The Land Credit Bank of Australasia Ltd

?, #13219
Land-Note*29 Jul 1889 PAK-62.62A.X.60 (part): Mortgagee: The Land Credit Bank of Australasia Ltd. Discharged 21 Sep 1889. Mortgagor was Louisa Henrietta Halford.1 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1742-384 + C/T 1436-190 + C/T 1046-013 + C/T 1587-342 - Mortgage to The Land Credit Bank of Australasia Ltd discharged 21 Sep 1889 - Mortgage No 104165.
Last Edited29 Mar 2016

William Marshall

M, #13220
Land-UBeac*7 Oct 1885 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from The Universal Permanent Building and Investment Society to William Marshall. Balance 13a 3r 38p.1 
Land-Note*7 Oct 1885 PAK-129 (part): Mortgagee: The Colonial Permanent Building and Investment Society. Foreclosed. Mortgagor was William Marshall.2 
Land-UBeac*b May 1886 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from William Marshall to The Colonial Permanent Building and Investment Society. Foreclosed.2 


  • 12 Aug 1885: NEW INSOLVENTS. William Marshall, of Collins-street west, mining investor. Compulsory sequestration. Causes of insolvency—Inability to realise mining properties, and his estate having been compulsortly sequestrated. Liabilities, £27,411 8s. 11d; assets £10,750 19s. 9d; deficiency, £10,060 8s. 4d. Mr W Knox, trustee.3


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1290-959 - William Marshall of Number 78 Collins Street West Melbourne Gentleman - C/T 1754-725.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - not discharged - foreclosed.
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 12 Aug 1885, p5
Last Edited7 Jul 2020

The Colonial Permanent Building and Investment Society

?, #13221
Land-Note*7 Oct 1885 PAK-129 (part): Mortgagee: The Colonial Permanent Building and Investment Society. Foreclosed. Mortgagor was William Marshall.1 
Land-UBeac*b May 1886 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from William Marshall to The Colonial Permanent Building and Investment Society. Foreclosed.1 
Land-UBeac*29 May 1886 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from The Colonial Permanent Building and Investment Society to Charles John Richardson. 13a 3r 38p.2 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - not discharged - foreclosed.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - transfer by mortgagee - Charles John Richardson of No 57 Elizabeth Street Melbourne Gentleman.
Last Edited1 Apr 2016

Charles John Richardson

M, #13222
Land-UBeac*29 May 1886 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from The Colonial Permanent Building and Investment Society to Charles John Richardson. 13a 3r 38p.1 
Land-UBeac*29 May 1886 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from Charles John Richardson to The City of Melbourne Building Society. 13a 3r 38p.2 
Land-UBeac25 Jan 1888 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from The City of Melbourne Building Society to Charles John Richardson. 13a 3r 38p.3 
Land-Note*25 Jan 1888 PAK-129 (part): Mortgagee: The City of Melbourne Building Society. Discharged 23 Feb 1889. Mortgagor was Charles John Richardson.4 
Land-UBeac*23 Feb 1889 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from Charles John Richardson to John Bellin. 13a 3r 38p.5 


  • 18 Mar 1882: THE CORNWALL TIN MINING COMPANY (Limited) Mount Heemskirk, Tasmania, Notice is hereby given, that ANDREW BURNS has been appointed MANAGER of the above mentioned company, vice Charles John Richardson (resigned), and that the office of the company has been removed to 41 Collins-street west.
    Given under the common seal of the said company this 11th day of March, 1882.
    Directors: JAMES FETHERS, THOMAS B GUEST, THOS. FORD Thomas Ford, James Fethers6
    Sir, In the near approach of the Easter holidasy I desire again to refer to the treatment a large number of passengers paying first class fares are continually subjected to at holiday times. It has been calculated upon very good evidence that fully half the travellers who pay first class fares at Christmas and Easter are compelled to travel in second class carriages, cattle trucks, or any other vehicle that it is possible to render available for human beings. Take a sample from the last Christmas holidays. A number of ladies and gentlemen forming a party all having first-class tickets, found the first class carriages rushed, principally by second-class passengers; they were obliged to go into a cattle truck so packed that 10 persons were standing, at least five in the truck were smoking dirty pipes, and the language used by others was very delightful for ladies to listen to. This is not an exceptional case, but too often the rule. I have been in correspondence with the commissioners in reference to the matter, and must acknowledge their courtesy in answering my letters very fully ; still their summing up is to the effect that they cannot help in the difficulty, that travellers must take their chance at holiday times. In my simplicity I imagined that in a country numbering—all told—about 1,000,000 inhabitants, it would be possible to provide either first class carriages for all who paid first class, or else charge one uniform rate. I am now informed neither way is possible. May it not well be asked how do they manage in other civilised countries having dense populations? Travellers tell us a very dificrent tale. Is it not a very strange thing that nearly every week some unfortunute creature is had up before a bench of magistrates for travelling in the
    wrong class of carriage, and fined heavily, whilst at the same time, during several seasons of the year, thousands of travellers are permitted with impunity to travel either short or long journeys in first class carriages, though only paying second class fares? I may state that those working with me in this question do not in any way object to travel one mile, or 100 miles, with many of the ladies and gentlemen who usually travel second class (many of these are ladies and gentlemen), but there are grievous exceptions, and the whole principle of the thing is wrong—the strong and the roughs come to the front, the quiet and respectable pay more aud suffer much. In conclusion, I may say that I am in communication personally and by letter with a number of gentlemen in Melbourne and various parts ot the colony on the subject, and write again in the hope that abler and more powerful hands may be induced to assist in remedying that which must be considered a great wrong.—
    57 Elizabeth-street, March 97
  • 27 Oct 1892: IN the MATTER of the COMPANIES ACT 1890 and of the VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION ACT 1891, and in the MATTER of The CITY of MELBOURNE BUILDING SOCIETY, in Liquidation.—Pursuant to the order of Mr. Justice A'Beckett, made in this matter on the 11th day of October, 1892, notice is hereby given that the creditors of the above named Society are required, on or before the first day of March, 1893, to SEND their names and addresses and the PARTICULARS of their DEBTS or claims, and names and addresses of their solicitors (if any), to Thompson Moore, James Strong, William Sigismund Rucker, and Charles John Richardson, of 118 Elizabeth street, Melbourne, in the colony of Victoria, the liquidators of the said society, and if so required by notice in writingfrom the said liquidators are by their solicitors to come in and prove their said debts or claims at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will bo excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before any such debts are proved.
    Dated this 11th day of October, 1892.
    DAVIES and PRICE, Nornmaby-buildings, Chaucery-lane, Melbourne, solicitors for the liquidators.8


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - transfer by mortgagee - Charles John Richardson of No 57 Elizabeth Street Melbourne Gentleman.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - The City of Melbourne Building Society of No 57 Elizabeth Street Melbourne.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - Charles John Richardson of No 57 Elizabeth Street Melbourne Accountant.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - Mortage No 88188 - discharged 23 Feb 1889.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - John Bellin of No 318 Collins Street Melbourne Estate Agent - C/T 2126-094.
  6. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 18 Mar 1882, p7
  7. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 11 Mar 1887, p10
  8. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 27 Oct 1892, p3
Last Edited7 Jul 2020

The City of Melbourne Building Society

?, #13223
Land-UBeac*29 May 1886 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from Charles John Richardson to The City of Melbourne Building Society. 13a 3r 38p.1 
Land-Note*10 Oct 1887 PAK-1A (Souter's Sub Lots 8.9): Mortgagee: The City of Melbourne Building Society. Mortgage - discharged 14 Oct 1888. Mortgagor was Emma Shorthouse.2 
Land-UBeac25 Jan 1888 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from The City of Melbourne Building Society to Charles John Richardson. 13a 3r 38p.3 
Land-Note*25 Jan 1888 PAK-129 (part): Mortgagee: The City of Melbourne Building Society. Discharged 23 Feb 1889. Mortgagor was Charles John Richardson.4 
Land-Berwick*16 Mar 1888 BER-Town S4-4.5. Transfer from Matthew O'Connor to The City of Melbourne Building Society. 1a 0r 0p.5 
Land-Note*20 Apr 1888 PAK-1A (Application 74113) Lots 16 + 17, Woods Street: Mortgagee: The City of Melbourne Building Society. App 74113 - Mortgage Book 350 No 191 consideration £400. Mortgagor was Mark William Cecil Newbury.6 
Land-Note*23 Feb 1889 PAK-129 (part): Mortgagee: The City of Melbourne Building Society. Foreclosed. Mortgagor was John Bellin.7 
Land-Beac*b 5 Sep 1889 PAK-1A (Application 74113) Lots 16 + 17, Woods Street. Transfer from Mark William Cecil Newbury to The City of Melbourne Building Society. Re-possessed by Building Society.8 
Land-Beac*5 Sep 1889 PAK-1A (Application 74113) Lots 16 + 17, Woods Street. Transfer from The City of Melbourne Building Society to Marion Jane Higgins. App 74113 - Conveyance. Book 361 No 824 consideration £583.9 
Land-Note*5 Sep 1889 PAK-1A (Application 74113) Lots 16 + 17, Woods Street: Mortgagee: The City of Melbourne Building Society. App 74113 - Mortgage. Book 361 No 825 consideration £385 - repaid £385 on 26 Feb 1895 (Book 387 No 495). Mortgagor was Marion Jane Smith.10 
Land-UBeac*b 1891 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from John Bellin to The City of Melbourne Building Society. Foreclosed.11 
Land-UBeac*29 Jan 1891 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from The City of Melbourne Building Society to John Sutton. 13a 3r 38p.12 
Land-Berwick*20 Feb 1896 BER-Town S4-4.5. Transfer from The City of Melbourne Building Society to Adam Hudson. 1a 0r 0p.13 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - The City of Melbourne Building Society of No 57 Elizabeth Street Melbourne.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), App 65272. Mortgage Emma Shorthouse to the City of Melbourne Building Society dated the Tenth day of October, 1887 Number 683 Book 341 and Statutory Receipt City of Melbourne Building Society to Emma Shorthouse dated the Fourteenth day of June, 1888 Number 245 Book 347.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - Charles John Richardson of No 57 Elizabeth Street Melbourne Accountant.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1754-725 - Mortage No 88188 - discharged 23 Feb 1889.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 419-601 + 419-602 - The City of Melbourne Building Society of No 57 Elizabeth Street Melbourne. (C/T 419-601 is missing, but believed to contain same information as C/T 419-602).
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), App 74113 - Mortgage Book 350 No 191 consideration £400.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2126-094 - Mortgage No 99039 - not discharged.
  8. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), App 74113 - re-possessed by building society - following transaction made by the Building Society.
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), App 74113 - Conveyance. Book 361 No 824 consideration £583.
  10. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), App 74113 - Mortgage. Book 361 No 825 consideration £385 - repaid £385 on 26 Feb 1895 (Book 387 No 495).
  11. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2126-094 - Mortgage No 99039 - not discharged foreclosed - The City of Melbourne Building Society.
  12. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2126-094 - John Sutton of Collins Street Melbourne Stock and Share Broker - C/T 2329-714.
  13. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 419-601 + 419-602 - Adam Hudson of Berwick Contractor (C/T 419-601 is missing, but believed to contain same information as C/T 419-602).
Last Edited25 Nov 2024

John Sutton

M, #13224, b. 1836, d. 14 Nov 1901
Land-UBeac*29 Jan 1891 PAK-129 (part). Transfer from The City of Melbourne Building Society to John Sutton. 13a 3r 38p.1 
Land-UBeac*29 Jan 1892 PAK-130. Transfer from The Real Estate Bank Ltd to John Sutton. 19a 0r 15p.2 
Land-Note*2 May 1892 PAK-130: Mortgagee: The Bank of South Australia Limited. Mortgage No 134487 transferred to the Union Bank of Australia Ltd on 25 Aug 1896 now numbered Mortgage 374004. Mortgagor was John Sutton.3 
Land-UBeac*8 Jul 1892 PAK-129 (part), now 80 A'Beckett Road. Transfer from John Sutton to Blakely Tyson. 13a 3r 38p.4 
Land-UBeac*24 Apr 1901 PAK-130. Transfer from John Sutton to The Union Bank of Australia Limited. 19a 0r 15p.5 
Death*14 Nov 1901 Melbourne East, VIC, Australia, #D14557/1901 (Age 65) [par unknown].6 
Death-Notice*16 Nov 1901 SUTTON.—On the 14th November, at Melbourne, John Sutton, sharebroker, aged 65 years.
SUTTON.—The Friends of the late JOHN SUTTON are informed that his funeral will leave 182 Collins-street, THIS MORNING, at 10.30, for the Melbourne General Cemetery.
A. A. SLEIGHT, Undertaker.7 
Death-Notice16 Nov 1901 SUTTON.—On the 14th November, at the Private Hospital of Dr. O'Hara, John Sutton. Aged 64 years.8 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2126-094 - John Sutton of Collins Street Melbourne Stock and Share Broker - C/T 2329-714.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1114-682 - John Sutton of No 317 Collins Street Melbourne Sharebroker- C/T 2407-229.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2407-229 - Mortgage No 134487 transferred to the Union Bank of Australia Ltd on 25 Aug 1896 now numbered Mortgage 374004.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2329-714 - Blakely Tyson of Croydon near Sydney New South Wales Widow.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2407-229 - The Union Bank of Australia Limited.
  6. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  7. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 16 Nov 1901, p9
  8. [S14] Newspaper - Bendigo Advertiser (Vic.), Sat 16 Nov 1901, p4
Last Edited7 Jul 2020

Mary Ann Wilkinson

F, #13225, b. 1832, d. 1910
Married NameBellin. 
Marriage*Dec 1849 Spouse: John Bellin. Watford, Hertfordshire, England, Dec Q [Watford] 6 1150.1
Widow16 Mar 1892Mary Ann Wilkinson became a widow upon the death of her husband John Bellin.2 
Death*1910 Balwyn, VIC, Australia, #D11493 (Age 78) [par Henry WILKINSON & Mary].3 


John Bellin b. 27 Apr 1827, d. 16 Mar 1892
Child 1.Ellen Mott Bellin+ b. 1859, d. 1933


  1. [S9] Free BMD. Index. Online @
  2. [S2] Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages Federation Index Victoria 1889-1901 "indexed as BELLEN."
  3. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
Last Edited1 Apr 2016


Some family sections show only the children who were associated with Upper Beaconsfield.

Some individuals may be featured because members of their family were associated with the Upper Beaconsfield area, even though they themselves never lived here.