Margaret Mary Caldwell1

F, #29671, b. 1873, d. 8 Jun 1939
Probate (Will)* 478/034. Margaret M Pettit, Residence: Berwick, Occupation: Married. date of grant: 26 July 1954; date of death: 08 June 1939.2 
Married NamePettit.1 
Land-Note* IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET MARY PETTIT late of Campbell Street Berwick in the State of Victoria Married Woman INVENTORY OF ASSETS REAL ESTATE
1. ALL that piece of land being Allotment 8 of Section 24 Township and Parish of Berwick County of Mornington comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 1115 Folio 222984 in the name of the Commissioners of the State Savings Bank of Victoria (the Vendors to the above named deceased) and of which she was at the date of her death the equitable owner in fee simple under a Contract of Sale from the said Commissioners dated the 1st day of December 1926 which said piece of land measures 132 feet to Elgin Street Berwick by 165 feet along Campbell Street Berwick Together with dwellinghouse and buildings thereon Value £500
ALL that piece of land containing 2 roods or thereabouts and being Allotment 7 of Section 24 Township and Parish of Berwickand comprised in Crown Grant Volume 1956 Folio 391158 being unimproved vacant land Value £30. 
Birth*1873 Kingower, VIC, Australia. 
Marriage*1898 Spouse: Herbert John Pettit. #M756/1898, Herbt Jno PETTIT & Margt Mary CALDWELL.3
Land-Berwick*20 Nov 1923 BER-Town S24-7. Transfer from William Meredith Whitehead to Margaret Mary Pettit. 0a 2r 0p.4 
Land-Berwick*13 Nov 1925 BER-Town S24-8. Transfer from Alice Lumley to Margaret Mary Pettit. 0a 2r 0p.5 
Land-Berwick*17 May 1926 BER-Town S24-8. Transfer from Margaret Mary Pettit to The State Savings Bank of Victoria. 0a 2r 0p.6 
Death*8 Jun 1939 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D14236/1939 (Age 66) (par Thomas CALDWELL & Mary SHEEDY) - as Margaret Mary PETTIT.1 
Land-Note14 Jan 1955 BER-Town S24-7. Thomas John Pettit Red Ink No 5686637. Margaret Mary Pettit died on 8 June 1939. Letters of Administration of her unadministered estate have been granted to Thomas John Pettit of Byron Street, Spring Gully, Bendigo Laborer. Dated 14 Jan 1955.7 
Land-Berwick*14 Jan 1955 BER-Town S24-8. Transfer from Margaret Mary Caldwell to Thomas John Pettit. 0a 2r 0p.8 
Land-Berwick*14 Jan 1955 BER-Town S24-7. Transfer from Margaret Mary Pettit to John Laurence A'Vard. 0a 2r 0p.9 


  • 3-622-A, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia10


  • 31 Mar 1943: PURSUANT to the Trustee Act 1928, creditors, next of kin. and all other persons having CLAIMS in respect of the estate of the deceased persons named below are required to SEND PARTICULARS to the legal personal representative, at the address stated, on or before 31st day of Mav. 1943, after which date the reprsentatives will distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which notice has then been received:-MARY MARGARET PETTIT, late of Campbell street, Berwick, married woman, died 8th June, 1939. Claims to the administrator, Herbert John Pettit, of Campbell street, Berwick, laborer, care of John P. Rhoden, solicitor, 376 Collins street, Melbourne, by 31st May, 1943.11


  1. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D14236/1939 (Age 66) (par Thomas CALDWELL & Mary SHEEDY) - as Margaret Mary PETTIT, born Kingower, Victoria. Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  2. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), 478/034. Margaret M Pettit, Residence: Berwick, Occupation: Married. date of grant: 26 July 1954; date of death: 08 June 1939
    VPRS 28/P0004, 478/034; VPRS 28/P0003, 351/572; VPRS 7591/P0003, 478/034.
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M756/1898, Herbt Jno PETTIT & Margt Mary CALDWELL."
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1956-158 - Margaret Mary Pettit of Berwick Married Woman.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1115-984 - Margaret Mary Pettit of Berwick Married Woman.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1115-984 - The Commissioners of the State Savings Bank of Victoria of Elizabeth Street Melbourne.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1956-158 - Red Ink No 5686637. Margaret Mary Pettit died on 8 June 1939. Letters of Administration of her unadministered estate have been granted to Thomas John Pettit of Byron Street, Spring Gully, Bendigo Laborer. Dated 14 Jan 1955.
  8. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1115-984 - Thomas John Pettit of Byron Street Spring Gully Bendigo Laborer the administrator of the unadministered estate of Margaret Mary Petit deceased.
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1956-158 - John Laurence A'Vard of Engles Road Berwick Builder.
  10. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    3-622-A Pettit - F 62 1/06/1939 1024
    3-622-A Pettit John M 90 6/10/1953 1325.
  11. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 31 Mar 1943, p9
Last Edited24 Dec 2024

Peter Irving Flett

M, #29684, b. 3 Apr 1847, d. 10 Sep 1921
Probate (Will)* 179/676. Peter I Flett, Residence: Brighton, Occupation: Ex Cooper. Date of grant: 17 Oct 1921 ; Date of death: 10 Sep 1921.1 
Birth*3 Apr 1847 Stromness, Orkney, Scotland.2 
Land-Berwick*23 Jan 1877Selection: BER-Town S2-9. 0a 2r 0p - consideration L4.3,4 
Marriage*1885 Spouse: Augusta Jane Asmussen. #M787/1885, Peter Irving FLETT & Augusta Jane ASMUSSEN.5
Death*10 Sep 1921 Brighton, VIC, Australia, #D8618/1921 (Age 74) (par Peter FLETT & Ann Trait PEACE) - as Peter Irving FLETT.6 
Death-Notice*10 Sep 1921 FLETT.—On the 10th September, at his residence, 33 Carpenter street; Middle Brighton, Peter Irving, beloved husband of Augusta Jane Flett; father of late Lieut. Irving, Walter and Hector, and brother of Robina, Elizabeth and the late Mrs Bell.7 
Death-Notice12 Sep 1921 FLETT.—The Friends of the late Mr. PETER IRVING FLETT are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Brighton Cemetery.
The funeral will leave his residence, "Thurso," 33 Carpenter street, Middle Brighton, THIS DAY (Monday, 12th September), at 2.30 p.m.
A. A. SLEIGHT, Funeral Director, 230 Bay street, Brighton. 'Phone X1146.8 
Land-Note*13 Dec 1921 BER-Town S2-9. Red Ink No 2214623. Pewter Irving Flett died on 10th September 1921. Letters of administration have been granted to Walter Andrews Flett of 33 Carpenter Street, Middle Brighton, Cooper. Dated 13th December 1921.9 
Land-Berwick*13 Dec 1921 BER-Town S2-9. Transfer from Peter Irving Flett to Walter Andrews Flett. 0a 2r 0p.9 


  • Presbyterian O 322, Brighton Cemetery, Brighton, VIC, Australia, In Memory of Lieut. Irving Russell Flett
    Killed in action Pozieres
    28th July 1916, aged 29 years
    Peter Irving Flett
    Father of above
    died 10th Sept 1921, aged 74 years
    Walter Andrews Flett
    died 6th August 1941, aged 49 years
    Augusta Jane Flett
    wife and mother of above
    died 11th August 1947
    aged 87 years2


Augusta Jane Asmussen
Child 1.Walter Andrews Flett d. 6 Aug 1941


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), 179/676. Peter I Flett, Residence: Brighton, Occupation: Ex Cooper. Date of grant: 17 Oct 1921 ; Date of death: 10 Sep 1921
    VPRS 7591/P0002, 179/676; VPRS 28/P0003, 179/676.
  2. [S345] Index of monumental inscriptions/burials, "Brighton General Cemetery, Caulfield South, Glen Eira City, Victoria, Australia, Plot: Presbyterian O 322,
    Grave of Peter Irving Flett (3 Apr 1847-10 Sep 1921)."
  3. [S81] Land Records & Parish Maps ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria). VPRS 11865/P0001, Unit 21. Auctions, May 1876-Sep 1878, page 71
    Land Sale 4562 Melbourne 23 Jan 1877. Date of Deed 23 Jan 1877, passed 22 Mar 1877.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 935-969 - Peter Irving Flett of Carlton.
  5. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M787/1885, Peter Irving FLETT & Augusta Jane ASMUSSEN."
  6. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D8618/1921 (Age 74) (par Peter FLETT & Ann Trait PEACE) - as Peter Irving FLETT, Death registered at Brighton, Australia."
  7. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 10 Sep 1921, p3
  8. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 12 Sep 1921, p1
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 935-969 - Red Ink No 2214623. Pewter Irving Flett died on 10th September 1921. Letters of administration have been granted to Walter Andrews Flett of 33 Carpenter Street, Middle Brighton, Cooper. Dated 13th December 1921.
Last Edited15 Oct 2023

Caroline Watkins

F, #29685, b. 10 Jan 1862, d. 20 Jan 1959
Married NameEvery. 
Birth*10 Jan 1862 Gloucestershire, England, Mar Q 1862 (Gloucester) 06a 255. Mother's maiden surname: Pond. As Caroline Watkins.1,2 
Marriage*Jun 1883 Spouse: John Every. Barton Regis, Gloucestershire, England, Marriage Jun Q 1883 (Barton R.) 6a 270. John EVERY & Caroline WATKINS.3
(Migrant) Migration/Travel25 Mar 1892 Sailing with John Every to Melbourne, VIC, Australia. Ship Oruba
Age 29.4 
Widow19 Jul 1910Caroline Watkins became a widow upon the death of her husband John Every.5 
Land-Berwick*1 May 1923 BER-Town S2-9. Transfer from Walter Andrews Flett to Caroline Every. 0a 2r 0p.6 
Land-Berwick21 May 1923 BER-Town S2-3. Transfer from National Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Australasia Ltd Peter James McQuade to Caroline Every. 0a 2r 0p.7 
Land-Berwick*21 May 1923 BER-Town S2-1. Transfer from National Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Australasia Ltd Peter James McQuade to Caroline Every. 0a 2r 0p.8 
Land-Berwick21 May 1923 BER-Town S2-5. Transfer from National Trustees Executors and Agency Company of Australasia Ltd Peter James McQuade to Caroline Every. 0a 2r 0p.9 
Land-Note*1924 Paid rates for Lots Sec 2 Berwick Town N5.10 
Land-Berwick21 Mar 1924Selection: BER-Town S2-8. 0a 2r 0p - consideration L17.11,12 
Land-Berwick21 Mar 1924Selection: BER-Town S2-7. 0a 2r 0p - consideration L17.11,13 
Land-Berwick*21 Mar 1924Selection: BER-Town S2-10. 0a 2r 0p - consideration L15.11,14 
Marriage*20 Apr 1932 Gisborne, VIC, Australia, #M4942/1932, Caroline EVERY & Frank GOODEAR.15,16
Land-Berwick22 Oct 1935 BER-Town S2-3. Transfer from Caroline Every to Harry Josiah Pateman. 0a 2r 0p.17 
Land-Berwick22 Oct 1935 BER-Town S2-8. Transfer from Caroline Every to Harry Josiah Pateman. 0a 2r 0p.18 
Land-Berwick22 Oct 1935 BER-Town S2-7. Transfer from Caroline Every to Harry Josiah Pateman. 0a 2r 0p.19 
Land-Berwick22 Oct 1935 BER-Town S2-10. Transfer from Caroline Every to Harry Josiah Pateman. 0a 2r 0p.20 
Land-Berwick*22 Oct 1935 BER-Town S2-9. Transfer from Caroline Every to Harry Josiah Pateman. 0a 2r 0p.21 
Land-Berwick22 Oct 1935 BER-Town S2-5. Transfer from Caroline Every to Harry Josiah Pateman. 0a 2r 0p.22 
Land-Berwick22 Oct 1935 BER-Town S2-1. Transfer from Caroline Every to Harry Josiah Pateman. 0a 2r 0p.23 
Death*20 Jan 1959 Cheltenham, VIC, Australia, #D70002/1959 (Age 99) (par Elijah WATKINS, & Eliza POND) - as Caroline GOODEAR. Spouse John EVERY.24 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
5 Apr 1891Bades Cottage, Llantrisant, Glamorgan, Wales(Head of Household) John Every;
Age 30 - born Bryn Mawr, Brecon25
1903Carrah, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties. With John Every.26
bt 1905 - 1906Allambee East, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties. With John Every.27,28
1909Fern Tree Gully, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties. With John Every.29
bt 1912 - 1913Lullot, Inverleigh, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties.30,31
bt 1914 - 1931Aubépine, Beaconsfield, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties.32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42
1931Clovelly Cottage, Kirkham Road, Dandenong, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties.42


  • 19 Jul 1911: IN MEMORIAM. EVERY. —In loving remembrance of my dear husband, John Every, who died July 19, 1910. (Inserted by his loving wife, C. Every.)43
  • 3 Oct 1925: AUBEPINE.—Extensive grounds. Tel Berwick 48. Letters Beaconsfield. Miss Willis.44


  1. [S80] Ancestry - Family Tree, Ancestry Tree Name: Goodear Family tree 2012GED, Tree ID: 49757947
    Person viewed: Caroline Every Watkins, Birth Date: 10 Jan 1862, Death Date: 20 Jan 1959.
  2. [S332] UK - General Register Office Indexes "Birth Mar Q 1862 (Gloucester) 06a 255. Mother's maiden surname: Pond. As Caroline Watkins."
  3. [S9] Free BMD. Index. Online @ "Marriage Jun 1883 (Barton R.) 6a 270. John EVERY & Caroline WATKINS."
  4. [S36] Inward & outward passenger lists to and from Victoria. Series: (VPRS 14; 7666; 7667; 7786); PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), British and Foreign Ports
    VPRS 947/P0000, Apr - Jun 1892.
  5. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D8210/1910 (Age 54) (par Jno EVERY & Carol WATKINS) - as Jno EVERY, Death registered at Carl, Australia."
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 935-969 - Caroline Every of "Aubépine" Beaconsfield Widow.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 953-451 - Caroline Every of "Aubepine" Beaconsfield Widow - C/T 4697-317
    Name changed to Caroline Goodear per 15 Nov 1935.
  8. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 939-648 - Caroline Every of "Aubepine" Beaconsfield Widow.
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1879-714 - Caroline Every of "Aubepine" Beaconsfield Widow.
  10. [S66] Berwick Shire Rates, 1870-1965.
  11. [S81] Land Records & Parish Maps ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria). Name on parish plan C Every.
  12. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 5059-772 - Caroline Every of Beaconsfield Married Woman.
  13. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 5059-771 - Caroline Every of Beaconsfield Married Woman.
  14. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 5059-773 - Caroline Every of Beaconsfield Married Woman.
  15. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M4942/1932, Caroline EVERY & Frank GOODEAR."
  16. [S80] Ancestry - Family Tree, Ancestry Tree Name: Allen Family Tree, Tree ID: 41903932
    Person viewed: Caroline Watkins, Birth Date: 10 Jan 1862, Death Date: 20 Jan 1959
    Married: 20 April, 1932 • Gisborne Victoria Australia
    Married at the Presbyterian Church. Daisy Allen was a witness.
  17. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4697-317 - Harry Josiah Pateman of Beaconsfield Railway Employee is now the proprietor of the within estate.
  18. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 5059-772 - Harry Josiah Pateman of Beaconsfield Railway Employee is now the proprietor of the within estate.
  19. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 5059-771 - Harry Josiah Pateman of Beaconsfield Railway Employee is now the proprietor of the within estate.
  20. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 5059-773 - Harry Josiah Pateman of Beaconsfield Railway Employee is now the proprietor of the within estate.
  21. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 935-969 - Harry Josiah Pateman of Beaconsfield Railway Employee.
  22. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1879-714 - Harry Josiah Pateman of Beaconsfield Railway Employee is now the proprietor of the within estate.
  23. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 939-648 - Harry Josiah Pateman of Beaconsfield Railway Employee is now the proprietor of the within estate.
  24. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D70002/1959 (Age 99) (par Elijah WATKINS, & Eliza POND) - as Caroline GOODEAR, born Dandenong. Death registered at Cheltenham, Australia. Spouse John EVERY."
  25. [S83] UK census - viewed on Ancestry "1891 Wales Census. RG12/4417/61/17
    Enummerated at Llantrisant, Glamorgan.
    Household Members: 3 (with them was a relative Winnie WATKINS, age 5 born Bristol)
    Ancestry Record ID: 6897::359131."
  26. [S103] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1903.
  27. [S105] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1905.
  28. [S106] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1906.
  29. [S109] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1909.
  30. [S112] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1912.
  31. [S113] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1913.
  32. [S114] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1914.
  33. [S115] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1915.
  34. [S116] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1916.
  35. [S117] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1917.
  36. [S118] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1918.
  37. [S119] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1919.
  38. [S121] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1921.
  39. [S124] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1924.
  40. [S125] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1925.
  41. [S127] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1927.
  42. [S131] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1931.
  43. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 19 Jul 1911, p9
  44. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 3 Oct 1925, p37
Last Edited15 Oct 2023

John Every

M, #29686, b. Sep 1854, d. 19 Jul 1910
Probate (Will)* 117/807. John Every, Residence: Upwey, Occupation: Manager. date of grant: 26 October 1910. date of death: 19 July 1910
Inventory: All that piece of land or parcel of land containing about 40 acres of Upwey in the State of Victoria. Value £550
Amount due on mortgage over the real estate from the deceased to Miss Hope Rees and interest thereon £358.15
Every appears to have been manager looking after 'place Fern Tree Gully.1
Birth*Sep 1854 Brecknock, Breconshire, Wales, Sep Q 1854 (Brecknock) 11b 104. Mother's maiden surname: Watkins. As John Every.2 
Marriage*Jun 1883 Spouse: Caroline Watkins. Barton Regis, Gloucestershire, England, Marriage Jun Q 1883 (Barton R.) 6a 270. John EVERY & Caroline WATKINS.3
(Migrant) Migration/Travel25 Mar 1892 Sailing with Caroline Every to Melbourne, VIC, Australia. Ship Oruba
Age 37 - labourer.4 
Death*19 Jul 1910 Carlton, VIC, Australia, #D8210/1910 (Age 54) (par Jno EVERY & Carol WATKINS) - as Jno EVERY, Death registered at Carl, Australia.5 
Death-Notice*21 Jul 1910 EVERY.—On the 19th July, at private hospital, John, dearly beloved husband of Caroline Every, "Forrest-park,' Upwey, aged 54 years. Home papers please copy.6 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
5 Apr 1891Bades Cottage, Llantrisant, Glamorgan, WalesHead of Household: John Every. Age 36 - Coachman (Domestic)
Member(s) of Household: Caroline Every.7
1903Carrah, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: coachman. With Caroline Every.8
bt 1905 - 1906Allambee East, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: farmer. With Caroline Every.9,10
1909Fern Tree Gully, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: cartaker. With Caroline Every.11


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), 117/807. John Every, Residence: Upwey, Occupation: Manager. date of grant: 26 October 1910. date of death: 19 July 1910
    VPRS 28/P0003, 117/807; VPRS 7591/P0002, 117/807.
  2. [S332] UK - General Register Office Indexes "Sep Q 1854 (Brecknock) 11b 104. Mother's maiden surname: Watkins. As John Every."
  3. [S9] Free BMD. Index. Online @ "Marriage Jun 1883 (Barton R.) 6a 270. John EVERY & Caroline WATKINS."
  4. [S36] Inward & outward passenger lists to and from Victoria. Series: (VPRS 14; 7666; 7667; 7786); PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), British and Foreign Ports
    VPRS 947/P0000, Apr - Jun 1892.
  5. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D8210/1910 (Age 54) (par Jno EVERY & Carol WATKINS) - as Jno EVERY, Death registered at Carl, Australia."
  6. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 21 Jul 1910, p1
  7. [S83] UK census - viewed on Ancestry "1891 Wales Census. RG12/4417/61/17
    Enummerated at Llantrisant, Glamorgan.
    Household Members: 3 (with them was a relative Winnie WATKINS, age 5 born Bristol)
    Ancestry Record ID: 6897::359131."
  8. [S103] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1903.
  9. [S105] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1905.
  10. [S106] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1906.
  11. [S109] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1909.
Last Edited15 Oct 2023

Augusta Jane Asmussen

F, #29687
Married NameFlett. 
Marriage1885 Spouse: Peter Irving Flett. #M787/1885, Peter Irving FLETT & Augusta Jane ASMUSSEN.1


  • Presbyterian O 322, Brighton Cemetery, Brighton, VIC, Australia, In Memory of Lieut. Irving Russell Flett
    Killed in action Pozieres
    28th July 1916, aged 29 years
    Peter Irving Flett
    Father of above
    died 10th Sept 1921, aged 74 years
    Walter Andrews Flett
    died 6th August 1941, aged 49 years
    Augusta Jane Flett
    wife and mother of above
    died 11th August 1947
    aged 87 years2


Peter Irving Flett b. 3 Apr 1847, d. 10 Sep 1921
Child 1.Walter Andrews Flett d. 6 Aug 1941


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M787/1885, Peter Irving FLETT & Augusta Jane ASMUSSEN."
  2. [S345] Index of monumental inscriptions/burials, "Brighton General Cemetery, Caulfield South, Glen Eira City, Victoria, Australia, Plot: Presbyterian O 322,
    Grave of Peter Irving Flett (3 Apr 1847-10 Sep 1921)."
Last Edited15 Oct 2023

Walter Andrews Flett

M, #29688, d. 6 Aug 1941
Father*Peter Irving Flett b. 3 Apr 1847, d. 10 Sep 1921
Mother*Augusta Jane Asmussen
Land-Berwick*13 Dec 1921 BER-Town S2-9. Transfer from Peter Irving Flett to Walter Andrews Flett. 0a 2r 0p.1 
Land-Berwick*1 May 1923 BER-Town S2-9. Transfer from Walter Andrews Flett to Caroline Every. 0a 2r 0p.2 
Death*6 Aug 1941 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 935-969 - Red Ink No 2214623. Pewter Irving Flett died on 10th September 1921. Letters of administration have been granted to Walter Andrews Flett of 33 Carpenter Street, Middle Brighton, Cooper. Dated 13th December 1921.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 935-969 - Caroline Every of "Aubépine" Beaconsfield Widow.
Last Edited15 Oct 2023

Silas Hyde

M, #29689, b. 1828, d. 1 Nov 1894
Land-Berwick*24 Dec 1886 BER-Town S2-5. Transfer from William Brisbane to Silas Hyde George Howard. 0a 2r 0p.1 
Land-Berwick*24 Dec 1886 BER-Town S7-3. Transfer from George Godfrey to Silas Hyde George Howard. 0a 2r 0p.2 
Land-Berwick*7 Jan 1888 BER-Town S2-5. Transfer from Silas Hyde George Howard to James Bullock. 0a 2r 0p.3 
Death*1 Nov 1894 Dandenong, VIC, Australia, #D12891/1894 (Age 56) (par Geo HYDE & Sarah NEWTON) - as Silas HYDE.4 
Death-Notice*2 Nov 1894 HYDE.—On the 1st November, at Dandenong, Silas Hyde, beloved husband of Margaret Hyde, colonist 53 years, aged 56.5 


  • 18 Jan 1882: NOTICE
    WE BEG to notify our Patrons that on and after January 2nd, 1882, the business of Auctioneers and Commission Agent, lately styled Egan and Hyde, will be carried on by Silas and George Hyde, under the style or firm of HYDE BROTHERS, they having dispensed with the services of Martin Egan.
    We take this opportunity of thanking our patrons for past favors; and hope to receive a continuance of the same in the future, when every attention will be given to say business that may be entrusted to us.
    GEO. H1YDE.
    Dated, Dandenong, December 28th, 1881.
    I BEG to inform my numerous Friends throughout the district that from this date I shall be connected with MESSRS. JOSEPH CLARKE & CO., and solicit for that firm the Patronage which has been so liberally accorded to me.
    MARTIN EGAN. Dandenong, 2nd January, 1882.6


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 953-452 - Silas Hyde and George Howard of Dandenong Auctioneers are now the proprietors as tenants in common - C/T 1879-714.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1730-891 - Silas Hyde and George Howard - C/T 1879-703.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1879-714 - James Bullock of No 142 High Street Prahran Grocer.
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D12891/1894 (Age 56) (par Geo HYDE & Sarah NEWTON) - as Silas HYDE, Death registered at Dnong, Australia."
  5. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 2 Nov 1894, p1
  6. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Wed 18 Jan 1882, p2
Last Edited16 Dec 2024

George Howard

M, #29690
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick24 Dec 1886 BER-Town S2-5. Transfer from William Brisbane to Silas Hyde George Howard. 0a 2r 0p.1 
(Transfer to) Land-Berwick24 Dec 1886 BER-Town S7-3. Transfer from George Godfrey to Silas Hyde George Howard. 0a 2r 0p.2 
(Transfer from) Land-Berwick7 Jan 1888 BER-Town S2-5. Transfer from Silas Hyde George Howard to James Bullock. 0a 2r 0p.3 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 953-452 - Silas Hyde and George Howard of Dandenong Auctioneers are now the proprietors as tenants in common - C/T 1879-714.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1730-891 - Silas Hyde and George Howard - C/T 1879-703.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1879-714 - James Bullock of No 142 High Street Prahran Grocer.
Last Edited15 Oct 2023

James Bullock

M, #29691, b. 1854, d. 10 Feb 1928
Birth*1854 Prahran, VIC, Australia, #B1623/1854 (par Thomas BULLOCK & Sarah HAYSONE) - as James BULLOCK.1 
Note1866 Death of mother: #D11656/1866 (Age 37) (par John HAYSON & Sarah HOUSE) - as Sarah BULLOCK. Born Hants.2 
Note*1870 Death of father: #D6709/1870 (Age 51) (par Thomas BULLOCK & Catherine) - as Thomas BULLOCK. Spouse Sarah HAYSOM.3 
Marriage*29 Jul 1878 Spouse: Sarah Sykes. Mount John, Berwick, VIC, Australia, #M3117/1878, James BULLOCK & Sarah SYKES.4
Marriage-Notice*31 Jul 1878 BULLOCK—SYKES.—On the 29th July, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mount John, Berwick, James Bullock, Flinders to Sarah, second daughter of William Sykes, Esq.5 
Land-Berwick*7 Jan 1888 BER-Town S2-5. Transfer from Silas Hyde George Howard to James Bullock. 0a 2r 0p.6 
Widower5 Oct 1899He became a widower upon the death of his wife Sarah Sykes.7 
Marriage*16 Apr 1900 Spouse: Alice Amelia Cotton. #M2244/1900, Jas BULLOCK & Alice Amelia COTTON.8
Land-Berwick*7 Oct 1912 BER-Town S2-5. Transfer from James Bullock to Elizabeth Mary Savage. 0a 2r 0p.9 
Death*10 Feb 1928 Armadale, VIC, Australia, #D51/1928 (Age 75) (par unknown) - as James BULLOCK.10 
Death-Notice*11 Feb 1928 BULLOCK—On the 10th February, 1928, of 72 Elizabeth street, Malvern, James, the dearly beloved husband of Alice and dear father of Frederick, Amy (Mrs. Collins), Myrtle (Mrs. Brown), Ruby (Mrs. Lyon), Daisy (deceased), and James (deceased), aged 75 years.
Peace, perfect peace.
BULLOCK—On the 10th February, at private hospital, Armadale, James Bullock, dearly loved father of Ruby Sykes Lyon and Daisy (deceased), dear grandpa of Audrey and Geoffrey, aged 75 years. Late of High street, East Prahran.
'Tis not "Good-bye" the words we mean to say,
But just "Good night," for though you go away
The silver moon still sheds her tender light,
The same o'er us as you, so dear, "Good night."
'Tis not "Good bye," we could not say to you
Two words that hold the misery they do.
Love's requiem they toll, in wild affright,
We thrust them from our hearts, our dad, "Good night."
—(Ruby Sykes Lyon, 497 Hampton street, North Brighton.)
BULLOCK—On the 10th February 1928, James, loving husband of Alice Bullock, of Merbein, Elizabeth street, Malvern, and loved father of Frederick T., Amy (Mrs. S. J. Collins), Myrtle (Mrs. H. D. Brown), Ruby (Mrs. E. W. Lyon), Daisy (Mrs. Blenkinsop, deceased), and James (deceased), aged 75 years. Resident of Prahran for 70 years, and founder of the firm of F. T. Bullock Pty. Ltd.
At rest.11 


  • 1 Mar 1919: MR. and Mrs. JAMES BULLOCK and Family desire to THANK their many kind friends and relatives for cards, letters, messages and floral tributes and personal expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. High street, Prahran.12
  • 16 Apr 1925: BULLOCK-COTTON. - (Silver Wedding.) — On the 16th April, 1900, by the Rev. Andrew McFarlane, James, second son of the late Thomas and K. Bullock, Prahran, to Alice, eldest daughter of R. B. and J. Cotton. Flinders.
    (Present address, Meebein, Elizabeth street, Malvern.) Alice Amelia Cotton13
  • 16 Feb 1928: Mr. James Bullock, one of the principals of the firm of F. T. Bullock Pty., died at his residence at Elizabeth-street, Malvern, on Friday, at the age of 75 years. He leaves a widow, one son, and three daughters. A son and daughter pre-deceased him.14
  • 17 Feb 1928: An old pioneer of Prahran, and colonist of 70 years, in the person of Mr. James Bullock, passed away last week, at the age of 75 years. Mr. Bullock was the founder of the firm of F. T. Bullock Pty. Ltd., whose head office is situate at the corner of High street and Williams road. In the early days, Mr. Bullock was in the grocery business in Chapel street. The firm he then established has grown to vast proportions, and now embraces upwards of 40 branches, spread over Melbourne suburbs. The deceased gentleman leaves a widow and grown up family of one son and three daughters. At the St. Kilda Cemetery on Saturday last, the burial took place, when a large concourse of relatives and friends of the deceased were present. Upwards of 100 gentlemen who had known deceased as a business man attended to pay their respects. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Rayboulds.15


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B1623/1854 (par Thomas BULLOCK & Sarah HAYSONE) - as James BULLOCK, Birth registered at Prah, Australia."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "Death of mother: #D11656/1866 (Age 37) (par John HAYSON & Sarah HOUSE) - as Sarah BULLOCK. Born Hants."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "Death of father: #D6709/1870 (Age 51) (par Thomas BULLOCK & Catherine) - as Thomas BULLOCK. Born Some. Spouse Sarah HAYSOM."
  4. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M3117/1878, James BULLOCK & Sarah SYKES."
  5. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 31 Jul 1878, p2
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1879-714 - James Bullock of No 142 High Street Prahran Grocer.
  7. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D11822/1899 (Age 51) (par Wm SYKES & Mary JONES) - as Sarah BULLOCK, Death registered at Ardale, Australia."
  8. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M2244/1900, Jas BULLOCK & Alice Amelia COTTON."
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1879-714 - Elizabeth Savage of "Anchorage" Beaconsfield Married Woman.
  10. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D51/1928 (Age 75) (par unknown) - as James BULLOCK, Death registered at Armadale, Australia."
  11. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 11 Feb 1928, p13
  12. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 1 Mar 1919, p11
  13. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 16 Apr 1925, p1
  14. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Thu 16 Feb 1928, p5
  15. [S14] Newspaper - The Prahran Telegraph (Vic.), Fri 17 Feb 1928, p4
Last Edited2 Jan 2025

Francis Lewis Reeves

M, #29692, b. 1875, d. 22 Jan 1933
Probate (Will)* 255/459. Francis L Reeves, Residence: Balwyn, Occupation: Curator Of Parks Etc, date of grant: 15 May 1933; date of death: 22 January 1933
VPRS 28/P0003, 255/459. Property in Berwick valued at £850.1 
Birth*1875 England. 
Marriage*30 Aug 1898 Spouse: Sarah Jane White. Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VIC, Australia, #M4833/1898, Sarah Jane WHITE & Francis Lewis REEVES.2
Marriage-Notice*1 Oct 1898 REEVES—WHITE - On the 30th August, at the Presbyterian Church, Richmond, by Rev. Andrew Hardie, Frank L. Reeves, fifth son of the late John Reeves, Acton, London, to Sarah J. (Sadie) White, eldest daughter of the late Thomas White, Canningstown, Ireland.3 
Marriage-Notice3 Jan 1931 REEVES — MORGAN (nee Greene).—On the 28th May, 1925, at Sydney, Francis Lewis Reeves, of Malvern, Vic., to May Aline Morgan, of East Brunswick.4 
Marriage-Notice*14 Feb 1931 REEVES—MORGAN (nee Greene).—On the 28th May, 1925, at Sydney (N.S.W.), Francis Lewis Reeves, of Ardrie Park, Malvern (V.), to May Aline Morgan, of Hickford street, E. Brunswick.5 
Death*22 Jan 1933 Kew, VIC, Australia, #D635/1933 (Age 58) (par Albert REEVES & Queenie Unknown) - as Francis Lewis REEVES.6 
Death-Notice*23 Jan 1933 REEVES.—On the 22nd January, Francis Lewis, beloved husband of May Aline (nee Morgan), of 4 Narrak-road, Balwyn, late curator of parks and gardens, Malvern.7 
Death-Notice23 Jan 1933 REEVES.—The Friends of the late Mr FRANCIS REEVES are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Box Hill Cemetery.
The funeral is appointed to leave the private mortuary of A W Padbury and Co., 281 Burke road, Gardiner, THIS DAY (Monday), at 2 p.m.
A W PADBURY and Co Funeral Directors, 281 Burke road Gardiner. 'Phone U9636.8 
Land-Berwick*b Sep 1933 BER-Town S20- pt2. Transfer from John William Boucher to Francis Lewis Reeves. 8a 2r - at the time of Reeves' death he still owed £298.19.0 to J F Boucher.9 
Land-BerwickSep 1933 BER-Town S20- pt2. Transfer from Francis Lewis Reeves to Richard Samuel Stewart Gordon. 8a 2r.9 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1924Park, Ardrie Road, Malvern East, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: curator. With Sarah Jane Reeves.10


  • 5 May 1933: Wills and Estates. National Trustees Company is applying for letters of administration of the estate of Francis Lewis Reeves, late of Narrak Road, Balwyn, curator of parks and gardens, who left estate valued at £1342/2/6, consisting of realty £850 and personalty £492/2/6, which is divisible between his widow and children.11
  • 15 Jul 1933: MONDAY. 24th JULY. At 2 o'Clock. On the Property, At BERWICK. BY PUBLIC AUCTION.
    THE NATIONAL TRUSTEES CO. LTD., of 113 Queen-street, Melbourne. In the estate of F. L. Reeves, deceased, will offer through its auctioneer, the property, as described hereunder: —
    Land -containing 8 acres 2 roods or there abouts, being Crown allotments 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and part 2, section 20, parish of Berwick, with dwelling and all other improvements erected thereon.
    The property is ideally situated the heart of Berwick township, 28 miles from Melbourne, and is very valuable for building sites. As a whole it would be very suitable for a flower farm owing to the richness of the soil. It is well sheltered, and underground drained, and has water laid on over the property. The improvements consist of a 5-roomed dwelling and other outbuildings.
    Terms at Sale.
    Title, certiftcate.
    Solicitors, Madden, Butler, Elder and Graham, 406 Collins-street, Melbourne.
    For further particulars apply to the agents, who will be pleased to supply all information and show intending buyers over the property.
    GAMBLE. ANDERSON, LAMB PTY. LTD., High-street. Berwick. Phone, Berwick. 13212


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), 255/459. Francis L Reeves, Residence: Balwyn, Occupation: Curator Of Parks Etc, date of grant: 15 May 1933; date of death: 22 January 1933
    VPRS 28/P0003, 255/459.
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M4833/1898, Sarah Jane WHITE & Francis Lewis REEVES."
  3. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 1 Oct 1898, p5
  4. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 3 Jan 1931, p1
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 14 Feb 1931, p11
  6. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D635/1933 (Age 58) (par Albert REEVES & Queenie Unknown) - as Francis Lewis REEVES, Death registered at Kew, Australia."
  7. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 23 Jan 1933, p1
  8. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 23 Jan 1933, p1
  9. [S66] Berwick Shire Rates, 1870-1965 1934/35 Rates N33.
  10. [S124] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1924 "with children Queenie Corie S, apprentice and Victor Francis, student."
  11. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 5 May 1933, p3
  12. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 15 Jul 1933, p2
Last Edited26 Jan 2025

Richard Samuel Stewart Gordon

M, #29693, b. 1879, d. 21 Nov 1946
Birth*1879 Hamilton, VIC, Australia. 
Note*1918 Soldier settler Neerim South. 
Land-BerwickSep 1933 BER-Town S20- pt2. Transfer from Francis Lewis Reeves to Richard Samuel Stewart Gordon. 8a 2r.1 
Death*21 Nov 1946 Parkville, VIC, Australia, #D12546/1946 (Age 68) (par Samuel GORDON & Marianne CRAYFORD) - as Richard Stewart GORDON - buried Cheltenham.2 
Death-Notice*22 Nov 1946 GORDON.—On November 21, at Royal Melbourne Hospital, Richard Stuart, loved son of the late Samuel and Marieanne Gordon, dearly loved brother of Annie and Grace, brother-in-law of Joseph Curtis, late 1st A.I.F.
GORDON. - The Funeral of the late RICHARD STUART GORDON will leave J. Monkhouse and Sons' Parlour. 122 Carpenter street, Brighton, THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 p.m., for the Cheltenham Cemetery, Charman road.3 
Probate (Will)*20 May 1947 389/939. Richard S S Gordon, Residence: Clyde Nth, Occupation: Farm Manager; Date of grant: 20 May 1947 ; Date of death: 21 Nov 1946.
Property: All that piece of land being Crown Allotments 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and part of Crown Allotment 2 Section 20 Township and Parish of Berwick County of Mornington being the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5284 Folio 1056701 containing 8 acres 1 rood 36 perches and situate at Berwick upon which is erected a 4 roomed weatherboard dwelling valued by Frank Facey, sworn valuer, at £2620 (Rents due by Ramsdale for property at Berwick £4.9.7.)4 
Land-Berwick*23 Jan 1948 BER-Town S20- pt2. Transfer from Richard Samuel Stewart Gordon to Ellen Theresa Krokoos. 8a 2r - paid £2300.5 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1908Neerim South, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: farmer.6
bt 1921 - 1924Beaconsfield, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: farmer.7,8
bt 1931 - 1942Berwick Road, Harkaway, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: farmer.9,10,11


  • 27 Nov 1946: Death Of Well-known Clyde Nth. And Harkaway Identity
    WE REGRET to record the death, at the Melbourne Hospital on November 21st, of Mr. Richard Daniel Gordon —better known as “Dick” —a popular and beloved identity of the Harkaway and Clyde Nth. districts for many years. Deceased, who was with Sister Jager and Mrs. Potter at both centres, was a very valued adviser and friend to them both. He had been ill for some time and had to undergo a serious operation at the Melbourne Hospital on November 18th. Unfortunately he failed to rally and three days later the end came. Many will mourn this loveable old character whom so many were proud to call friend. His remains were privately interred in the family grave at Cheltenham on Friday.12


  1. [S66] Berwick Shire Rates, 1870-1965 1934/35 Rates N33.
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D12546/1946 (Age 68) (par Samuel GORDON & Marianne CRAYFORD) - as Richard Stewart GORDON, Death registered at Parkville, Australia."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 22 Nov 1946, p2
  4. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), 389/939. Richard S S Gordon, Residence: Clyde Nth, Occupation: Farm Manager; Date of grant: 20 May 1947 ; Date of death: 21 Nov 1946
    VPRS 28/P0003, 389/939.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 5284-701.
  6. [S108] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1908.
  7. [S121] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1921.
  8. [S124] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1924.
  9. [S131] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1931.
  10. [S136] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1936.
  11. [S142] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1942.
  12. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 27 Nov 1946, p3
Last Edited26 Jan 2025

Sarah Jane White

F, #29694, b. 1862, d. 28 Dec 1943
Married NameReeves.1 
Marriage*30 Aug 1898 Spouse: Francis Lewis Reeves. Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VIC, Australia, #M4833/1898, Sarah Jane WHITE & Francis Lewis REEVES.1
Marriage-Notice*1 Oct 1898 REEVES—WHITE - On the 30th August, at the Presbyterian Church, Richmond, by Rev. Andrew Hardie, Frank L. Reeves, fifth son of the late John Reeves, Acton, London, to Sarah J. (Sadie) White, eldest daughter of the late Thomas White, Canningstown, Ireland.2 
Widow22 Jan 1933Sarah Jane White became a widow upon the death of her husband Francis Lewis Reeves.3 
Death*28 Dec 1943 Moonee Ponds, VIC, Australia, #D65/1944 (Age 82) (par Thomas WHITE & Unknown) - as Sarah Jane REEVES.4 
Death-Notice*31 Dec 1943 REEVES.—On December 28, at 14 Normanby road Moonee Ponds, Sarah Jane, widow of the late Frank Reeves, loving mother of Queenie and Victor. (Privately interred December 29.)5 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1924Park, Ardrie Road, Malvern East, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties. With Francis Lewis Reeves.6


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M4833/1898, Sarah Jane WHITE & Francis Lewis REEVES."
  2. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 1 Oct 1898, p5
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D635/1933 (Age 58) (par Albert REEVES & Queenie Unknown) - as Francis Lewis REEVES, Death registered at Kew, Australia."
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D65/1944 (Age 82) (par Thomas WHITE & Unknown) - as Sarah Jane REEVES, Death registered at Moonee Ponds, Australia."
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 31 Dec 1943, p2
  6. [S124] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1924 "with children Queenie Corie S, apprentice and Victor Francis, student."
Last Edited16 Oct 2023

John William Boucher

M, #29695, b. 1866, d. 22 Oct 1926
Birth*1866 Stratford, VIC, Australia, #B24333/1866 (par Thomas BOUCHER & Mary CAVANAGH) - as John William BOUCHER.1 
Marriage*1890 Spouse: Jeanie Francis Mitchell. VIC, Australia, #M626/1890, Jno Wm BOUCHER & Jeanie Francis MITCHELL.2
Land-Berwick* BER-Town S20- pt2. Transfer from an unknown person to John William Boucher. 6a Lots 2-9 Sec 20 & house N30.3 
Death*22 Oct 1926 Berwick, VIC, Australia, #D12781/1926 (Age 60) (par Thomas BOUCHER & Mary CAVANAGH) - as John William BOUCHER.4 
Death-Notice*25 Oct 1926 BOUCHER.—On the 22nd October, at his residence, Berwick, John William Boucher, beloved husband of Jeanie, and loving father of Muriel (Mrs. Merlo), Fred., late Archie (A.I.F.), Annie (Mrs. Yates) and Gladys, aged 60. At rest.5 
Land-Berwick*b Sep 1933 BER-Town S20- pt2. Transfer from John William Boucher to Francis Lewis Reeves. 8a 2r - at the time of Reeves' death he still owed £298.19.0 to J F Boucher.6 


  • 4-487-B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia, John William Boucher died 1926 Age 60 husband of Jeannie     
    Jeannie [Jane Mary Ann] Boucher died 1940 Age 73 wife of John William
    Archie (K.I.A) Boucher 1917 Age 227


  • 28 Oct 1926: BERWICK.
    Mr. J. W. Boucher, of Berwick, passed away on Friday night, after a long illness. He leaves a widow and grown-up family to mourn their loss.
    Deceased had many friends in Berwick, and had won the esteem of residents generally. About 12 months ago he became seriously ill, and never recovered from the attack. He bore his illness with fortitude, and patience, and passed peacefully away in the midst of his family just before midnight. Deceased was highly respected and many friends attended at the grave-side to pay their respects to his memory. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon the service being conducted by the Rev. A. J. Cole.8


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B24333/1866 (par Thomas BOUCHER & Mary CAVANAGH) - as John William BOUCHER, Birth registered at Stratford, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M626/1890, Jno Wm BOUCHER & Jeanie Francis MITCHELL."
  3. [S66] Berwick Shire Rates, 1870-1965 1919: Boucher John W Berwick gardener, 6ac Lots 2-9 Sec 20 + house N30
    1922: Boucher John William.
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D12781/1926 (Age 60) (par Thomas BOUCHER & Mary CAVANAGH) - as John William BOUCHER, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  5. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 25 Oct 1926, p11
  6. [S66] Berwick Shire Rates, 1870-1965 1934/35 Rates N33.
  7. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    4-487-B Boucher John William M 60 23/10/1926 763
    4-487-B Boucher Jeannie Frances F 75 4/02/1940 1040.
  8. [S12] Newspaper - South Bourke and Mornington Journal (Richmond, Vic.), Thu 28 Oct 1926, p4
Last Edited17 Oct 2023

Jeanie Francis Mitchell

F, #29696, b. 1867, d. 3 Feb 1940
Married NameBoucher. 
Marriage*1890 Spouse: John William Boucher. VIC, Australia, #M626/1890, Jno Wm BOUCHER & Jeanie Francis MITCHELL.1
Widow22 Oct 1926Jeanie Francis Mitchell became a widow upon the death of her husband John William Boucher.2 
Death*3 Feb 1940 Orbost, VIC, Australia, #D16197/1940 (Age 73) (par Frederick William MITCHELL & Jane EMILY) - as Jane Mary Ann BOUCHER.3 
Death-Notice*7 Feb 1940 BOUCHER.—On the 3rd February, at Orbost, Jeannie Frances, relict of the late John W. Boucher, mother of Muriel (Mrs. Merlo, Dandenong) Fred (Yallourn), Archie (deceased), Annie (Mrs. Yates, Berwick), and Gladys (Mrs. B. Stephens, Orbost), aged 73 years.4 


  • 4-487-B, Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, VIC, Australia, John William Boucher died 1926 Age 60 husband of Jeannie     
    Jeannie [Jane Mary Ann] Boucher died 1940 Age 73 wife of John William
    Archie (K.I.A) Boucher 1917 Age 225


  • 14 Feb 1940: DEATH. A former resident of Berwick in the person of Mrs Boucher, passed away recently, and her remains were interred in the Berwick Cemetery on Sunday, February 4th.6


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M626/1890, Jno Wm BOUCHER & Jeanie Francis MITCHELL."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D12781/1926 (Age 60) (par Thomas BOUCHER & Mary CAVANAGH) - as John William BOUCHER, Death registered at Berwick, Australia."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D16197/1940 (Age 73) (par Frederick William MITCHELL & Jane EMILY) - as Jane Mary Ann BOUCHER, born Stratford. Death registered at Orbost, Australia."
  4. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 7 Feb 1940, p8
  5. [S44] Index of burials in the cemetery of Berwick,
    4-487-B Boucher John William M 60 23/10/1926 763
    4-487-B Boucher Jeannie Frances F 75 4/02/1940 1040.
  6. [S218] Newspaper - The Dandenong Journal (Vic.), Wed 14 Feb 1940, p18
Last Edited17 Oct 2023


Some family sections show only the children who were associated with Upper Beaconsfield.

Some individuals may be featured because members of their family were associated with the Upper Beaconsfield area, even though they themselves never lived here.