A'Beckett A'Vard Aarons Abbey Abbott Abel Aberdeen Abley Abrahall Ackroyd Acton Adams Adamson Adcock Addison Adeney Africana Agg Agricultural Society Berwick Ahearn Ahern Aimers Ainsworth Aitken Albers Albiston Alexander Allan Allen Alleyne Alliance Freehold Company of Australia Ltd Allison Alp Alsop Altson Ambrose Amiss Amsing Anderson Andrew Andrewartha Andrews Angel Angus Angwin Anson Anthony Anwyl Aplin Appleby Apps Archer Argus Permanent Building and Investment Society Arkell Arkle Armbrecht Armstrong Armytage Arnatt Arnold Arnott Arnup Arthur Artley Asbeck Ash Ashcroft Ashdown Ashe Ashford Ashley Ashton Asling Asmussen Aspinall Asplin Aston Atchison Atkin Atkins Atkinson Attreed Audsley Aughtie Auhl Auld Aurisch Austin Australian Alliance Assurance Company Australian Starr-Bowkett Building Society Australian Telecommunications Commission Aylwin Ayrey Azem
B & R Nominees Pty Ltd Baade Bacchante Pty Ltd Bacchus Backhouse Bacon Baggott Bailey Baillieu Bain Bainbridge Baird Baker Balaam Balchin Balcombe Balfour Balharrie Ball Ballantyne Ballard Ballhausen Ballin Balmain Baltrunas Bamforth Bank of Australasia Bank of New South Wales Banks Bannan Bannister Banton Barby Barclay Barker Barkway Barlow Barnard Barnes Barnett Barnett-Robinson Barnsdale Baroona Pty Ltd Barr Barratt Barrett Barrington Bartlett Barton Barwick Barwise Basford Basham Bassett Batcheldor Bates Batley Batten Batterbury Battersby Batties Baty Bausch Baxter Bayford Bayles Bayliff Baylis Bayne Baynes Baynton Bayston Beaconsfield Reservoir Beaconshills Country Golf Club Beadle Beale Beamish Bean Beard Beatt Beattie Beatty Beauchamp Beaumont Becher Beck Beckett Beckingham Bedaun Bedggood Beecham Beer Beere Begbie Begg Beighton Beith Belbin Bell Bellair Bellin Belton Benbow Bendixen Bengrey Benham Benjamin Bennell Bennet Bennett Bennie Benson Bentley Benzler Beresford Berger Berglund Berkery Berry Berwick District Soldiers Memorial Hall Association of Berwick Berwick Post Office Berwick Tennis Club Besnard Best Beswick Bethell Bethune Betti Betts Bevan Bew Biccard Bickham Biddiscombe Biddle Biers Biggenden Biggs Bignell Billing Billington Bilston Binding Bindt Binks Binnie Binns Birch Birrell Birss Bischoff Bishop Bissell Black Blackbourn Blackburne Blackmore Blackney Blackwell Blackwood Blaikie Blair Blake Blakemore Blamires Blanch Blanchard Blanche Bland Blessley Blevins Blight Blood Blott Blount Blue Moon Fruit Co-operative Ltd Blumfield Blunden Blyth Board Bobardt Boddington Boland Bolger Bomball Bonaker Bond Bone Bonette Bonwick Boomer Boonin Boorak Booth Boothroyd Borchardt Born Bosisto Boston Boswell Bosworth Bott Boucher Bould Bourke Boustead Bouton Bowden Bowen Bowes Bowie Bowker Bowley Bowling Bowman Bowser Box Boyce Boyd Boyde Boyle Boys Brace Brache Bradie Bradish Bradley Bradshaw Brady Bragg Braid Brain Braithwaite Bramich Bramley Brasington Bray Bredin Breen Breeze Bremner Brener Brengle Brennan Brent Brett Brewster Breydon Bridger Bridges Brien Briggs Brightwell Brind Brisbane Bristow Brittingham Brock Brockwell Broderick Brodie Brodribb Brodziak Bromby Bromfield Brook Brooke Brooke-Smith Brooker Brookes Brookfield Brooks Broomby Broomfield Brophy Brosnan Brotzel Brough Brown Browne Brownfield Browning Brownlee Broyer Bruce Bruhn Brumley Brundritt Bruns Brunt Brunton Brush Bruton Bruyeres Bryant Brydon Buchanan Buck Buckhurst Buckland Buckleigh Buckley Budge Bullen Buller Bulling Bullock Bult Buncle Bunt Buntine Burchett Burchill Burd Burder Burge Burgess Burgundy Estates Pty Ltd Burke Burkitt Burleigh Burnett Burns Burnside Burrell Burrowes Burrows Burston Burt Burton Bush Fire Brigade Butcher Butler Butler-Bentley Butterfield Buzolich Byrnes Bäckström
C. A. Nobelius and Sons Pty Ltd Cadby Cadd Cadell Cadle Caelli Caffin Cahill Cahir Cain Cains Calcutt Calder Caldwell Callaghan Callinan Callister Callow Calvert Cameron Camm Camp Campbell Cann Canning Cannon Cant Canty Cape Development Pty Ltd Capel Cardell Carden Care Carew Carey Carfrae Carne Carney Carpenter Carr Carrigy Carrington Carroll Carson Carstairs Carter Carton Carver Casely Casemore Casey Cation Cato Caton Cattanach Cattlin Caudwell Cavalier Cecil Celnaite Cessor Chaffey Chaldjian Chalk Challingsworth Chalmer Chambers Champion de Crespigny Champion Chandler Chapman Chapple Chard Charge Charley Charlton Charsley Chase Chauncy Chavasse Chave Cheeseman Cheney Cherry Cheshire Chew Cheyne Chia Chipperfield Chirnside Chomley Christensen Christian Christie Christison Church Clancy Clapperton Clarendon Clarey Clark Clark-Dickson Clark-Hunt Clarke Clausen Clavering Claxton Clay Claydon Clayton Clear Cleary Cleaver Cleland Clemence Clements Clezy Clifton Clinch Clink Clisby Cloke Close Closter Clough Clues Cluff Coad Coates Cobb Cochran Cochrane Cock Cockburn Cocking Coff Coffey Cogan Coghill Cohen Cohn Colbourn Cole Colechin Coleman Colhoun Collard Coller Colles Colley Collie Collier Collingburn Collings Collins Collis Colliss Collyer Colman Colonial Bank of Australasia Ltd Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Coltherd Colvin Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd Commins Conby Concannon Cone Conlan Connell Connelly Connop Connor Conolan Conquest Conran Conry Constable Convey Conway Coogan Cook Cooke Coombs Coope Cooper Cope Copeland Copland Copp Corbett Cordell Corder Cordner Corfield Corkery Corlett Cornall Corneille Cornfoot Cornford Cornwall Cornwell Corrigan Corry Corstorphine Cosgrave Cosgrove Costello Cottell Cotter Cotton Cougle Coull Coulson Country Estates Company Ltd Country Fire Authority Country Roads Board Coupar Couper Courtney Coutts Coveney Coventry Cowan Cowcher Cowden Cowe Cowie Cowing Cownley Cowper Cox Coxon Coyne Crabb Craffy Craig Craik Craine Cramer Craven Crawford Craxton Crean Cree Creed Cregan Creightmore Cresswell Crichton Criglington Crilley Cripps Criss Crocker Crockford Crofts Croker Cromb Crombie Crommelin Cronin Crook Crooks Cropley Crosbie Crosby Cross Crossley Crossman Crosthwaite Crotty Crouch Crough Crow Crowley Crowther Cruickshank Cruikshank Crump Cruthers Cuddy Cullen Culverwell Cumbrae-Stewart Cuming Cumming Cummins Cunliffe Cunning Cunningham Curel Curlett Curr Curran Currer Currie Currin Curtis Curtois Curwen Curwen-Walker Cuthel Cuthill Cutten Cutting
D'Arcy D'Ebro D. G. Austin Pty Ltd Dabscheck Dale Dalgleish Dalley Dallimore Dalton Daly Dalziel Damman Damyon Danaher Danby Dandenong Cemetery Dangerfield Daniel Daniell Daniels Darby Darling Darlot Darragh Dart Dash Daunt Davenport Davey Davidson Davies Davis Davy Dawborn Dawes Dawson Day Daymon De Beer De Carle De Goey / Carr De Goey / Hochstein De Goey De Gruchy De Haas De La Perelle De Little De Paula De Silveira de Zoete Deacon Deakes Dean Dearing Decis Deeble Deeley Deery Delahunty Delaney Delany Deller Delves Demmler Dempsey Dempsy Denman Dennett Dennis Denniston Denny Denton Derham Derrick Deville Dewdney Dey Dick Dickey Dickie Dickinson Dickson Diebel Dike Diller Dillon Dineley Dingwall Dinsdale Discombe Dixie Dixon Dixson Dobbie Dobie Dobson Docherty Docwra Dodson Doery Doherty Dollimore Dolphin Don Donaldson Donnithorne Donoghue Donovan Doody Doolan Dore Dorrell Dorsey Doubleday Dougherty Doughty Douglas Dove Dow Dowd Dowell Dower Dowle Dowling Downey Downie Downing Downs Downward Dowsing Doxat Doyle Drake Drew Drewe Driscoll Drohan Drummond Drummy Du Moulin Duckett Dudgeon Dudman Duff Duffy Dugdale Duins Dulley Dummett DuMoulin Dunbar Duncan Dunham Dunlop Dunn Dunstone Dupont Durant Durkin Durre Durward Duthoit Dutton Duval Dwerryhouse Dwyer Dyason Dyer Dykes Dyson Dürre
Fackler Fadersen Fahle Fair Fairbairn Fairhurst Fairlam Fairless Falconer Fallshaw Fankhauser Fargues Farmer Farnsworth Farrar Farrell Farrington Farson Fatzeus Feahan Fear Fearnley Fearon Featherstone Featherstonhaugh Feehan Feely Fehmel Fell Fendley Fenner Fentiman Fenwick Fergus Ferguson Fernandes Ferriday Ferris Fethers Fetherstonhaugh Fettes Few Ficken Fidler Field Fielder Fielding Figg Findlay Fine Finger Finlay Bros Motor Cycles Pty Ltd Finlay Finlayson Firth Fisher Fisken Fithie Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Fiven Flack Flanagan Flannagan Flaxman Fleetham Fleming Fletcher Flett Flint Flockhart Flood Flower Foggo Foley Foott Forbes Force Ford Foreman Foreshew Forrest Forster Forsythe Forte Fortesque Fortune Fossey Foster Fowler Fowles Fox Francis Frank Frank-Czarnecki Frankland Franklyn Franks Franzi Fraser Frawley Frayne Frazer Frear Freehold Finance Co Pty Ltd Freeman French Friday Friezer Friswell Frith Fritzlaff Frood Fry Fryer Fulford Fullarton Fuller Fullerton Fullner Fulton Funnell Funston Furlong Furnell Furniss Fyfe
Gabal Gabel Gaborit Gaff Galsworthy Gamble Garbutt Gardam Garden Gardiner Gardner Garnar Garner Garratt Garrett Garth Garton Gaskins Gason Gatland Gauche Gaunson Gay Gaylor Geary Geddes Geer Gengoult Geo M Hume Pty Ltd Geoffrey George Gerdtz Gessner Ghinn Gibb Gibbes Gibbs Giblin Gibney Gibson Giderson Gierisch Gilbert Gilbertson Giles Gilham Gilkinson Gilks Gill Gillam Gillard Gillespie Gillett Gillies Gilligan Gillingham Gillman Gilmore Gilmour Gilpin Ginty Gipson Gissing Givan Gladman Glassford Glasson Gleed Gleeson Glenn Glismann Gloster Glover Goddard Godfrey Godwin Goernemann Goetz Goff Gogoll Goldberg Goldman Goldsborough Goldsmith Goldsworthy Gooch Good Goodfellow Goodman Goodyear Goold Gordon Gore Gorrie Gorringe Gorwell Gosden Goslin Gosman Gossage Gosset Gotch Gough Gould Goulden Gow Gowan Gowdie Gower Grace Graeme Graham Graney Granland Grant Graveleij Graves Gray Grayson Greatorex Greaves Green Greenaway Greenen Greenhalgh Greenhill Greening Greenlaw Greenwood Greer Gregory Gregson Greig Gresson Gretton Grey Grice Grieve Griffin Griffis Griffith Griffiths Grigg Grindrod Grocock Groom Groser Gross Grundmann Grundt Gubbins Guenther Guest Guiatt Guilfoyle Guinane Guinney Gullett Gunn Gunnersen Gurner Guss Gutbier Guthnie Guthridge Gutmann Gutsole Guumes Guy Gwynne
Haas Hack Hackett Hadley Haeusler Haig Hailes Haines Hake Hale Hales Haley Halford Halinbourg Hall Hallett Halleur Halley Halligan Halliwell Halloran Halstead Hamel Hamer Hamilton Hammond Hampton Hancock Hancox Hands Hankinson Hanks Hanley Hanna Hannah Hansen Hanslow Hanson Harber Harbour Harbrow Harding Hardinge Hardley Hardy Hargreaves Harkins Harman Harnett Harnetty Harrington Harris Harrison Harriss Hart Hartley Hartshorn Hartsman Harvey Harvey-Smith Hasker Hassell Hassett Hatch Hatfield Hatherley Hatrick Haughton Haupt Hausmann Hautot Hawes Hawken Hawkes Hawkins Hawley Hawthorn Hay Hayball Hayden Hayes Hayley Hayne Haynes Haysey Hayward Headen Heale Healey Heap Heard Hearn Heath Heathcote Heather Hedrick Heenan Hehir Hehl Heinecke Hemmings Hemmy Henderson Hendriks Hendry Heney Henham Hennessy Henry Henty Henwood Hepburn Heppner Her Majesty The Queen Herbert Herbertson Herd Herga Herman Herne Herschell Hesp Hess Hessel Hewett Hewitt Hexter Heyward Hibberson Hibbert Hibbins Hick Hickie Hicks Hickson Higarty / Hegarty Higgins Higgs Hildred Hill Hillard Hillbrich Hillbrick Hilliar Hilliard Hillman Hillmer Hills Hindaugh Hinde Hindell Hindle Hindmarsh Hinds Hine Hinton Hipwell Hiscock Hislop Hitchcock Hoad Hoadley Hobbs Hobson Hochstein Hockin Hocking Hodge Hodges Hodgins Hodgson Hogan Hogg Holbery Holdensen Holdenson Holder Holdsworth Holland Holle Hollinger Hollis Hollman Hollow Holloway Holm Holman Holmes Holness Holt Holyoak Holzer Homan Home Homes Honybun Hoobin Hood Hookins Hooper Hooton Hope Campbell Hope Hopgood Hopkins Horan Hore Horley Hornby Horner Hornsby Horrigan Horsfall Horwitz Hosie Hoskins House Howard Howard-Smith Howden Howe Howie Howitt Howlett Howling Howson Hoyles Hoystead Hubbard Hudson Hug Hughes Hughston Hull Hulley Hume Hummel Humphries Humphris Hunt Hunter Hurditch Hurlstone Hurst Hutchens Hutchinson Hutton Huxtable Hyams Hyde
Lacey Ladbury Ladd Ladler Laird Laity Lake Lalor Lamarque Lamb Lambden Lambert Lamborn Lame Lamont Lamrock Land Lander Landor Lane Lang Lange Langford Langley Langmore Langtree Lanigan Lanphier Lansdell Lapping Lardelli Lardner Larken Larkin Larsson / Larsdotter Last Latchford Latham Lathbury Lauder Launder Laurens Laurie Lavell Lavender Laverty Law Lawes Lawford Lawrence Lawson Lawton Layton Le Brocq Le Cren Le Lievre Le Souëf Leach Leadbetter Leake Lear Leary Leckie Lecky Ledwidge Lee Leech Leeman Lees Leeson Leggat Legge Legon Leigh Leisersohn Leishman Leist Leith Lemerle Lempriere Lenne Lennon Lenné Lent Leonard Leppitt Leslie Leticq Leurs Leven Levy Lewis Ley Libby Liddamore Liddell Liddy Light Liley Lilly Lind Lindberg Lindeman Linderdahl Lindner Lindsay Lineham Linehan Linford Lingard Linholm Linton List Lithgow Little Liversidge Lloyd Lockett Lockey Lockhart Loft Logan Long Longbotham Longbottom Longstaff Looker Lord Lorimer Loriot Lormer Lormes Lothian Loughnan Love Lovell Loveridge Lovett Lowden Lowe Lowman Lube Lucas Luckham Ludlow Luesch Luke Lundborg Lundy Lupton Luscombe Lusk Lutz Luxmoore Lyell Lyle Lynch Lyne Lynn Lyon Lyons Lyte Lyttleton
MacAlaster Macardy MacArtney/Macartney MacCallum MacDermott Macdonald/MacDonald MacDougall MacFarlane MacGibbon MacGowan Macgregor MacIndoe Mack MacKay MacKenzie Mackie Mackinder Mackintosh Mackley Maclean MacLelland MacMicking Macnish MacPherson MacVean/Macvean Madden Maddock Maddocks Madigan Madöri Mafferzoni Maffey Maggs Magnusson Magrath Maguire Mahaffy Maher Mahler Mahon Mahoney Maillard Mair Maizey Malkin Malleson Malone Maloney Man Manestar Manger Mann Manning Manns Mantall Manton Manuell Manzoni Marden Marks Marling Marnell Marriott Marsden Marsh Marshall Marshman Marston Martakis Martel Martin Martyr Marx Mason Massina Masters Masterton Matches Mather Matheson Mathews Mathias Matters Matthew Matthews Matz Maunder Mawson Maxwell May Mayall Maybury Maye Mayfield Maynard Mayne Mazzenti McAlister McAllan McArdell McArthur McBride McCahon McCall McCallum McCann McCanny McCarthy McCathie McCaughan McCauley McCaull McClelland McClure McConachie McConnell McConville McCormick McCoubrie McCowan McCoy McCracken McCraw McCrea McCubbin McCullagh McCulloch McDonald McDonnell McDougall McDowall McDuff McEwan McFarland McFarlane McGee McGill McGinnes McGowan McGrath McGregor McGuigan McHenry McIndoe McInnes McIntosh McIntyre McIver McIvor McKay McKee McKeen McKelvie McKenna McKenzie McKeown McKissock McLaughlin McLaurin McLean McLeay McLeish McLellan McLeod McMahon McManus McMartin McMaster McMickan McMillan McMinn McMorran McMullen McMurtie McNab McNabb McNair McNally McNaughton McNee McNeill McNevin McNicoll McPhail McPhee McPherson McQuade McQuay McRobbie McRoberts Mead Meadley Meckenstock Meehan Meggs Meikle Mein Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Melbourne Property Exchange Pty Ltd Melhuish Mellor Melstvedt Melville Membery Mendell Menlove Mentiplay Menz Menzel Mercer Meredith Merewether Meriga Merrett Merritt Merrylees Messenger Metcalfe Metzenthin Mevers Meyer Micallef Michie Midgley Miers Milburn Miles Milford Millar Millard Miller Millican Milligan Mills Milne Milner Milton Mincham Mitchell Mitchelmore Modral Moffat Moffett Mohr Molloy Moloney Monk Monteith Montgomerie Montgomery Moodie Moody Moon Mooney Moore Moorman Moran Morcom Moreland Morey Morgan Brooker Morgan Morison Moroney Morphett Morrell Morris Morrish Morrison Mortagne Morton Mosley Moss Mossop Mouat Mould Mounier Mount Misery Run Mountney Mouritz Moxham Moxon Moyle Moysey Muir Mulcahey Mulcahy Mulcare Muldrick Mulhallen Mulhare Mullane Mullen Mullens Muller Mumford Mummery Munro Muoat Murchison Murcott Murfett Murnane Murphy Murray Murtagh Murton Musgrave Must Myers Myles Münster
Padbury Paddle Page Paget Paine Painter Pakenham Palk Pallin Palmer Pannam Pappin Pardew Park Parke Parker Parkes Parks Parnham Parramore Parrott Parry Parsey Parsons Partsch Pascoe-Webbe Pask Pasquan Patch Pateman Pater Paternoster Paterson Patey Paton Patrick Patten Patterson Pattle Paul Pavich Paxton Payne Peacock Peake Pearce Pearson Peart Pedler Peebles Peel Peele Pegler Peipers Peirce Pell Pelton Penaluna Pender Penman Penn-Symons Pennefather Penner Pensom Pentland Pepin Pepper Percival Perkins Perrett Perrin Perring Perrins Perry Pert Pertenheimer Petch Peters Petersen Peterson Petherbridge Petterson Pettifer Pettit Petty Peyton-Jones Phelan Phillips Philpot Philpott Pianelli Pick Pickering Piddock-Denne Pidgeon Pie Piggott Pilkington Pinchen Pincott Pine Grove Hotel Leasehold Pty Ltd Pine Grove Hotel Pty Ltd Pinkerton Pinniger Pinnock Pirnbaum Pirrie Pither Pitman Pittard Pittock Place in Upper Beaconsfield Plow Pohle Pohley Polak Polkinghorne Polley Pollitt Pond Ponting Ponton Poole Pope Porritt Porteous Porter Potter Pow Powell Power Powis Praill Pratt Prebble Preece Prell Prendergast Prentice Preston Prevost Prichard Pridham Pridmore Priest Priestley Prindeville Pringle Prior Priston Pritchard Privett Proctor Progress Association Propsting Prosser Prynn Public Trustee Pugh Pugliese Punchard Purcell Purkiss Purnell Purton Purvis
Radcliffe Rahilly Rainey Ramage Rambling Reporter Ramm Ramsay Ramsden Randel Randle Rankin Raper Rasmussen Rattray Rawlins Rawlinson Raws Ray Raymond Rayner Rea Reaburn Read Reade Reader Reavey Recreation Reserve Redfern Redman Reece Reed Reedy Rees Reeve Reeves Regan Reid Reilly Reimann Remfry Remilton Renard Renault Renfree Rentoul Retchford Rexford-Welch Reynolds Rhind Rhodes Ricardo Rice Richards Richardson Richey Richman Richmond Rickard Rickerby Ricketson Ricketts Riddell Ridge Ridgway Riemann Rieschieck Rigg Riggall Riley Riordan Rippon Ritchie Rivers Rivett Rivett-Carnac Rix Roads Corporation Robb Robe Robert Roberts Robertson Robinson Robison Robson Rochard Rock Rocke Rockett Rockstroh Roff Rogers Rollinson Roper Roscoe Rose Roseigh Rosengarten Rosier Rosling Ross Rossiter Rothwell Rouvray Roveta Rowe Rowell Rowlands Rowley Rowse Royals Roynon Rubens Rucker Rudduck Ruff Rule Rumpf Rumph Rurade Rushall Rusher Russell Rutherford Rutty Ruxton Ryan Ryder
Saffron Sagitz Salfas Salmon Salter Samuel Sandeman Sanders Sanderson Sandham Sands Sandy Sargent Saul Saunders Savage Savory Sawers Sayer Scales Scarborough Scarlett Schimmel Schlipalius Schmidt Schmitt Schober Scholes Scholtz Scholz Schroeder Schuchardt Schuler Schumann Schumer Schutt Schwab Schwarz Schwieger Scilley Scollick Scot Scotland Scott Scott-Mackenzie Scully Scurfield Seabrook Searby Searle Second Australian Starr-Bowkett Building Society of Equitable Buildings Seddon Sedgman Seelenmeyer Seeley Seiger / Regan Selby Selck Selleck Semple Sennett Serle Serpell Seul Sewell Sexton Seymour Shadbolt Shanaughan Shankland Shanks Shannon Sharp Sharples Shatwell Shaughnessy Shaw Sheahan Sheard Shears Sheean Sheekey Sheen Sheffield Shelper Shepherd Sheppherd Sherlock Sherman Sherrard Sherriff Shevill Shields Shiels Shillingford Shimmin Shire of Berwick Shire of Pakenham Shoobridge Short Shorter Shorthouse Shovelton Shrimpton Shugg Sidebottom Sieveking Sikes Silberberg Silverberg Silvester Silwood Sim Simcocks Sime Simmonds Simmons Simpson Sims Sinclair Singleton Sivewright Sizer Skews Skilbeck Skilling Skinner Slater Sleeth Sleight Sloane Smail Small Smalpage Smart Smartt Smiley Smith Smithenbecker Smithson Smyth Smythe Snell Snow Soden Sohn Sollis Somers Somner Sondermeyer Souter South East Water Ltd South Southgate Southwood Spalding Spark Sparkes Speed Spencer Spillane Spinks Spittal Spivey Spong Spouse Spowers Springthorpe Sproule Spurr Square St John's Church / Church of England Stadel Stafford Stanlake Stanley Stanway Stapledon Stapleton Stark Starkey Starling Startup State Electricity Commission of Victoria State Rivers and Water Supply Commission Staughton Stayner Stayte Stearn Stebbings Stedman Steedman Steel Steele Steen Steer Steiner Stenhouse Stenner Stephen Stephens Stephenson Stern Sterry Stevens Stevenson Stewart Sticht Stick Stickland Stillwell Stirling Stock Stodart Stone Storay Stott Stover Strachan Strahan Stredder Stretch Strettle Strickland Strobridge Strode Stronach Strong Stroud Stuart Stubbs Stubley Stuckey Sturken Stutt Styles Suddaby Suffield Suhr Sullivan / O'Sullivan Sulman Sumner Sundercombe Sunderland Sutcliffe Suter Suters Sutherland Sutton Swalling Swallow Swan Swann Swanson Swanton Swanwick Sweeney Sweet Swift Switzky Syder Sykes Syme Symons
T. H. Grant and Company Pty Ltd Tabuteau Tait Talbot Tanner Tappy Tarone Tarry Tarte Tarver Tassell Tate Taubman Taylor Teague Tempest Tennent Terrill Terry Tetley Thakis Thame Tharle The Australian Assets Company Ltd The Australian City and Suburban Investment and Banking Company The Australian Deposit and Mortgage Bank Limited The Bank of Australasia The Bank of South Australia Limited (in liquidation) The Bank of South Australia Limited The Bank of Victoria The Baptist Union of Victoria The Beaconsfield Assembly Hall Trust The Board of Land and Works The Boy Scouts Association Victorian Branch The Church of England Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Melbourne The City of Melbourne Bank Ltd The City of Melbourne Building Society The Colonial Permanent Building and Investment Society The Commonwealth of Australia The Congregational Union of Victoria The Digger The English Scottish and Australian Bank Limited The English Scottish and Australian Chartered Bank The Equity Trustees Executors + Agency Company Limited The Federal Bank of Australia Limited The Freehold Investment and Banking Company of Australia Ltd The General Finance Agency and Guarantee Company of Australia Limited The Land Credit Bank of Australasia Ltd The Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria Ltd The London Bank of Australia Limited The London Chartered Bank The Mercantile Bank of Australia Ltd (in liquidation) The Mercantile Bank of Australia Ltd The Mercantile Finance Guarantee and Agency Company of Australia Ltd The Mercantile Finance Trustees and Agency Company of Australia Ltd The Modern Permanent Building and Investment Society The National Bank of Australasia Ltd The Pakenham Upper Fruit Company Ltd The Perpetual Executors & Trustees Association of Australia Ltd The Planet Permanent Building Society The Real Estate Bank Ltd The Real Estate Mortgage and Deposit Bank Limited The Royal Bank of Australia The Savings Banks in the Colony of Victoria The Second Universal Terminating Building Society The Seventh Union Terminating Building Society The Sixth Union Terminating Building Society The Southern Insurance Company Ltd The State Savings Bank of Victoria The States Finance Company Pty Ltd The Trustees Executors and Agency Company Ltd The Trustees of the National Division of the Sons of Temperance The Union Bank of Australia Limited The Union Fidelty Trustee Company of Australia Ltd The Union Trustee Company of Australia Ltd The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria) The Universal Permanent Building and Investment Society The Upper Beaconsfield Orchardists Pty Ltd The Victoria Mutual Building and Investment Society The Victorian Farmers' Loan & Agency Company (formerly James Fry & Company Limited) The Victorian Permanent Building Society The Victorian Railway Commissioner Thear Thewlis Thiel Thom Thomas Thompson Thomson Thorne Thornhill Thornton Thorogood Thorpe Thual Thumwood Ticehurst Tickell Tiernan Tierney Tighe Tijou Tilley Tinzman Tite Tivendale Tobin Tollner Tolra Tombs Tonakie Toner Tonge Tonks Toogood Toomuc Valley Orchards Pty Ltd Toon Toppano Topping Torr Torrance Tout Tovey Towt Tracey Tracy Tragardh Trant Tranter Travers Treeby Treganowan Tregoning Treloar Trenberth Trethowan Trevena Trevett Trewarn Trewin Trickey Trimby Trinham Trinkaus Tristram Trolle Trotman Troughton Troup Truscott Trustees of the Sisters of Charity of Australia Trythall Tschentscher Tschirner Tubb Tuck Tucker Tuckfield Tuckwell Tulk Tulloch Tulloh Tully Tunks Turnbull Turner Turpin Turton Tutchener Tweddell Tweddle Tydeman Tyler Tyson
W. R. Hume Proprietary Limited Waddington Wade Waghorn Wagner Wagstaff Wain Waite Wake Wakefield Wakeham Wales Walford Walkden Walkeden Walker Walkley Wallace Wallder Waller Wallinga Wallis Walmsley Walsdorf Walsh Walshe Walstab Walter Walters Walton Wanke War Service Homes Commissioner Warby Ward Warde Warden Wardle Wardleworth Waring Warmbrunn Warne Warner Warnock Warren Warrington Warway Wathen Watkins Watson Watt Watters Watts Wauchope Waugh Waxman Wayland Wearing Wearne Weatherhead Weatherilt Weaven Weaver Weavers Webb Webber Weber Webster Wedge Wedlock Weedon Weigall Weiland Weinreuter Weiss Weist Welch Wellborne Weller Wells Weniger Wenn Wensley Wenzel Were Werrett Werry Wesslink West Westaway Westcott Western Westley Weston Westwood Whalley Wharton Whatman Wheatland Wheeler Whelan Whight Whisson Whitaker White Whitehead Whitelaw Whiteside Whiting Whitlaw Whitson Whittaker Whittingham Whittle Whitty Whitworth Whorlow Wickens Wickes Wickham Development & Finance Pty Ltd Wiegard Wiese Wiggins Wightwick Wilckens Wilde Wilder Wilding Wilkie Wilkins Wilkinson Wilks Willder Willett Williams Williamson Willifer Willis Willmett Willmott Wilson Wilson-Reid Wilton Wiltshire Windmill Windsor Winter Winters Wintle Wise Wiseheart Wiseman Wishart Witchell Witham Withrington Wittick Witton Woess Wolff Wollen Wood Woodbridge Woods Woolcott Wooldridge Woolf Woolley Woolsey Worland Worrell Worsley Worth Worthington Wragg Wray Wreford Wridgway Wright Wye Wyett Wylie Wyllie Wyman Wynn Wynne


Some family sections show only the children who were associated with Upper Beaconsfield.

Some individuals may be featured because members of their family were associated with the Upper Beaconsfield area, even though they themselves never lived here.