep 1941 BER-Town S22-1 (part). Red Ink No 3968511. Katherine May Edwardes died on 15th May 1941. Probate of her will has been grated to National Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Australasia Limited of 95 Queen Street Melbourne and Ida Alice Williamson of 40 Lisson Grove Hawthorn Spinster.7 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
2 Apr 1871Robert EDWARDES, Acting Surgeon RN, Portsea, Hampshire, EnglandAge 6 (father 36, mother 25)8
3 Apr 1881Katherine J. Rudall, Hampden House, Epson, Surrey, EnglandHead of Household: Katherine May Edwardes. Age 16 - Granddaughter. Her mother is widowed.9


  • Presbyterian, Compartment C, Grave 165A, St Kilda Cemetery, St Kilda, VIC, Australia, buried with her mother10,11


  • 30 May 1900: Death of mother: EDWARDES.—On the 28th May, at 76 Mathoura road, Toorak, Julia Katherine, widow of the late Robert Wingfield Edwardes, Fleet Surgeon, R.N.
    EDWARDES.—The Funeral of the late Mrs. ROBERT EDWARDES will leave her late residence, 76 Mathoura-road, Toorak, THIS DAY (Wednesday, the 30th inst.), at 3 p.m., for the St. Kilda Cemetery.
    A. A. SLEIGHT, Undertaker.12,13


  1. [S332] UK - General Register Office Indexes "Jun Q 1864 (Westminster) 01a 339. Mother's maiden surname: Rudall. As Katherine May Edwardes."
  2. [S65] Ancestry - various indices, Westminster Church of England Parish Registers, ASEG/PR/1/1
    Katherine May Edwardes, born 2 May 1864, baptised 20 Jul 1864 at All Saints, Ennismore Gardens, Knightsbridge, London, Westminster, England
    Parents: Robert Edwardes & Julia Katherine Edwardes.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3219-624 - Katherine May Edwardes of Berwick Spinster - C/T 4668-419.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4668-419 - Kathleen Valetta Kent of "Liskie Brae" Berwick Spinster and Marcia Bastow of 35 Grandview Grove Armadale Gentlewoman - joint proprietors.
  5. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D16912/1941 (Age 76) (par Unknown UNKNOWN & Catherine RUDALL) - as Catherine May EDWARDS, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  6. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 16 May 1941, p4
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4668-419 - Red Ink No 3968511. Katherine May Edwardes died on 15th May 1941. Probate of her will has been grated to National Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Australasia Limited of 95 Queen Street Melbourne and Ida Alice Williamson of 40 Lisson Grove Hawthorn Spinster. Dated 15th September 1941.
  8. [S83] UK census - viewed on Ancestry "1871 England Census. RG10/1144/88/33
    Enumerated at Portsea, Hampshire.
    Household Members: Julia K Edwards, 25, Wife, Katherine M Edwards
    The National Archives; Kew, London, England; 1871 England Census; Class: RG10; Piece: 1144; Folio: 88; Page: 33; GSU roll: 827787."
  9. [S83] UK census - viewed on Ancestry "1881 England Census. RG11/761/116/27
    Enummerated at Ashley Rd Hampden House, Epsom, Surrey.
    Household Members: Katherine J. Rudall, 72, Head, Arthur R. Rudall, 34, Son, Francis A. Rudall, 29, Son, Julia C. Edwards, 36, Daughter, Katherine M. Edwards, Susan Meekings, 59, Servant, Sarah Tilbury, 24, Servant
    Ancestry Record ID: 7572::21290283."
  10. [S48] Index of burials in the cemetery of St Kilda,
    Buried at St Kilda Cemetery, Presbyterian, Compartment C, Grave 165A, Cemetery area: Presbyterian
    Katherine May Edwards.
    Date of service: 16 May 1941.
  11. [S48] Index of burials in the cemetery of St Kilda,
    Buried at St Kilda Cemetery, Presbyterian, Compartment C, Grave 165A, Cemetery area: Presbyterian
    Julia K Edwardes.
    Date of service: 30 May 1900.
  12. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 30 May 1900, p1
  13. [S14] Newspaper - The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 2 Jun 1900, p55
    https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/139780526 (death notice only).
Last Edited2 Nov 2024

Mary Cornfoot1

F, #30718, b. 1836, d. 29 Sep 1900
Married NamePie.1 
Marriage* Spouse: William Pie.1
Note*bt 1867 - 1873 William Pie. Children born in Victoria: #B16624/1867 (par William PIE & Mary CORNFOOT) - as Mary Jane PIE, Birth registered at Melb, Australia
#B24473/1870 (par William PIE & Mary CORNFOOT) - as Elizabeth Maud PIE, Birth registered at Melb, Australia
#B18060/1873 (par Wm PIE & Mary CORNFOOT) - as Arthur Savoi Garibaldi PIE, Birth registered at Melb N, Australia. 
Widow11 Nov 1899Mary Cornfoot became a widow upon the death of her husband William Pie.2 
Death*29 Sep 1900 Hotham W, VIC, Australia, #D9453/1900 (Age 64) (par Hy CORNFOOT & Janet GILCHRIST) - as Mary PIE.1 
Death-Notice*1 Oct 1900 PIE.—On the 29th September, at the residence of her daughter, Mary, relict of the late Captain Wm. Pie, Flemington-road, North Melbourne, mother of Mrs. C. Hardess, Mrs. G. Fountain, Mrs. E. E. Teague, and rthur S. G. Pie. A patient sufferer gone to rest.
PIE.—The Friends of the late Mrs. MARY PIE (relict of the late Captain W. M. Pie) are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, the Melbourne General Cemetery.
The funeral will lave her residence, 353 Flemington-road, North Melbourne, THIS DAY (Monday, October 1) at half-past 3 o'clock.
JOSEPH ALLISON, Undertaker and Embalmer, 135 Errol-street, North Melbourne; at Mt. Alexander road, Moonee Ponds. Telephone 751.3 
Land-Note*1900 BER-Town S5-10. Mary C Pie late of 353 Flemington Road North Melbourne
Estate retained ... Freehold land at Berwick Crown Allotment 10 Section 5 Township of Berwick.4 


  1. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D9453/1900 (Age 64) (par Hy CORNFOOT & Janet GILCHRIST) - as Mary PIE, Death registered at Hoth W, Australia."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D14202/1899 (Age 69) (par David PIE & Janet BONES) - as Wm Millie PIE, Death registered at Hoth W, Australia."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 1 Oct 1900, p1
  4. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria).
Last Edited8 Sep 2024


Some family sections show only the children who were associated with Upper Beaconsfield.

Some individuals may be featured because members of their family were associated with the Upper Beaconsfield area, even though they themselves never lived here.