Violet Ida Chomley

F, #20402, b. 26 May 1870, d. 26 Mar 1957
Father*William Downes Chomley b. 1834, d. 6 Apr 1874
Mother*Sarah Simmonds Cooper b. 1837, d. 19 Jan 1899
Birth*26 May 1870 Heathcote, VIC, Australia, #B16348.1 
Birth-Notice*31 May 1870 CHOMLEY.—On the 26th inst., at Moorabbee, Heathcote, the wife of William Downes Chomley of a daughter.2 
Death*26 Mar 1957 Bedford, Bedfordshire, England, Mar Q [Bedford] 4a 57 (Age 86.)3 
Probate (Will)*10 Jul 1957 CHOMLEY Violet Ida of 4a Conduit-road Bedford spinster died 26 March 1957 at Rothsay Nursing Home Bedford Probate London 10 July to John Downes Chomley insurance inspector and Katharine Mary Westaway spinster. Effects £1800 8s. 8d.4 


    It is proposed to start a Woman's Club in Melbourne with the above name, and I would ask your assistance in making it known in your columns. The club would have rooms in a central position in the City. Rooms at the corner of Collins and Swanston streets, have already been offered. There would be a well-fitted lavatory, and provision would be made for the care of letters, parcels and telegrams. Tea and light refreshments would be provided at the rooms, which would be supplied with leading periodicals, and would be open all day and every day (Sundays included). The subscription has been fixed at 10s. 6d, and it is hoped that a sufficient number will join to do away with the necessity for an entrance-fee, which however, in any case would be a small one.
    It is believed that country members would find such a club of use in their visits to town, as a place to make appointments, and receive their letters &c., that to have the rooms open at any hour of the day, in the evening, and on Sundays would prove an advantage to town members, particularly to those who, not having their families near, want a place at once quite and cheerful in which to spend a part of their leisure.
    The club, it is hoped, would become a recognised centre, and an agreeable meeting place for women, and would supply a much felt want in the lives of many solitary workers and of many others who recognise that women's advancement suffers from lack of esprit de corps.
    No distinction would be drawn as to social class, or specialty of opinion, but candidates for membership would be required to furnish references. Though the subscription is a low one, the Committee wish it distinctly understood that the Club is in no sense charity. In order to make it succesful, a large member list is necessary, and for this and every reason, the Committee wish its aims and intentions well and widely known. At present the names of some 150 ladies have been received ; this is not enough to proceed with. We are anxious that the work already done should not be fruitless, and we would therefore urge on those ladies who wish to become members to furnish their names, by the 17th., to one of the Committee whose names are appended, and any of whom will gladly supply further information.
    I am, etc.,
    East St. Kilda 6th September, 1892.
    Mrs Emery Gould, Conservatoire of Singing, South Yarra ; Mrs Norman, Russell St, Melbourne ; Mrs Goldstein and Miss Goldstein, Tivoli Road, South Yarra; Miss Bean, Chateau Tahbilk, Tahbilk : Dr. Clara Stone, West Beach, St. Kilda; Miss Rosenhain, William St., South Yarra; Miss Greene, Avington, Windsor; Miss Murray, Southey St., St. Kilda; Miss Chomley, Inkerman Road, East St. Kilda.5


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  2. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 31 May 1870, p4
  3. [S9] Free BMD. Index. Online @
  4. [S190] Index to Probate Calendar England, viewed at, 1858-1966 "Note: WESTAWAY, Katharine Mary of Charter House Kimbolton Rd Bedford died 6 June 1973 Probate Birmingham 29 October. £3046."
  5. [S14] Newspaper - Record (Emerald Hill, Vic.), Sat 17 Sep 1892, p3
Last Edited20 Aug 2018

Charles Albert Chomley

M, #20403, b. 1841, d. 1 Jun 1862
Father*Francis Chomley
Mother*Mary Elizabeth Griffiths b. 1797, d. 8 Jun 1868
Birth*1841 Wicklow, Ireland. 
Death*1 Jun 1862 Neuchatel, Switzerland, died by drowning in Switzerland.1 
Death-Notice*15 Aug 1862 CHOMLEY.—On the 1st June, at Neuchatel, Charles Albert, youngest son of the late Rev. Francis Chomley, aged twenty-one.2 


  1. [S358] Unknown subject unknown repository, Chomley, Charles [Arthur] Poems written in memoriam after his death by drowning in Switzerland in June 1862, by Patrick Doran and Henry Mackenzie, sent to his widow. Also pen and ink drawings of his tomb at Neuchatel, by H. B. Macartney, and 4 l. of sketches in another hand, 2 dated May 1862.
  2. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 15 Aug 1862, p4
Last Edited11 Oct 2018

Arthur Wolfe Chomley

M, #20405, b. 1837, d. 1914
Father*Francis Chomley
Mother*Mary Elizabeth Griffiths b. 1797, d. 8 Jun 1868
Birth*1837 Wicklow, Ireland. 
(Migrant) Migration/Travelabt 1849 To Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Marriage*1867 Spouse: Juliana Charlotte Hogg. VIC, Australia, #M2496.1
Death*1914 Armadale, VIC, Australia, #D12284 (Age 77.)1 


Juliana Charlotte Hogg
Child 1.Edith Gwendolyn Chomley b. 1873, d. 12 Jan 1942


  • 28 Nov 1914: THE LATE JUDGE CHOMLEY.
    It will be learned with widespread regret that ex-Judge Chomley died on Wednesday at his house in Toorak, at the age of 77. He was born in Wicklow, Ireland, in 1837, and came with his parents to Victoria at the age of twelve years. His education was then continued at the Melbourne Diocesan Grammar School, and a few years later his tastes led to his specialising in law. He was called to the bar in 1863, and his career after that was a notable series of legal triumphs. From 1870 to 1885 he acted as Crown Prosecutor, and in 1885 was made a judge of County Courts, Courts of Mines and Courts of Insolvency. In 1906 he was appointed as acting Supreme Court judge.
    With his legal colleagues he was always popular, and as a judge his opinions and rulings were widely respected. He acted as chairman of a royal commission to inquire into the federation of Greater Melbourne municipalities, which collected a quantity of valuable evidence of which most inadequate uses were made. His life throughout was busy and successful, and he was one of the most familiar figures on the Commonwealth Bench.
    Feeling reference was made in the Law Courts on Thurday to the late ex-Judge Chomley. In the County Court, where Judge Chomley generally presided during the time he exercised judicial functions, Mr. Mitchell, K.C; Mr. Weigall, K.C; Mr. M'Arthur, K.C., and a large number of counsel and solicitors attended, the bench being occupied by Judge Johnston, Judge Eagleson, Judge Box, Judge Moule and Judge Wasley.
    Mr. Mitchell, as leader of the bar, said that counsel generally had sustained a heavy loss, both professionally and from the point of view of friendship in many cases, in the death of Judge Chomley. He was a great judge not only in County Court jurisdiction, but also in the Supreme Court, in which he acted as a temporary judge for some time, and he had also presided over a number of important Arbitration Court proceedings. The profession generally deplored his loss. Mr. M'Arthur said that for a quarter of a century the late Judge Chomley had presided in the County Court, and was respected for his personal qualities and admired because of his knowledge of the law by all who had practised before him. Previously to that time his Honor had made his mark as a Crown prosecutor, and no man was ever more forceful on the part of the Crown or more fair on the part of prisoners.
    Judge Johnston stated that many of those who had been connected with Judge Chomley in the practice of the law had never ceased to marvel at his great qualities and at his devotion to duty. Besides being a judge, his Honor had been in many ways a great public asset.
    Judge Box said he had known Judge Chomley since 1870. He had lived a long life and a grand one, and whether at the bar or onthe bench he had been an ornament to the legal profession.
    Reference to the death of Judge Chomley was also made in the Criminal Court by Mr. Justice a'Beckett, Acting Chief Justice, who said the late judge had always maintained thie highest ideals of the legal profession. His judgments in the County Court were marked by uniformity, logic, legal knowledge and sound common sense. The same applied to his work when, in the absence of Sir John Madden some years ago, he for twelve months occupied a seat on the Supreme Court bench. Mr. Justice a'Beckett, who displayed considerable emotion, said he had to mourn the loss of a friend with whom he had been on the terms of closest intimacy since they were boys together.
    Mr. Maldon Robb, in the absence of Mr. Woinarski, K.C., expressed the regret of the bar at the loss of a valued public servant, whose court was always marked by courtesy and ability.2


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  2. [S14] Newspaper - Leader (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 28 Nov 1914, p42
Last Edited1 Sep 2018

Richard Chomley

M, #20406, b. 1831, d. 31 May 1874
Father*Francis Chomley
Mother*Mary Elizabeth Griffiths b. 1797, d. 8 Jun 1868
Birth*1831 Dublin, Ireland.1 
Death*31 May 1874 Malvern, VIC, Australia, #D5186 (Age 43.)1,2 
Death-Notice*2 Jun 1874 CHOMLEY.—On the 31st ult., at Malvern, Richard Burgh Chomley, aged 44 years.3 


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  2. [S11] Newspaper - Death place only in newspaper :
    The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 2 Jun 1874, p1
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 2 Jun 1874, p1
Last Edited11 Oct 2018

Walter William Harris

M, #20410, b. 1858, d. 1 Sep 1943
Probate (Will)* 348/564. Walter W HARRIS Date of grant: 22 Oct 1943; Date of death: 01 Sep 1943; Occupation: Ex Police Magistrate; Residence: N Ballarat.1 
Birth*1858 Collingwood, VIC, Australia, #D4766.2 
Land-UBeac*14 Jul 1909 PAK-134. Transfer from Donald Stuart Bain to Walter William Harris. 19a 0r 19p.3 
Land-UBeac14 Jul 1909 PAK-109A. Transfer from Donald Stuart Bain to Walter William Harris. 19a 3r 17p.4 
Land-UBeac12 Sep 1918 PAK-109A. Transfer from Walter William Harris to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 19a 3r 17p.5 
Land-UBeac*17 Sep 1918 PAK-134. Transfer from Walter William Harris to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 19a 0r 19p.6 
Death*1 Sep 1943 Ballarat, VIC, Australia, #D19023 (Age 85) [par Walter HARRIS & Elizabeth GODWIN].7 


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), VPRS 28/ P3 unit 3885, item 348/564
    VPRS 7591/ P2 unit 1226, item 348/564.
  2. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1098-543 - Walter William Harris of Sale Police Magistrate.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1125-897 - Walter William Harris of Sale Police Magistrate.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1125-897 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - per 17 Aug 2000 Melbourne Water Corporation.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1098-543 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - per 17 Aug 2000 Melbourne Water Corporation.
  7. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online) "#D19023/1943 Place of birth COLLINGWOOD."
Last Edited8 Aug 2018

Amy Edith Mann

F, #20411, b. 1874, d. 11 Jul 1960
Father*George Hay Mann
Mother*Mary Elizabeth Hurst
Probate (Will)* 564/347. Amy Edith MANN Date of grant: 10 Oct 1960; Date of death: 11 Jul 1960; Occupation: Spinster; Residence: Kew.1 
Birth*1874 South Yarra, VIC, Australia, #B12292 [par George Hay MANN & Mary Elizabeth HURST].2 
Land-UBeac*12 Jun 1909 PAK-109. Transfer from Donald Stuart Bain to Amy Edith Mann Marion Alice Mann. 19a 3r 3p.3 
Land-UBeac*14 May 1923 PAK-109. Transfer from Amy Edith Mann Marion Alice Mann to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 16a 1r 4p.4 
Death*11 Jul 1960 Kew, VIC, Australia, #D8549 (Age 86) [par George Hay MANN & Mary Elizabeth HIRST].2 
Land-Note*1 Jun 1961 PAK-109. Marion Alice Mann Marion Alice Mann of 35 Walpole Street Kew Spinster is now the Surviving Proprietor.5 


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), VPRS 7591/ P3 unit 357, item 564/347
    VPRS 28/ P4 unit 2241, item 564/347.
  2. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1100-949 - Amy Edith Mann and Marion Alice Mann both of 37 Hawthorn Grove Hawthorn Spinsters.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1100-949 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - per 17 Aug 2000 Melbourne Water Corporation - C/T 4834-683.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1100-949 - Marion Alice Mann of 35 Walpole Street Kew Spinster is now the Surviving Proprietor.
Last Edited8 Aug 2018

George Hay Mann

M, #20412
Marriage*1865 Spouse: Mary Elizabeth Hurst. VIC, Australia, #M2045.1


Mary Elizabeth Hurst
Children 1.Amy Edith Mann b. 1874, d. 11 Jul 1960
 2.Marion Alice Mann b. 1876, d. 6 Jul 1979


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
Last Edited16 Dec 2018

Mary Elizabeth Hurst

F, #20413
Married NameMann. 
Marriage*1865 Spouse: George Hay Mann. VIC, Australia, #M2045.1


George Hay Mann
Children 1.Amy Edith Mann b. 1874, d. 11 Jul 1960
 2.Marion Alice Mann b. 1876, d. 6 Jul 1979


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
Last Edited16 Dec 2018

Marion Alice Mann

F, #20414, b. 1876, d. 6 Jul 1979
Father*George Hay Mann
Mother*Mary Elizabeth Hurst
Probate (Will)* 865/457. Marion Alice MANN Date of grant: 14 Nov 1979; Date of death: 06 Jul 1979; Occupation: Spinster; Residence: Kew.1 
Birth*1876 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #B5503.2 
(Transfer to) Land-UBeac12 Jun 1909 PAK-109. Transfer from Donald Stuart Bain to Amy Edith Mann Marion Alice Mann. 19a 3r 3p.3 
(Transfer from) Land-UBeac14 May 1923 PAK-109. Transfer from Amy Edith Mann Marion Alice Mann to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 16a 1r 4p.4 
Land-Note*1 Jun 1961 PAK-109. Amy Edith Mann Marion Alice Mann of 35 Walpole Street Kew Spinster is now the Surviving Proprietor.5 
Land-UBeac*31 Aug 1967 PAK-109 (part). Transfer from Marion Alice Mann to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 3a 1r 39p.6 
Death*6 Jul 1979 Kew, VIC, Australia, #D16179 (Age 103) [par unknown].2 


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), VPRS 7591/ P5 unit 60, item 865/457
    VPRS 28/ P9 unit 320, item 865/457.
  2. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1100-949 - Amy Edith Mann and Marion Alice Mann both of 37 Hawthorn Grove Hawthorn Spinsters.
  4. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1100-949 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - per 17 Aug 2000 Melbourne Water Corporation - C/T 4834-683.
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1100-949 - Marion Alice Mann of 35 Walpole Street Kew Spinster is now the Surviving Proprietor.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1100-949 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - per 17 Aug 2000 Melbourne Water Corporation - C/T 8692-154.
Last Edited8 Aug 2018

William John Symons

M, #20415, b. 10 Jul 1889, d. 24 Jun 1948
Father*Walter Sampson Symons b. 1862, d. Feb 1904
Mother*Mary Emma Manning b. 1859, d. 27 Jul 1934
Name Variation William John Symons was also known as Penn-Symons. 
Birth*10 Jul 1889 Eaglehawk, VIC, Australia, #B21024 [par William Samson SYMONS & Mary Emma MANNING].1 
Death*24 Jun 1948 London, England, died from a brain tumour.2,3 


    Originally regimental quartermaster-sergeant in the 7th Battalion of the Second Victorian Infantry Brigade, this officer was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant and subsequently lieutenant in Gallipoli. He is a son of Mrs. M.E. Symons, of 8 Burchett street, Brunswick.
    The official record credits him with most conspicuous bravery at Lonesome Pine on the night of 8th August. He was in command of the right section. The Turks nearly captured the trenches held by his battalion, and he repelled several counter attacks with great coolness. Lt Symons then led a charge and recaptured a lost sap, shooting two Turks with his revolver. The sap was under hostile fire on three sides, and Lt Symons withdrew 15 yards to a spot where some overhead cover could be obtained. In the face of heavy fire he built up a sand barricade. The enemy succeeded in setting fire to the fascines and woodwork of the head cover but Lt Symons extinguished the flames and rebuilt the barricade. His coolness and determination finally compelled the enemy to discontinue the attack.4
    The Victoria Cross is the most highly prized decoration in the British Empire. It can be won by all ranks in the Navy, Army and Air Force, and is only conferred upon men who by conspicuous gallantry, distinguished themselves above their Comrades. In this series of articles some of the picturesque figures who won the Cross in the Wars ot the Empire will be dealt with.
    In August of 1914 William John Symons enlisted in Melbourne. He was 25 years of age, and a commercial traveller. When he went into the military training camp at Broadmeadows, Victoria, he was about eleven stone in weight, and, say, 5ft. 10in. in height. In view of his previous military experience, he was one of the senior non-commissioned officers when the 7th Battalion embarked at Port Melbourne in October, 1914. With his battalion he spent several months in Egypt, and then went to Gallipoli. He was given a commission early in his fighting service, and justified himself in his new sphere, both at Anzac and Cape Helles. On returning to Anzac, the battalion continued to suffer casualties.
    Before the attacks of August, 1915, were launched, there had been a critical examination of the possibilities, and the first idea was the capture of Sari Bair, the seizure of the Chocolate and "W" Hills (all of which were on the left of the Anzac position), and the landing of troops at Suvla Bay. These fresh troops, it was considered, would dash forward over the lowlands, and take the hills beyond, Kavak Tepe and Tekke Tepe. Moreover, the occupied area would be extended from the then existing right to Gaba Tepe, on its south. During the operations the line would be pushed out at Lone Pine and elsewhere. These plans were considerably modified. Thus only some of the ideas were attempted, and several of them failed to achieve their purpose, notably the landing at Suvla Bay. Had there been good leadership of the English troops, and both prompt and vigorous action taken, considerable gain of territory should have resulted. Whether this would have influenced the Gallipoli campaign or not, is a matter of opinion.
    The operations in which Australian and New Zealand troops fought were costly in casualties, and the losses in the 1st Australian Division were 2,500, while the New Zealand and Australian Division lost 3,300. These losses were in the battles of Sari Bair and the battle of Lone Pine.
    As a result of tunnelling and extensive mining operations, the troops believed that a big offensive was imminent. It would be a big tax on them in view of dysentery and gastro-intestinal diseases from the monotony of the diet, lack of fresh vegetables and the swarms of disease-carrying flies. It was learned early in August that the 6th Battalion was to take German Officer's Trench as a diversion while the 1st Brigade charged the Lone Pine position. The 7th Battalion, drawn up opposite Johnston's Jolly, if the 6th was successful, was to charge across the 120 yards between the A.I.F. position and that of the Turks and to be led by a special bombing platoon. It was hoped by these attacks to divert the attention of the Turkish command from the main landing of the British Divisions at Suvla Bay and the night advance of the British and New Zealanders on Sari Bair.
    The history of the 7th Battalion records that at 5.30 p.m. on August 6 the 1st Australian Brigade attacked the Turkish trenches at Lone Pine. The 2nd Brigade concentrated a heavy machine gun and rifle fire upon the Turkish trenches on Johnston's Jolly. With the capture of Lone Pine, by dint of extremely heavy fighting, infantry working parties under the 2nd Field Company connected up tunnels from Brown's Dip and the Pimple to the Pine trenches, a matter of about 100 yards.
    The 6th Battalion attacked from sapheads in an underground trench in front of German Officer's Trench. These sapheads were broken open at the time of the attack, but the steps leading up to them were so narrow that only one man could emerge at a time. This slow exit gave the Turks time to man their firesteps, and the attackers were swept away as they appeared. The 6th lost 80 killed and 66 wounded in their valiant attempt.
    The attack by the 7th Battalion on Johnston's Jolly was therefore cancelled. During the night the Turkish reserves, the 13th Regiment and the 9th Division began to arrive and counter-attacked heavily all next day. The 7th Battalion was ordered to support the 1st Battalion, and during the afternoon of August 8 all, with the exception of one platoon, entered the captured position. The bombers were left covering the trenches of Johnston's Jolly and the Mule Gully, but later they too were sent to support the 1st Battalion. The Official History states that the 7th Battalion bombers went into Lone Pine at 6 p.m. on August 7, and in the heavy fighting of that night and the next day almost all had been killed or wounded.
    By 3 p.m. on the 8th the 7th Battalion had relieved the 1st and the 2nd Battalions on the right. Lieutenant W. J. Symons was in charge of the posts from Goldenstedt's to Wood's Posts. On the extreme right, as Jacob's Trench appeared to be dangerously isolated, the number of posts were increased. Turkish attacks were heavy during the afternoon against the post at Jacob's barricade. At 7 p.m. another severe attack was launched against this position, extending to Goldenstedt's Post, now held by a portion of Lieutenant Symons's company. The Turks again and again succeeded in forcing their way over the low barricade into the main position, but Symons bombed them out as often. Meanwhile in Jacob's Trench, one lieutenant having been severely wounded, another was placed in command; and since the fighting at another point also urgently required superintendance, another officer with half his reserve company from the Pimple was brought in to support and finally took over the new flank trench. By 2 a.m. on the night of August 8 the fighting had died down.
    On the fourth and last day of acute struggle at Lone Pine the Australian position was held in the north by the 4th Battalion, in the centre by the 3rd, and in the southern and largest sector by the 7th, whose front had been subdivided into three commands—Symons's, Tubb's and West's. At 4 a.m. from the enemy positions around Lone Pine, and also from Johnston's Jolly, there burst an intense machine gun and rifle fire, and a most violent general attack was directed against the whole line. Lieutenant B. N. W. Edwards was killed and Lieutenant A. N. Hamilton wounded in Wood's Trench.
    Symons himself took charge in the even heavier fighting which had again broken out at Goldenstedt's Post. Here by throwing the big gun-cotton bombs he temporarily subdued the enemy, but was called away for even more pressing work.
    The struggle in Jacob's Trench had been fierce. It was enfiladed by enemy machine-gun fire, and all the garrison was killed except Lieutenant West (wounded) and Private Shadbolt, who held the post till Lieutenant Young brought up a few men. Further reinforcements came in, but all were killed or wounded and the post was lost. Lieutenant Symons was ordered to retake it.
    He succeeded, drove out the enemy and rebuilt the barricade. Then, as the Turks were attacking the post from three sides, he asked his C.O.'s leave to abandon it. He then withdrew to some overhead cover at the western end of the trench, leaving 15 yards of open trench to the enemy.
    At 6.30 p.m. the enemy attack had definitely failed. At midday on the 10th the remnant of the battalion was relieved by the 5th Battalion. The casualties were appalling. The battalion went in with 14 officers and 680 other ranks, and lost 12 officers and 342 other ranks. The total losses of the 1st Australian Division were over 2,000 men, the greater number incurred in sheer hand-to-hand fighting and bombing. The enemy's loss was heavier. The 16th Turkish Division is said to have lost 6,930 men in five days.
    The value of the attack was that it drew upon itself the whole of the immediate Turkish reserves, and for three days monopolised Essad Pasha's attention. On August 11, after 48 hours' rest, the 7th Battalion returned to Lone Pine. There was no further counter-attack. The trenches were cleared of the dead and put into a state of repair. The re-entrant angle of the front line at Symons's Post was straightened out.
    The service of Lieutenant Symons was recognised by the award of a Victoria Cross in the following words:—"For most conspicuous bravery on the night of August 8, 1915, at Lone Pine trenches, in the Gallipoli Peninsula. He was in command of the right section of the newly-captured trenches held by his battalion, and repelled several counter-attacks with great coolness. At about 5 a.m. on August 9, a series of determined attacks were made by the enemy on an isolated sap, and six officers were in succession killed or severely wounded, a portion of the sap being lost. Lieutenant Symons then led a charge and retook the lost sap, shooting two Turks with his revolver. The sap was under hostile fire from three sides, and Lieutenant Symons withdrew some 15 yards to a spot where some overhead cover could be obtained, and, in the face of the heavy fire, built up a sand barricade. The enemy succeeded in setting fire to the fascines and woodwork of the head cover, but Lieutenant Symons extinguished the fire and rebuilt the barricade. His coolness and determination finally compelled the enemy to discontinue their attack." The "London Gazette" in which the citation appeared was published on October 15, 1915.
    When the Galeka left Alexandria on April 9, 1915, for Gallipoli, William Symons was acting as Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant, and on the day after he landed at Gallipoli he was promoted to commissioned rank. Later he was made a lieutenant. In the second week of August he earned a Victoria Cross, but before the month was out he was so sick that he was invalided to England, then sent out to Australia, and in June of 1916, after a short stay embarked at Melbourne again for overseas service. In late November he was sent to France and joined the 37th Battalion, and among other engagements was in the Battle of Messines. He was evacuated from France through being gassed, and was on duty in England after recovery till he returned to the 37th Battalion in the field in January of 1918. At Bois Grenier in the early months of 1918 there were many reinforcements in a unit which was in support, and they were being heavily shelled. Symons ran along the line reassuring the men, and his manner and bravery materially steadied them. This was typical of his war service. He returned to Australia later in that year with the rank of captain.5


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  2. [S65] Ancestry - various indices, UK, Victoria Cross Medals, 1857-2007.
  3. [S345] Index of monumental inscriptions/burials, "Golders Green Crematorium, Golders Green, London Borough of Barnet, Greater London, England,
    Grave of William John Symons (10 Jul 1889-24 Jun 1948)."
  4. [S14] Newspaper - The Ballarat Courier (Vic.), Mon 18 Oct 1915, p5
  5. [S14] Newspaper - Western Mail (Perth, WA), Thu 25 Feb 1937, p63
Last Edited4 Jan 2024

William Shaw Mackie

M, #20416, b. 1827, d. 26 Nov 1921
Father*Peter Mackie
Mother*Grace McMickan
Land-UBeac*7 Feb 1896 PAK-141. Transfer from James Fitton Ogden to William Shaw Mackie, Grace Mackie, Helen Mackie, Anthony Mackie. 19a 0r 37p.1 
Land-UBeac8 Jul 1919 PAK-141 (part). Transfer from William Shaw Mackie, Grace Mackie, Helen Mackie, Anthony Mackie to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 4a 2r 0p.2 
Death*26 Nov 1921 Hawthorn, VIC, Australia, #D14212 (Age 94) [par Peter MACKIE & Grace McMICKAN].3 
Land-Note*4 Oct 1922 William Shaw Mackie died on 26th November 1921. Probate has been granted to George Lewis Aitken of Bourke Street Melbourne Esquire.4 
Land-UBeac*4 Oct 1922 PAK-141 (part), 205 Dickie Road. 14a 2r 37p.5 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1123-559 - William Shaw Mackie of Wycheproof Grazier Grace Mackie and Helen Mackie bothof "Corsewall" Auburn Road Hawthorn Spinsters and Anthony Mackie of Wycheproof Grazier - proprietors as tenants-in-common - C/T 2598-505.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2598-505 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - C/T 4221-079 to Melbourne Water 17 Aug 2000.
  3. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  4. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online) "C/T 2598-505 - William Shaw Mackie died on 26th November 1921. Probate has been granted to George Lewis Aitken of Bourke Street Melbourne Esquire."
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2598-505 - Transfer as to the interest of George Lewis Aitken as to balance to Grace Mackie and Helen Mackie Gentlewomen and Anthony Mackie Esquire all of Corsewall Auburn Road Hawthorn are now the proprietors as tenants in common in equal shares - C/T 4672-300.
Last Edited31 Mar 2019

Grace Mackie

F, #20417, b. 1839, d. 31 Jul 1923
Father*Peter Mackie
Mother*Grace McMickan
(Transfer to) Land-UBeac7 Feb 1896 PAK-141. Transfer from James Fitton Ogden to William Shaw Mackie, Grace Mackie, Helen Mackie, Anthony Mackie. 19a 0r 37p.1 
(Transfer from) Land-UBeac8 Jul 1919 PAK-141 (part). Transfer from William Shaw Mackie, Grace Mackie, Helen Mackie, Anthony Mackie to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 4a 2r 0p.2 
Land-UBeac*4 Oct 1922 PAK-141 (part), 205 Dickie Road. 14a 2r 37p.3 
Death*31 Jul 1923 Hawthorn, VIC, Australia, #D10677 (Age 84) - as MACKIE.4 
Death-Notice*1 Aug 1923 MACKIE-On the 31st July, 1923, at "Corsewall," Auburn road, Hawthorn, Grace, beloved sister of Helen and Anthony Mackie. (Private interment.)5 
Land-Note*6 Oct 1923 PAK-141 (part). Grace Mackie died on 31st July 1923. Probate has been granted to Helen Mackie of Corsewall Auburn Road Auburn Spinster.6 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1123-559 - William Shaw Mackie of Wycheproof Grazier Grace Mackie and Helen Mackie bothof "Corsewall" Auburn Road Hawthorn Spinsters and Anthony Mackie of Wycheproof Grazier - proprietors as tenants-in-common - C/T 2598-505.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2598-505 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - C/T 4221-079 to Melbourne Water 17 Aug 2000.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2598-505 - Transfer as to the interest of George Lewis Aitken as to balance to Grace Mackie and Helen Mackie Gentlewomen and Anthony Mackie Esquire all of Corsewall Auburn Road Hawthorn are now the proprietors as tenants in common in equal shares - C/T 4672-300.
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 1 Aug 1923, p1
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4672-300 - Grace Mackie died on 31st July 1923. Probate has been granted to Helen Mackie of Corsewall Auburn Road Auburn Spinster.
Last Edited31 Mar 2019

Helen Mackie

F, #20418, b. 1841, d. 5 Aug 1937
Father*Peter Mackie
Mother*Grace McMickan
Birth*1841 Strangraer, Scotland. 
(Transfer to) Land-UBeac7 Feb 1896 PAK-141. Transfer from James Fitton Ogden to William Shaw Mackie, Grace Mackie, Helen Mackie, Anthony Mackie. 19a 0r 37p.1 
(Transfer from) Land-UBeac8 Jul 1919 PAK-141 (part). Transfer from William Shaw Mackie, Grace Mackie, Helen Mackie, Anthony Mackie to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 4a 2r 0p.2 
(Transfer to) Land-UBeac4 Oct 1922 PAK-141 (part), 205 Dickie Road. Transfer from an unknown person to Helen Mackie Anthony Mackie. 14a 2r 37p.3 
Death*5 Aug 1937 Auburn, VIC, Australia, #D7342 (Age 96) - as MACKIE.4 
Death-Notice*7 Aug 1937 MACKIE.—On the 5th August at her residence, Corsewall, 2 Auburn road, Auburn, Helen Mackie, in her 96th year.
MACKIE.—The Funeral of the late Miss HELEN MACKIE will leave Sleight's Southern Chapel, St Kilda road, Melbourne, THIS DAY (Saturday, the 7th August), at 10 o'clock, for the Melbourne Cemetery, Carlton.5 
Land-Note16 Nov 1937 PAK-141 (part). Helen Mackie (who was the executrix of the will of the within named Grace Mackie deceased) died on 5th August 1937. Probate of her will has been granted to George Lewis Aitken of Westbury Street St Kilda Gentleman and Philip Lewis Aitken of William Street Melbourne Solicitor.6 
Land-Note*16 Nov 1937 PAK-141 (part). Helen Mackie (who held an undivided interest in the within described land in her own right) died on 5th August 1937. Probate of her will has been granted to George Lewis Aitken of Westbury Street St Kilda Gentleman and Philip Lewis Aitken of William Street Melbourne Solicitor.7 
Land-Note26 May 1942 PAK-141 (part). Philip Lewis Aitken the survivor of the proprietors named herein of the interest formerly held by Helen Mackie as executrix is by direction of the Commissioner of Titles now registered as sole proprietor of the said interest in the land now comprised herein.8 
Land-Note19 Jun 1942 PAK-141 (part). Philip Lewis Aitken the survivor of the proprietors named herein of the interest formerly held by Helen Mackie is by direction of the Commissioner of Titles now registered as sole proprietor of the said interest in the land now comprised herein.9 


  • 27 Sep 1937: Charities To Benefit By £161,000 Will
    Estate sworn for probate at £161,460, comprising £6673 realty and £154,787 personalty was left by Miss Helen Mackie, Auburn Road, Auburn.
    As a result of the death of Miss Mackie's brother, Mr Anthony Mackie, after her will was executed, the residuary estate goes to charities selected by her trustees.
    Miss Mackie died on August 5, 1937. By her last will, dated September 5, 1923, she appointed Mr George Lewis Aitken, Mr Philip Lewis Aitken and Mr Anthony Mackie executors and trustees. Mr Mackie died on October 9, 1930.
    Many Legacies
    The will provided for the following cash legacies:—
    Miss Edith Tate of Windarra, Williams Road, Windsor, £2000;
    Miss Maud Tate, of Mount Waverley, Oakleigh. £2000;
    Miss Linda Tate, of Mount Waverley, Oakleigh, £2000;
    Miss Jean Kirkwood, daughter of the Rev. John Kirkwood; of Foley Street, Kew, £1000;
    Mrs Johnson (employe) £500;
    Miss Edna Johnson, £250.
    Mrs Alice Scott wife of Dr. J. Alexander Scott, of High Street, Malvern, £1000.
    Mr David Kerr, of the Isle of Man, £2000
    James Kerr, £2000.
    Mrs Margaret McLure, £2000.
    Mrs Grace Aitken £1000.
    The Presbyterian and Scots Church Neglected Children's Aid Society, £500.
    Society for Protection of Animals, £250.
    £2000 For Scottish Poor Miss Mackie directed that £2000 be distributed among the poor of the parish of Leswalt, Scotland.
    The will provided that the income from the residue of the estate should go to Miss Mackie's brother, Mr Anthony Mackie, and that after his death, the estate should go to charities selected by the trustees.
    The will was lodged by Messrs. Aitken, Walker and Strachan, solicitors.10


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1123-559 - William Shaw Mackie of Wycheproof Grazier Grace Mackie and Helen Mackie bothof "Corsewall" Auburn Road Hawthorn Spinsters and Anthony Mackie of Wycheproof Grazier - proprietors as tenants-in-common - C/T 2598-505.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2598-505 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - C/T 4221-079 to Melbourne Water 17 Aug 2000.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2598-505 - Transfer as to the interest of George Lewis Aitken as to balance to Grace Mackie and Helen Mackie Gentlewomen and Anthony Mackie Esquire all of Corsewall Auburn Road Hawthorn are now the proprietors as tenants in common in equal shares - C/T 4672-300.
  4. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online) "#D7342/1937 Place of birth STRANGRAER SCOTLAND."
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 7 Aug 1937, p7
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4672-300 - Helen Mackie (who was the executrix of the will of the within named Grace Mackie deceased) died on 5th August 1937. Probate of her will has been granted to George Lewis Aitken of Westbury Street St Kilda Gentleman and Philip Lewis Aitken of William Street Melbourne Solicitor.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4672-300 - Helen Mackie (who held an undivided interest in the within described land in her own right) died on 5th August 1937. Probate of her will has been granted to George Lewis Aitken of Westbury Street St Kilda Gentleman and Philip Lewis Aitken of William Street Melbourne Solicitor.
  8. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4672-300 - Philip Lewis Aitken the survivor of the proprietors named herein of the interest formerly held by Helen Mackie as executrix is by direction of the Commissioner of Titles now registered as sole proprietor of the said interest in the land now comprised herein.
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4672-300 - Philip Lewis Aitken the survivor of the proprietors named herein of the interest formerly held by Helen Mackie is by direction of the Commissioner of Titles now registered as sole proprietor of the said interest in the land now comprised herein.
  10. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 27 Sep 1937, p3
Last Edited31 Mar 2019

Anthony Mackie

M, #20419, b. 1848, d. 9 Oct 1930
Father*Peter Mackie
Mother*Grace McMickan
(Transfer to) Land-UBeac7 Feb 1896 PAK-141. Transfer from James Fitton Ogden to William Shaw Mackie, Grace Mackie, Helen Mackie, Anthony Mackie. 19a 0r 37p.1 
(Transfer from) Land-UBeac8 Jul 1919 PAK-141 (part). Transfer from William Shaw Mackie, Grace Mackie, Helen Mackie, Anthony Mackie to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 4a 2r 0p.2 
(Transfer to) Land-UBeac4 Oct 1922 PAK-141 (part), 205 Dickie Road. Transfer from an unknown person to Helen Mackie Anthony Mackie. 14a 2r 37p.3 
Death*9 Oct 1930 Armadale, VIC, Australia, #D12188 (Age 82.)4 
Death-Notice*10 Oct 1930 MACKIE.—On the 9th October, Anthony Mackie, of Corsewall, Auburn road, Hawthorn, formerly of Wyncheproof Estate, Wycheproof.5 
Land-Note*16 Nov 1937 PAK-141 (part). Anthony Mackie died on 9th October 1930. Probate of his will has been granted to George Lewis Aitken of Westbury Street St Kilda Gentleman and Philip Lewis Aitken of William Street Melbourne Solicitor.6 
Land-Note19 Jun 1942 PAK-141 (part). Philip Lewis Aitken the survivor of the proprietors named herein of the interest formerly held by Anthony Mackie is by direction of the Commissioner of Titles now registered as sole proprietor of the said interest in the land now comprised herein.7 


  • 20 Nov 1930: ESTATE OF £90,000. Mr. Anthony Mackie's Bequests.
    The late Mr. Anthony Mackie, of Corsewall, Auburn road, Hawthorn, who died on October 9, left property in Victoria and New South Wales of the value of approximately £90,000. By his will he bequeaths to his friend Mr. Laurence Paterson the sum of £5,000; to the Misses Edith and Lily Tait £1,000 each, and to Miss Maud Tait £1,000 and certain money on deposit at his bankers. He directs his trustees to invest the residue of his property, such investments to be known as the "Mackie Bequest," the income of which is to be divided annually among such charitable institutions or charitable objects as his trustees shall think fit.
    The testator appoints Mr. George Aitken, of Dalgety and Company, Melbourne, and Mr. Philip Aitken, of 115 William street, solicitor, trustees and executors of his will ; and, by a codicil to his will prepared by another firm of solicitors bequeaths to them legacies of £5,000 each.
    The late Mr. Mackie, with his brother, Mr. W. S. Mackie, and two sisters, Misses Grace and Helen Mackie, for many years owned the Wycheproof Station, near Wycheproof. They were nephews and nieces of the late Captain James McMeckan, who was well known in mercantile and shipping circles in Melbourne in the early days. The late Captain McMeckan was a member of the firm of McMeckan, Blackwood, and Company, merchants and shipowners, the predecessors of the Union Steamship Company. Mr. W. S. Mackie and Miss Grace Mackie predeceased Mr. Anthony Mackie, Miss Helen Mackie still lives at Corsewall, Captain McMeckan's old home. Some years ago the family gave to Scotch College, Melbourne, a large sum for the erection of McMeckan House in memory of the late Captain McMeckan.8


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1123-559 - William Shaw Mackie of Wycheproof Grazier Grace Mackie and Helen Mackie bothof "Corsewall" Auburn Road Hawthorn Spinsters and Anthony Mackie of Wycheproof Grazier - proprietors as tenants-in-common - C/T 2598-505.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2598-505 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - C/T 4221-079 to Melbourne Water 17 Aug 2000.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2598-505 - Transfer as to the interest of George Lewis Aitken as to balance to Grace Mackie and Helen Mackie Gentlewomen and Anthony Mackie Esquire all of Corsewall Auburn Road Hawthorn are now the proprietors as tenants in common in equal shares - C/T 4672-300.
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online).
  5. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 10 Oct 1930, p1
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4672-300 - Anthony Mackie died on 9th October 1930. Probate of his will has been granted to George Lewis Aitken of Westbury Street St Kilda Gentleman and Philip Lewis Aitken of William Street Melbourne Solicitor.
  7. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4672-300 - Philip Lewis Aitken the survivor of the proprietors named herein of the interest formerly held by Anthony Mackie is by direction of the Commissioner of Titles now registered as sole proprietor of the said interest in the land now comprised herein.
  8. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 20 Nov 1930, p6
Last Edited31 Mar 2019

Peter Mackie

M, #20420
Marriage* Spouse: Grace McMickan.


Grace McMickan
Children 1.William Shaw Mackie b. 1827, d. 26 Nov 1921
 2.Grace Mackie b. 1839, d. 31 Jul 1923
 3.Helen Mackie b. 1841, d. 5 Aug 1937
 4.Anthony Mackie b. 1848, d. 9 Oct 1930
Last Edited16 Dec 2018

Grace McMickan

F, #20421
Marriage* Spouse: Peter Mackie.
Married NameMackie. 


Peter Mackie
Children 1.William Shaw Mackie b. 1827, d. 26 Nov 1921
 2.Grace Mackie b. 1839, d. 31 Jul 1923
 3.Helen Mackie b. 1841, d. 5 Aug 1937
 4.Anthony Mackie b. 1848, d. 9 Oct 1930
Last Edited16 Dec 2018

William Ievers

M, #20422, b. 1820, d. 14 Jan 1901
Probate (Will)* 80/863. William Ievers, Residence: Parkville, Occupation: Gent, Date Of Death: 14 Jan 1901, Date Of Grant: 1 Nov 1901.1 
Marriage*26 Jul 1838 Spouse: Mary Harrison. Ireland.
Land-UBeac*29 Nov 1884 PAK-104. Transfer from Alfred May to William Ievers. 17a 0r 38p.2 
Widower1898He became a widower upon the death of his wife Mary Harrison.3 
Death*14 Jan 1901 Carlton North, VIC, Australia, #D1010 (Age 81) [Geo Hawkins IEVERS & Margaret OSHAUGHNESSY].3 
Death-Notice*16 Jan 1901 IEVERS.—On the 14th January, at Mount Ievers, Royal-park, Councillor William Ievers, J.P., aged 81 years.
A SOLEMN OFFICE and REQUIEM MASS will be celebrated for the repose of the soul of the late Councillor WILLIAM IEVERS, J.P., at the Sacred Heart (St. George's) Church, Rathdown-street, Carlton, THIS (Wednesday) MORNING, 16th inst., commencing at 10.30.
The funeral will leave the church at 12.30 punctually for the Melbourne General Cemetery.
JOHN DALY, Undertaker.4 
Land-Note*18 Aug 1903 PAK-104. Memo 30832. George Hawkins Ievers of 265 Collins Street Melbourne Auctioneer and Robert Lancelot Ievers of Mount Ievers Royal Park Estate are registered proprietors of the within described land as executors to whom probabte of the will and codicil of William Ievers (who died 14th January 1901) was granted 4th June 1901.5 
Land-UBeac*28 Aug 1903 PAK-104. Transfer from William Ievers to Margaret Fitzgerald. 17a 0r 38p.6 


Mary Harrison d. 1898
Children 1.Margaret Ievers b. 1848, d. 11 Dec 1937
 2.Robert Lancelot Ievers b. 1854, d. 29 Oct 1910


    IEVERS — HARRISON. — On the 26th July, 1838, William Ievers, youngest son of George Hawkins Ievers, Esq., of Limerick, Ireland (but now of Mount Ievers, Royal Park, Melbourne), grandson of Lancelot Ievers, Esq., of Mount Ievers, Co. Clare, to Mary, only daughter of John Harrison, Esq., of Dublin.
    The diamond jubilee of 60 years. Mary Harrison7
  • 17 Jan 1920: IN MEMORIAM. IEVERS.—In loving remembrance of the late Councillor William levers, who died at "Mount levers," Royal Park, Melbourne, on the 14th January, 1901, the beloved husband of the late Mary Ievers, and fond father of Ellen, Margaret (Mrs. Fitzgerald), Fanny (Mrs, D. Bourke), the late Councillor William Ievers, jun., M.P., Carlton South; the late Robert Lancelot Ievers, and Councillor George H. Ievers, Carlton.
    May his soul rest in peace.8
  • 14 Jan 1921: IEVERS.—In loving remembrance of the late Councillor William Ievers, who died at Mount Ievers, Royal Park, Melbourne, on January 14, 1901, aged 62 years, the devoted husband over 60 years of the late Mrs. Margaret Ievers, and fond father of Miss Ellen Ievers (Malvern), Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald (Broken Hill), Mrs. Fanny Bourke (Upper Hawthorn), the late Councillor William Ievers, M.P., Carlton South, the late Robert Lancelot levers, and Councillor George H. levers, of Carlton, City of Melbourne.
    May his soul rest in peace.9


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28) / Wills (VPRS7591)
    80/863. William Ievers, Residence: Parkville, Occupation: Gent, Date Of Death: 14 Jan 1901, Date Of Grant: 1 Nov 1901
    VPRS 28/P0000, 80/863; VPRS 7591/P0002, 80/863; VPRS 28/P0002, 80/863 (closed S11).
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1133-425 - Theyre Weigall as Curator to William Jevers (the elder) of Number 101 Cardigan Street Carlton Estate Agent - C/T 1635-855.
  3. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  4. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 16 Jan 1901, p1
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1635-855 - Memo 30832. George Hawkins Ievers of 265 Collins Street Melbourne Auctioneer and Robert Lancelot Jevers of Mount Ievers Royal Park Estate are registered proprietors of the within described land as executors to whom probabte of the will and codicil of William Ievers (who died 14th January 1901) was granted 4th June 1901.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1635-855 - Margaret Ievers Fitzgerald of Mount Ievers Royal Park Widow.
  7. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 27 Jul 1898, p2
  8. [S14] Newspaper - Advocate (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 17 Jan 1920, p23
  9. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 14 Jan 1921, p1
Last Edited4 Jan 2024

Margaret Ievers

F, #20423, b. 1848, d. 11 Dec 1937
Father*William Ievers b. 1820, d. 14 Jan 1901
Mother*Mary Harrison d. 1898
Married NameFitzgerald. 
Birth*1848 Dublin, Ireland, Margaret Ivers (par William Ivers & Mary Harrison), Baptism Date: 13 Sep 1848, Baptism Place: St Nicholas' (Without), Francis St., Dublin city, Dublin, Ireland.1 
Marriage*19 May 1874 Spouse: Edmund Pius Fitzgerald. St Francis Church, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #M1782/1874, Margaret IEVERS & Edmund Pius FITZGERALD.2
Marriage-Notice*23 May 1874 FITZGERALD—IEVERS.—On the 19th inst, at St. Francis's Church, Melbourne by the Rev P O Meara, Edmund Pius, eldest son of Richard Fitzgerald, Esq , timber merchant, of Richmond, to Margaret, second daughter of William Ievers, Esq., of Carlton.3 
Widow14 May 1876Margaret Ievers became a widow upon the death of her husband Edmund Pius Fitzgerald.4 
Land-UBeac*28 Aug 1903 PAK-104. Transfer from William Ievers to Margaret Fitzgerald. 17a 0r 38p.5 
Land-UBeac*13 Nov 1917 PAK-104. Transfer from Margaret Ievers to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 17a 0r 38p.6 
Death*11 Dec 1937 Dromana, VIC, Australia, #D18011/1937 (Age 89) (par William IVERS & Mary HARRISON) - as Margaret FITZGERALD, Death registered at Dromana, Australia.7 
Death-Notice*13 Dec 1937 FITZGERALD.—On the 11th December at the residence of her son-in-law (Dr J F Bartley), Doon, Rosebud, Margaret Ievers Fitzgerald relict of the late Edmund Pius Fitzgerald, late of Richmond, daughter of the late William Ievers, of Royal Park, and loved mother of William J. P. and Eleanor Mary (Mrs J F Bartley), aged 90 years —Requiescat in pace.
FITZGERALD.—Requiem Mass will be celebrated for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. MARGARET IEVERS FITZGERALD at Sacred Heart Church, Rathdown street, Carlton, THIS DAY (Monday, 13th December), at 10 a.m.
The funeral will move from the church at the conclusion of the Mass to the place of Interment, the Melbourne General Cemetery, Carlton.
HERBERT KING and SONS. Funeral Directors, Lennox street, Richmond. Phone J3462.8 


  • 30 Apr 1898: Marriage of daughter: BARTLEY—FITZGERALD.—On the 20th April, at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, by the Rev. J. H. O'Connell, assisted by Very Rev. W. Quilter and Rev. T. Quinn, Joseph Francis Bartley, J.P., M.B., Ch. B., Broken Hill, eldest son of the late John Bartley, of Bendigo, to Eleanor Mary Fitzgerald, only daughter of the late Edmund Pius Fitzgerald, Richmond, and granddaughter of Councillor Wm. Ievers, J.P., Mount Ievers, Royal-park. Nuptial mass was celebrated by Right Rev. Dr. Dunne, Bishop of Wilcannia and Broken Hill. Edmund Pius Fitzgerald9
  • 19 Feb 1919: In Memoriam: IEVERS.—In fond remembrance of Councillor William Ievers, jun., J.P., and M. P. for Carlton South, beloved eldest son of the late Councillor William and Mary Ievers, of "Mount Ievers," Royal parade, Melbourne, and brother of Ellen, Margaret, and Fanny, and Councillor George H. Ievers, J.P., and the late Robert Lancelot Ievers, J. P., who died 19th February, 1905.
    "Beloved by all who knew him."
    May his soul rest in peace.10
  • 13 Dec 1937: Mrs. M. IEVERS FITZGERALD.
    Mrs. Margaret Ievers Fitzgerald, of Rosebud, died on Saturday at the home of her son-in-law, Dr. J. F. Bartley, "Doon," Rosebud. Recently Mrs. Fitzgerald celebrated her 90th birthday. She was a daughter of the late Mr. William Ievers, of "Mount Ievers," Royal Park, and sister of the late Crs. William and George Ievers. Her husband, Mr. Edmund P. Fitzgerald, of Richmond, predeceased her by many years. She was the mother of Mr. W. J. P. Fitzgerald, solicitor, of Richmond (formerly of Darwin and Sydney) and of Mrs. J. F. Bartley, of Rosebud. A Requiem Mass will be celebrated at the Sacred Heart church, Rathdown-street, Carlton, at 10 a.m. to-day.11


  1. [S65] Ancestry - various indices, National Library of Ireland; Dublin, Ireland; Irish Catholic Parish Registers; Microfilm Number: Microfilm 07276 / 01
    Margaret Ivers (par William Ivers & Mary Harrison), Baptism Date: 13 Sep 1848, Baptism Place: St Nicholas' (Without), Dublin city, Dublin, Ireland.
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M1782/1874, Margaret IEVERS & Edmund Pius FITZGERALD."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 23 May 1874, p1
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D6815/1876 (Age 26) (par Richard FITZGERALD & Eleanor DOWLING) - as Edmund Pius FITZGERALD. Born Melbourne. Spouse Margaret IEVERS."
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1635-855 - Margaret Ievers Fitzgerald of Mount Ievers Royal Park Widow.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1635-855 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission - to Melbourne Water 17 Aug 2000.
  7. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D18011/1937 (Age 89) (par William IVERS & Mary HARRISON) - as Margaret FITZGERALD, Death registered at Dromana, Australia."
  8. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 13 Dec 1937, p15
  9. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 30 Apr 1898, p1
  10. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 19 Feb 1919, p1
  11. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Mon 13 Dec 1937, p12
Last Edited4 Jan 2024

Edmund Pius Fitzgerald

M, #20424, b. 1850, d. 14 May 1876
Birth*1850 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #B43254/1850 (par Richard FITZGERALD & Ellen DOWLING) - as Edmund Pious FITZGERALD.1 
Marriage*19 May 1874 Spouse: Margaret Ievers. St Francis Church, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #M1782/1874, Margaret IEVERS & Edmund Pius FITZGERALD.2
Marriage-Notice*23 May 1874 FITZGERALD—IEVERS.—On the 19th inst, at St. Francis's Church, Melbourne by the Rev P O Meara, Edmund Pius, eldest son of Richard Fitzgerald, Esq , timber merchant, of Richmond, to Margaret, second daughter of William Ievers, Esq., of Carlton.3 
Death*14 May 1876 VIC, Australia, #D6815/1876 (Age 26) (par Richard FITZGERALD & Eleanor DOWLING) - as Edmund Pius FITZGERALD. Spouse Margaret IEVERS.4 
Death-Notice*20 May 1876 FITZGERALD.—Edmund Pius, eldest son of R. Fitzgerald, Richmond, on the 14th inst. Of your charity pray for the repose of his soul.5 


  • 22 Jun 1872: NEW INSOLVENTS.
    Edward Pius Fitzgerald, of Richmond, cleric Cause of insolvoncy-Want of remunerative employment. Liabilities, £97 16s; assets, £35 ; deficiency, £62 16s, Mr, Goodman, assignee6
  • 30 Apr 1898: Marriage of daughter: BARTLEY—FITZGERALD.—On the 20th April, at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, by the Rev. J. H. O'Connell, assisted by Very Rev. W. Quilter and Rev. T. Quinn, Joseph Francis Bartley, J.P., M.B., Ch. B., Broken Hill, eldest son of the late John Bartley, of Bendigo, to Eleanor Mary Fitzgerald, only daughter of the late Edmund Pius Fitzgerald, Richmond, and granddaughter of Councillor Wm. Ievers, J.P., Mount Ievers, Royal-park. Nuptial mass was celebrated by Right Rev. Dr. Dunne, Bishop of Wilcannia and Broken Hill. Margaret Ievers7


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B43254/1850 (par Richard FITZGERALD & Ellen DOWLING) - as Edmund Pious FITZGERALD, Birth registered at Melbourne, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M1782/1874, Margaret IEVERS & Edmund Pius FITZGERALD."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 23 May 1874, p1
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D6815/1876 (Age 26) (par Richard FITZGERALD & Eleanor DOWLING) - as Edmund Pius FITZGERALD. Born Melbourne. Spouse Margaret IEVERS."
  5. [S14] Newspaper - Advocate (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 20 May 1876, p11
  6. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 22 Jun 1872, p5
  7. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 30 Apr 1898, p1
Last Edited4 Jan 2024

Mary Harrison

F, #20425, d. 1898
Married NameIevers. 
Marriage*26 Jul 1838 Spouse: William Ievers. Ireland.
Death*1898 Carlton North, VIC, Australia, #D11322 (Age 79) [par John HARRISON & Ellen DONOVAN] - as Mary Harrison IEVERS.1 


William Ievers b. 1820, d. 14 Jan 1901
Children 1.Margaret Ievers b. 1848, d. 11 Dec 1937
 2.Robert Lancelot Ievers b. 1854, d. 29 Oct 1910


    IEVERS — HARRISON. — On the 26th July, 1838, William Ievers, youngest son of George Hawkins Ievers, Esq., of Limerick, Ireland (but now of Mount Ievers, Royal Park, Melbourne), grandson of Lancelot Ievers, Esq., of Mount Ievers, Co. Clare, to Mary, only daughter of John Harrison, Esq., of Dublin.
    The diamond jubilee of 60 years. William Ievers2


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  2. [S14] Newspaper - The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 27 Jul 1898, p2
Last Edited4 Jan 2024

George Edwin Tempest

M, #20426, b. 1866, d. 16 Mar 1933
Birth*1866 Emerald Hill, VIC, Australia, #B8213.1 
Land-UBeac*a 8 Dec 1893 PAK-131. Transfer from Colonial Bank of Australasia Ltd to George Edwin Tempest. 18a 3r 3p.2 
Land-UBeac*8 Jan 1918 PAK-131. Transfer from George Edwin Tempest to State Rivers and Water Supply Commission. 18a 3r 3p.3 
Marriage*1920 Spouse: Mary Ellen Jackson. VIC, Australia, #M12025.1
Death*16 Mar 1933 Camberwell, VIC, Australia, #D2054/1933 (Age 66) (par Squire TEMPEST & Jane HARPER) - as George Edwin TEMPEST.4 
Death-Notice*17 Mar 1933 TEMPEST.—On the 16th March, at his residence, "Bingley," 7 Howitt-street, Camberwell, George Edwin, loved husband of Nellie Tempest. Private interment.5 


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1292-372 - George Edwin Tempest of 34 Longmore Street St Kilda Piano Tuner.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 1292-372 - State Rivers and Water Supply Commission to Melbourne Water 17 Aug 2000.
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D2054/1933 (Age 66) (par Squire TEMPEST & Jane HARPER) - as George Edwin TEMPEST, Death registered at Camberwell, Australia."
  5. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Fri 17 Mar 1933, p1
Last Edited20 Jan 2025

Mary Ellen Jackson

F, #20427, b. 1883, d. 1973
Married NameTempest. 
Birth*1883 Robe, SA, Australia. 
Marriage*1920 Spouse: George Edwin Tempest. VIC, Australia, #M12025.1
Widow16 Mar 1933Mary Ellen Jackson became a widow upon the death of her husband George Edwin Tempest.2 
Death*1973 Boronia, VIC, Australia, #D17648/1973 (Age 90) (par Robert JACKSON & Harriet Charlotte FLINT) - as Mary Ellen TEMPEST.3 


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D2054/1933 (Age 66) (par Squire TEMPEST & Jane HARPER) - as George Edwin TEMPEST, Death registered at Camberwell, Australia."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D17648/1973 (Age 90) (par Robert JACKSON & Harriet Charlotte FLINT) - as Mary Ellen TEMPEST, born Robe South Australia. Death registered at Boronia, Australia."
Last Edited20 Jan 2025

James Hutcheson MacDougall

M, #20428, b. 28 Feb 1844, d. 5 Apr 1909
Father*Duncan MacDougall b. 8 Jun 1801, d. 16 Aug 1848
Mother*Janet Paul b. 11 Nov 1806, d. 16 Jan 1890
Probate (Will)* 112/015. James MACDOUGALL Date of grant: 13 Jul 1909; Date of death: 05 Apr 1909; Occupation: Manuftr Stationer; Residence: Melbne.1 
Anecdote*MACDOUGALL, James Hutcheson (c1844-1909)
Born 28 February 1844 at Greenock, Renfrew, Scotland, the son of Duncan McDougall and his wife Janet, nee Paul. Apprenticed as a stationer with his uncle, J. Baird. Migrated to Australia when was 15 years old, arriving on the ship "Ocean Chief" on 4 December 1858. Worked for Sands & McDougall, being a relative of Dugald MacDougall, one of the partners. Married twice. Established the Broadford Paper Mill in Victoria which started production on 27 October 1890. This was widely described as the only strawboard mill in the British Empire. Was one of the founders of The Australian Paper Mills Co. Ltd. in 1895 which combined the paper mills at Melbourne, Geelong and Broadford. Managing director of Sands & McDougall Ltd. at the time of his death. Died on 5 April 1909 at his residence, "Meryla", Valentine Grove, Malvern, Victoria. Buried on 7 April 1909 at the Boroondara Cemetery, Kew, Victoria.2 
Birth*28 Feb 1844 Greenock, Renfrew, Scotland. 
Marriage*1872 Spouse: Emily Rose Rivers. VIC, Australia, #M189.3
WidowerFeb 1878James Hutcheson MacDougall became a widower upon the death of his wife Emily Rose Rivers.4 
Land-UBeac*12 Aug 1890 PAK-133. Transfer from Ernest Thurston Williams to James Hutcheson MacDougall. 19a 1r 22p.5 
Marriage*1906 Spouse: Nellie Lent. Sydney, NSW, Australia, #M2978.6
Death*5 Apr 1909 Malvern, VIC, Australia, #D5672 (Age 65) [par Duncan McDOUGALL & Margaret FRASER].3 
Death-Notice*7 Apr 1909 MACDOUGALL.-The Funeral of the late Mr. JAS. MACDOUGALL will leave "Meryla," Valentine-grove, Malvern, THIS DAY (Wednesday, 7th inst.), at 2 p.m., for the Booroondara Cemetery.
A. J. RAYBOULD, Undertaker, Malvern Tel. 17, Windsor.
VICTORIAN MASTER PRINTERS' ASSOCIATION.—Members are invited to ATTEND the FUNERAL of the late Mr. JAMES MACDOUGALL, leaving "Meryla," Valentine-grove, Malvern, THIS DAY, at 2 o'clock, for the Boroondara Cemetery.
J. C. STEPHENS, Hon. Sec.7 
Land-Note*13 Aug 1918 PAK-133. Duncan MacDougall Red Ink No 1899527. James MacDougall died on the 5th day of April 1909. Probate of his will has been granted to Duncan MacDougall of 365 Collins Street Melbourne Stationer.8 
Land-Note*13 Aug 1918 PAK-133. Cancelled See C/T 4175-805 and Red Ink 1899528. The duplicate Crown Grant having as is alleged been lost its production is dispended with under Sec 79 Act 2740.9 
Land-UBeac*13 Aug 1918 PAK-133. Transfer from James Hutcheson MacDougall to Duncan MacDougall. 19a 1r 22p.10 


  • C/E D 0028, Boroondara Cemetery, Kew, VIC, Australia11


Emily Rose Rivers b. 1846, d. Feb 1878
Child 1.Duncan MacDougall b. 1874, d. 1940


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), VPRS 7591/ P2 unit 435, item 112/015
    VPRS 28/ P3 unit 45, item 112/015.
  2. [S50] Miscellaneous Source,
  3. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  4. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online) "#D833/1878 Place of birth PLYM Spouse James Hutchinson [MacDOUGALL]."
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2193-591 - James MacDougall of No 365 Collins Street Melbourne Stationer.
  6. [S7] Registry of NSW Births Deaths and Marriages.
  7. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 7 Apr 1909, p1
  8. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2193-591 - Red Ink No 1899527. James MacDougall died on the 5th day of April 1909. Probate of his will has been granted to Duncan MacDougall of 365 Collins Street Melbourne Stationer.
  9. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 2193-591 - Cancelled See C/T 4175-805 and Red Ink 1899528. The duplicate Crown Grant having as is alleged been lost its production is dispended with under Sec 79 Act 2740.
  10. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 4175-805 - Duncan Macdougall of 365 Collins Street Melbourne Stationer.
  11. [S46] Index of burials in the cemetery of Boroondara, Kew,.
Last Edited8 Aug 2018

Emily Rose Rivers

F, #20429, b. 1846, d. Feb 1878
Married NameMacDougall. 
Birth*1846 Plymouth, Devon, England. 
Marriage*1872 Spouse: James Hutcheson MacDougall. VIC, Australia, #M189.1
Death*Feb 1878 VIC, Australia, #D833 (Age 32) [par Silliam RIVERS & Elizabeth SLEVERETTE].2 


  • C/E D 0027, Boroondara Cemetery, Kew, VIC, Australia3


James Hutcheson MacDougall b. 28 Feb 1844, d. 5 Apr 1909
Child 1.Duncan MacDougall b. 1874, d. 1940


  1. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online).
  2. [S22] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (online) "#D833/1878 Place of birth PLYM Spouse James Hutchinson [MacDOUGALL]."
  3. [S46] Index of burials in the cemetery of Boroondara, Kew,.
Last Edited8 Aug 2018


Some family sections show only the children who were associated with Upper Beaconsfield.

Some individuals may be featured because members of their family were associated with the Upper Beaconsfield area, even though they themselves never lived here.