Frederick Ernest Sherriff

M, #30734, b. 6 Sep 1886, d. 5 Feb 1914
Father*Alexander Sherriff b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Mother*Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Probate (Will)* 133/645. Frederick E Sherriff, Residence: Emerald, Occupation: Nurseryman, Date Of Death: 5 Feb 1914, Date Of Grant: 29 Apr 1914.
Real estate described in 'land note', life policy £200 and savings £ 
Land-Note* Owned all that piece of vacant land being part of Crown allotment 5 of section A Township of Emerald, County of Mornington - about 1/4 acre - fenced - Rates Fern Tree Gully + Gembrook Railway Construction Trust rates to 31/12/13 and rates to Fern Tree Gully Shire general rate to 30/9/13 1/9 extra rate 3d = 2/. Worth only £ 
Birth*6 Sep 1886 Dimboola, VIC, Australia, #B25564/1886 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret GASKELL) - as Frederick Ernest SHERRIFF.3 
Death*5 Feb 1914 Mooroopna, VIC, Australia, #D2877/1914 (Age 26) (par Alex SHERRIFF & Margt GASCOW) - as Fredk Ernt SHERRIFF.4 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1909Emerald, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: nurseryman. With Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Sherriff and Thomas Edward Sherriff.5
1912Emerald, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: nurseryman. With Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Sherriff and Alexander Sherriff.6


  • Section H, Grave 7, Emerald Cemetery, Macclesfield, VIC, Australia7


  • 15 Apr 1909: A DEMON BOWLER.
    During a cricket match at Emerald between the home team and one from North Melbourne the secretary of the local club, F. Sherriff, was struck by a fast ball and rendered insensible. Another player in the same team, William Hunt, was struck on the head by a ball, and became unconscious for several hours. His face was so disfigured by the blow that it was hardly recognisable.8
  • 19 Nov 1909: EMERALD CRICKET CLUB.
    Will be held in the MECHANICS' INSTITUTE EMERALD,
    Good Prizes for Best Fancy Dresses.
    First class Music.
    F. SHERRIFF, Hon. Sec.9
  • 11 Feb 1914: A sad drowning fatality occurred last week at Mooroopna, the victim being Fred. Sherriff, of Emerald, a brother to Arthur Sherriff, the popular Berwick footballer and Kalora Park cricketer. Mr Sherriff and Mr Nobelius had gone on a business trip to Mooroopna. While there they went to the Goulburn for a swim. After coming out of the water Mr Sherriff was standing on a sand-bank close to the river drying himself when the bank gave away and he was precipitated into about twelve feet of water. Deceased could not swim. He was locally known, having visited Berwick and played cricket with the Emerald team. He held an important position in Mr Nobelius' Emerald orchard and was a fine type of an Australian. His demise in the prime of his manhood is more than sad. His remains were interred in the Emerald cemetery last Saturday, the whole of the nursery employees marching in front of the hearse. Mr J. Grant carried out the mortuary arrangements. Great sympathy is felt throughout the district for the bereaved family in their trouble.10
  • 13 Feb 1914: DEATH OF MR. F.E. SHERRIFF One of our most valued and esteemed residents in Mr. F. E. Sherriff, aged 27 years, passed away in a most tragic manner last Thursday at Mooroopna. Having completed some work in procuring buds for the well-known Gembrook nurseries, the deceased in company with Clifford, a son of Mr. C. A. Nobelius, adjourned to the Goulburn river to have a wash. Unfortunately Mr. Sherriff, who was unable to swim, got out of his depth, and to complicate matters his foot caught in a snag, and although Mr. Cliff Nobelius made every effort to save his companion, even lowering himself in the water to enable his friend to catch his legs, which he did, a severe struggle to release himself from the snag took place without avail and most heroically to relate the drowning man finding himself unable to get free abandoned his hold on Mr. Nobelius's legs, apparently fearing both lives would be lost. His generous action was in true accord with his past life. Mr. Sherriff first became connected with the nursery as a lad of sixteen and showing special ability, instructed by the owner in all details of that great industry, was during Mr. Nobelius's travels round the world in search of markets and new additions to plant life the principal responsible person in charge. It was as a generous patron of all sport that his cheerful voice will be missed in hurrying the children and others up to the old buffers to get ready for their races. Only a month ago the F. Sherriff prize for local rifle-men was completed. Cricket, etc., all claimed his attention. He was also a strong supporter of the Emerald brass band. The funeral cortege was one of the longest known in the district, left deceased's late residence here (where his body was brought in an oak coffin from Mooroopna) on Saturday. The Emerald brass band, under bandmaster Foster, leading the way with about about sixty employees of the nursery on foot preceding the hearse, followed by numerous vehicles and horsemen. Mr. C. A. Nobelius, who was very distressed and not in the best health, followed the remains of his trusted employee to its last resting place. The greatest sympathy is felt for the widowed mother, brothers and sisters, and the respect shown must considerably alleviate their sore trial. An impressive service by C. W. Cerruty, the new warden of Fern Tree Gully parish, was held at the house and cemetery. The Emerald brass band also played "Lead, Kindly Light" and "Abide with Me" at the grave. Pall bearers were Messrs. Fisher, Greatorex, Fuller, H. Goff and P. Greatorex. M. O'Connor, of Paradise, gave valuable assistance in arranging details with Mr. Grant, undertaker, Berwick.11,12


  1. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28) / Wills (VPRS7591)
    133/645. Frederick E Sherriff, Residence: Emerald, Occupation: Nurseryman, Date Of Death: 5 Feb 1914, Date Of Grant: 29 Apr 1914
    VPRS 28/P0003, 133/645; VPRS 7591/P0002, 133/645.
  2. [S35] Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate Records, PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), Probate and Administration Files (VPRS28) / Wills (VPRS7591)
    133/645. Frederick E Sherriff, Residence: Emerald, Occupation: Nurseryman, Date Of Death: 5 Feb 1914, Date Of Grant: 29 Apr 1914
    VPRS 28/P0003, 133/645; VPRS 7591/P0002, 133/645.
  3. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B25564/1886 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret GASKELL) - as Frederick Ernest SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Dimb, Australia."
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D2877/1914 (Age 26) (par Alex SHERRIFF & Margt GASCOW) - as Fredk Ernt SHERRIFF, Death registered at Mpna, Australia."
  5. [S109] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1909.
  6. [S112] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1912.
  7. [S38] Index of burials in the cemetery of Email from The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust, Fawkner (Kadence)
    The next of kin for Frederick Earnest Sherriff is listed as Thomas Sherriff, however an "A.V. Nobelius" signed off on the paperwork. This is Archibald Victor Nobelius - son of Carl Axel Nobelius
  8. [S14] Newspaper - The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), Thu 15 Apr 1909, p8
  9. [S14] Newspaper - The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic.), Fri 19 Nov 1909, p7
  10. [S19] Newspaper - Berwick Shire News and Pakenham and Cranbourne Gazette (Berwick, Vic.), Wed 11 Feb 1914, p2
  11. [S196] Newspaper - Dandenong Advertiser and Cranbourne, Berwick and Oakleigh Advocate (Vic.), Thu 19 Feb 1914, p2
  12. [S14] Newspaper - The Reporter (Box Hill, Vic.), Fri 13 Feb 1914, p4
Last Edited16 Sep 2024

Alexander Sherriff

M, #30735, b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Birth*1856 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #B11209/1856 (par Alexander SHIREFFS & Christina MASON) - as Alexander SHIREFFS.1 
Marriage*21 Oct 1876 Spouse: Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last. Stawell, VIC, Australia, #M4936/1876, Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST.2
Death*21 Oct 1899 Carlton, VIC, Australia, #D12844/1899 (Age 43) (par Alex SHERRIFF & Ctina MASON) - as Alex SHERRIFF.3 
Death-Notice*24 Oct 1899 SHERRlFF.—On the 21st October, at his late residence, 533 Rathdown-street, Carlton, Alexander, the dearly beloved husband of Margaret Sherriff, late of Molesworth, aged 43 years.
The boast of heraldry; the pomp of power,
And all that beauty, all that wealth ever gave,
Await, alike, the inevitable hour,
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
—Inserted by his loving wife and daughter, M. S. and A. S.4 


Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Children 1.Thomas Edward Sherriff b. 1876, d. 8 Apr 1965
 2.Alfred James Sherriff8 b. 1877, d. 10 Nov 1941
 3.Alice Catherine Sherriff9 b. 1880, d. 1965
 4.Alexander Sherriff10 b. 1882, d. 1964
 5.George William Sherriff11 b. 1883, d. 1 Jun 1896
 6.Frederick Ernest Sherriff b. 6 Sep 1886, d. 5 Feb 1914
 7.Arthur Mason Sherriff12 b. 1889, d. 1939
 8.Margaret Mary Sherriff13 b. 1891, d. 1964


    IT has at last been definitely decided to open the railway to Mansfield on Tuesday, the 6th October. There will be only one train a day from Merton to Mansfield, with present time-table as it is.
    A meeting of a number of the local shareholders in the Yea Dairy Company was held on Monday last to choose a site for the creamery. After a number of sites had been inspected, the majority decided in favor of a site to the west of Mr. Sherriff's residence, and close and handy to the railway station.
    It is above flood level, and has a frontage to the main road. The land belongs to Mr. M'Cormack, of Balham Hill, who very generously gave the required land for the sum of £1 only. I hope the company will endeavor to get the building up with as little delay as possible, so that farmers may learn the value of patronising this daily increasing industry at once.5
  • 8 Oct 1891: Yea Shire Council. Correspondence. From A. Sherriff, Molesworth, asking permission to mine under the back road leading by Mr. Quinlan's land west of Stevens and Co.'s leased ground, and promising to make the road secure.6
    Mr. A. SHERRIFF sailed last week for Westralia, under engagement to a propecting syndicate, to try his luck on the newest gold-fields there. He is a capable and practical miner, and should have a more than even-money chance amongst those already there. For my own part I should very much rather prefer to make one of a syndicate to send a couple of good prospectors up into the eastern portion of our own colony where these new tracks are being cut and opening up virgin country.7


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B11209/1856 (par Alexander SHIREFFS & Christina MASON) - as Alexander SHIREFFS, Birth registered at Melbourne, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M4936/1876, Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D12844/1899 (Age 43) (par Alex SHERRIFF & Ctina MASON) - as Alex SHERRIFF, Death registered at Carl, Australia."
  4. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 24 Oct 1899, p1
  5. [S14] Newspaper - Yea Chronicle (Yea, Vic.), Thu 24 Sep 1891, p2
  6. [S14] Newspaper - Yea Chronicle (Yea, Vic.), Thu 8 Oct 1891, p2
  7. [S14] Newspaper - Yea Chronicle (Yea, Vic.), Thu 9 May 1895, p2
  8. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B17667/1877 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alfred James SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Plsant Crk, Australia."
  9. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B4206/1880 (par Alexdr SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alice SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Pleasant C, Australia."
  10. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B4536/1882 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alexander SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Staw, Australia."
  11. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B18223/1883 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as George William SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Meri, Australia."
  12. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D1365/1939 (Age 49) (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret Esther GASKELL) - as Arthur Mason SHERRIFF, born Molesworth, Victoria. Death registered at Melbourne, Australia."
  13. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B38534/1891 (par Alexr SHERRIFF & Margt GASKELL) - as Margt Mary SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Yea, Australia."
Last Edited15 Sep 2024

Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last

F, #30736, b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Married NameSherriff. 
Land-Note* George Davey Mrs Sherriff probably owned a part of his subdivision at some time (not from initial sale of land by Davey.) 
Birth*18 Apr 1850 Hobart, VIC, Australia. 
Marriage*21 Oct 1876 Spouse: Alexander Sherriff. Stawell, VIC, Australia, #M4936/1876, Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST.1
Widow21 Oct 1899Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last became a widow upon the death of her husband Alexander Sherriff.2 
Death*15 Jul 1924 Footscray, VIC, Australia, #D9818/1924 (Age 72) (par William LAST & Mary RILEY) - as Margaret Mary SHERRIFF.3 
Death-Notice*16 Jul 1924 SHERRIFF.—On the 15th July, at her daughter's house, 51 Thomas-street, Footscray, Margaret, widow of the late Alexander Sherriff, beloved mother of Thomas, Alfred, Alice (Mrs Brandon), George (deceased), Alexander, Frederick (deceased), Arthur and Margaret (Mrs Chubb), aged 72 years. Rest after years of patient suffering.4 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1909Emerald, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties. With Thomas Edward Sherriff Frederick Ernest Sherriff.5
1912Emerald, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: home duties. With Alexander Sherriff Frederick Ernest Sherriff.6


Alexander Sherriff b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Children 1.Thomas Edward Sherriff b. 1876, d. 8 Apr 1965
 2.Alfred James Sherriff9 b. 1877, d. 10 Nov 1941
 3.Alice Catherine Sherriff10 b. 1880, d. 1965
 4.Alexander Sherriff11 b. 1882, d. 1964
 5.George William Sherriff12 b. 1883, d. 1 Jun 1896
 6.Frederick Ernest Sherriff b. 6 Sep 1886, d. 5 Feb 1914
 7.Arthur Mason Sherriff13 b. 1889, d. 1939
 8.Margaret Mary Sherriff14 b. 1891, d. 1964


  • 1 Jun 1909: SHERRIFF.—In loving memory of my beloved son, George, who died on the 1st June, 1896 also my beloved husband, who died on the 21st October, 1899.
    I do not forget you, I loved you too dearly
    For your memory to fade from my life like a dream;
    The lips need not speak when the heart mourns sincerely,
    And thoughts often rest where they seldom are seen.
    —Inserted by their loving mother and wife, M. Sherriff, Emerald.7
  • 15 Jul 1926: SHERRIFF. — In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away 15th July, 1924.
    One of the best.
    — Ever remembered by her loving daughter, Doll, and her loving daughter and son-in-law, Maggie and Eugene Chubb.8


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M4936/1876, Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D12844/1899 (Age 43) (par Alex SHERRIFF & Ctina MASON) - as Alex SHERRIFF, Death registered at Carl, Australia."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D9818/1924 (Age 72) (par William LAST & Mary RILEY) - as Margaret Mary SHERRIFF, Death registered at Footscray, Australia."
  4. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 16 Jul 1924, p1
  5. [S109] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1909.
  6. [S112] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1912.
  7. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 1 Jun 1909, p1
  8. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Thu 15 Jul 1926, p1
  9. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B17667/1877 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alfred James SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Plsant Crk, Australia."
  10. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B4206/1880 (par Alexdr SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alice SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Pleasant C, Australia."
  11. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B4536/1882 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alexander SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Staw, Australia."
  12. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B18223/1883 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as George William SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Meri, Australia."
  13. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D1365/1939 (Age 49) (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret Esther GASKELL) - as Arthur Mason SHERRIFF, born Molesworth, Victoria. Death registered at Melbourne, Australia."
  14. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B38534/1891 (par Alexr SHERRIFF & Margt GASKELL) - as Margt Mary SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Yea, Australia."
Last Edited15 Sep 2024

Margaret Mary Sherriff1

F, #30737, b. 1891, d. 1964
Father*Alexander Sherriff1 b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Mother*Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last1 b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Birth*1891 Yea, VIC, Australia, #B38534/1891 (par Alexr SHERRIFF & Margt GASKELL) - as Margt Mary SHERRIFF.1 
Marriage*1921 #M7489/1921, Margt Mary SHERRIFF & Eugene Robert CHUBB.2
Death*1964 Brunswick, VIC, Australia, #D13806/1964 (Age 72) (par Alex SHERIFF & Margaret Mary HOWARD) - as Margaret Mary CHUBB.3 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B38534/1891 (par Alexr SHERRIFF & Margt GASKELL) - as Margt Mary SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Yea, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M7489/1921, Margt Mary SHERRIFF & Eugene Robert CHUBB."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D13806/1964 (Age 72) (par Alex SHERIFF & Margaret Mary HOWARD) - as Margaret Mary CHUBB, born Carlton. Death registered at Brunswick, Australia."
Last Edited16 Sep 2024

Arthur Mason Sherriff1

M, #30738, b. 1889, d. 1939
Father*Alexander Sherriff1 b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Mother*Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last1 b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Birth*1889 Yea, VIC, Australia, #B17749/1889 (par Alexander SHERIFF & Margaret GASKUL) - as Arthur Mason SHERIFF.2 
Marriage*1914 #M8484/1914, Arth Mason SHERRIFF & Violet Hart RANDLE.3
Death*1939 Melbourne, VIC, Australia, #D1365/1939 (Age 49) (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret Esther GASKELL) - as Arthur Mason SHERRIFF.1 


  1. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D1365/1939 (Age 49) (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret Esther GASKELL) - as Arthur Mason SHERRIFF, born Molesworth, Victoria. Death registered at Melbourne, Australia."
  2. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B17749/1889 (par Alexander SHERIFF & Margaret GASKUL) - as Arthur Mason SHERIFF, Birth registered at Yea, Australia."
  3. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M8484/1914, Arth Mason SHERRIFF & Violet Hart RANDLE."
Last Edited16 Sep 2024

Alfred James Sherriff1

M, #30739, b. 1877, d. 10 Nov 1941
Father*Alexander Sherriff1 b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Mother*Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last1 b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Birth*1877 Pleasant Creek, VIC, Australia, #B17667/1877 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alfred James SHERRIFF.1 
Marriage*1909 Eulaminna, WA, Australia, #M4300013/1909. Alfred James Sherriff & Madge Semler.2
Death*10 Nov 1941 The Westonia Hospital, Yilgarn, WA, Australia, #D7000020/1941 (Age 63) (par Alexander Sherriff & Margaret Howard) - as Alfred James Sherriff.3 


  • 10 Jan 1942: Sherriff, Alfred James, late of Westonia, miner (with the will annexed), to Madge Sherriff, of Westonia. value £942.4
  • 10 Nov 1944: SHERRIFF.—In loving memory of our Dad, who left us November 10, 1941. Inserted by his wife and family.5
  • 10 Dec 1946: Death and Funeral of Madge: SHERRIFF.—The friends of the late Madge Sherriff, late of 32 Rhodes street, Kalgoorlie, and formerly of Westonia, dearly beloved mother of Hazel (Mrs. F. Cooper, Kalgoorlie), Mavis (Mrs. S. Solly, Pingrup), and George (Denmark), are respectfully informed that her remains will be interred in the Anglican portion of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. The cortege will move from A. and J. Kyle's Private Chapel. Cassidy street, Kalgoorlie, at 4 o'clock THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON.
    —A. and J. Kyle, Funeral Directors, Cassidy street, Kalgoorlie, Boulder and Coolgardie. Phone K23.6
  • 11 Dec 1946: Death of Madge: SHERRIFF.—On December 9, at Kalgoorlie, Mrs. Sheriff, late of Westonia, dear friend of Almedia and George Godridge, of Westonia.
    At rest.
    SHERRIFF.—On December 9, at Kalgoorlie, Mrs. Sheriff, late of Westonia, dearly loved friend of Amy and Alf Gardener, of Westonia.
    A true pal we will not forget.7
  • 12 Dec 1946: Death of Madge: SHERRIFF.—On December 9, at Kalgoorlie, Madge, late of 32 Rhodes-street, Kalgoorlie. and formerly of Westonia, dearly loved mother of Hazel (Mrs. F. Cooper. Kalgoorlie). Mavis (Mrs. S. Solly, Pingerup) and George (Denmark).
    SHERRIFF. - A token of respect to a very dear old friend, Mrs. M. Sherriff, who passed away December 9. 1946, at Kalgoorlie. Inserted by Mr. and Mrs. J. Gray.8
  • 20 Dec 1946: Death of Madge: SHERRIFF.—In fond remembrance of Mrs. Sherriff, passed away December 9 (Kalgoorlie). Kath and Charlie Mayne. Westonia.
    A friend to all who knew her.9


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B17667/1877 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alfred James SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Plsant Crk, Australia."
  2. [S62] Western Australian Government. BDM Index Western Australia "#M4300013/1909. Alfred James Sherriff & Madge Semler, Place of Marriage: Eulaminna."
  3. [S62] Western Australian Government. BDM Index Western Australia "#D7000020/1941 (Age 63) (par Alexander Sherriff & Margaret Howard) - as Alfred James Sherriff. The Westonia Hospital. Registration District: Yilgarn."
  4. [S14] Newspaper - The Daily News (Perth, WA), Sat 10 Jan 1942, p18
  5. [S14] Newspaper - The West Australian (Perth, WA), Fri 10 Nov 1944, p1
  6. [S14] Newspaper - Kalgoorlie Miner (WA), Tue 10 Dec 1946, p4
  7. [S14] Newspaper - The West Australian (Perth, WA), Wed 11 Dec 1946, p1
  8. [S14] Newspaper - The West Australian (Perth, WA), Thu 12 Dec 1946, p1
  9. [S14] Newspaper - The West Australian (Perth, WA), Fri 20 Dec 1946, p1
Last Edited16 Sep 2024

Alice Catherine Sherriff1

F, #30740, b. 1880, d. 1965
Father*Alexander Sherriff1 b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Mother*Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last1 b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Birth*1880 Pleasant Creek, VIC, Australia, #B4206/1880 (par Alexdr SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alice SHERRIFF.1 
Marriage*1902 #M1556/1902, Alice Cath SHERRIFF & Fred Jno Herbt BRANDEN/BRANDON.2
Death*1965 Moreland, VIC, Australia, #D18638/1965 (Age 85) (par Alec SHERRIFF & Margaret Mary HOWARD) - as Alice Catherine BRANDON.3 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B4206/1880 (par Alexdr SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alice SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Pleasant C, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M1556/1902, Alice Cath SHERRIFF & Fred Jno Herbt BRANDEN/BRANDON."
  3. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D18638/1965 (Age 85) (par Alec SHERRIFF & Margaret Mary HOWARD) - as Alice Catherine BRANDON, born Molesworth. Death registered at Moreland, Australia."
Last Edited16 Sep 2024

Alexander Sherriff1

M, #30741, b. 1882, d. 1964
Father*Alexander Sherriff1 b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Mother*Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last1 b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Birth*1882 Stawell, VIC, Australia, #B4536/1882 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alexander SHERRIFF.1 
Marriage*21 Oct 1915 #M9945/1915, Alex SHERRIFF & Emily Tamzin HARE.2
Marriage-Notice*27 Nov 1915 SHERRIFF—HARE.—On the 21st October, at Holy Trinity Church, East Melbourne, by the Rev. B. Newport White, Alexander, third son of the late Alexander Sherriff, and Mrs Sherriff, North Melbourne, to Emily Tamzini, second daughter of the late Arthur Hare and Mrs. Hare, "Ridgeview," Morwell. Present address, Emerald.3 
Death*1964 Emerald, VIC, Australia, #D11305/1964 (Age 81) (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret GASKET) - as Alexander SHERRIFF.4 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1912Emerald, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: nurseryman. With Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Sherriff and Frederick Ernest Sherriff.5


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B4536/1882 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as Alexander SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Staw, Australia."
  2. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M9945/1915, Alex SHERRIFF & Emily Tamzin HARE."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Sat 27 Nov 1915, p13
  4. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D11305/1964 (Age 81) (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret GASKET) - as Alexander SHERRIFF, born Stawell. Death registered at Emerald, Australia."
  5. [S112] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1912.
Last Edited16 Sep 2024

George William Sherriff1

M, #30742, b. 1883, d. 1 Jun 1896
Father*Alexander Sherriff1 b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Mother*Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last1 b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Birth*1883 Merino, VIC, Australia, #B18223/1883 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as George William SHERRIFF.1 
Death*1 Jun 1896 Carlton, VIC, Australia, #D5261/1896 (Age 12) (par Alexr SHERRIFF & Margt HOWARD) - as Geo SHERRIFF.2 
Death-Notice*10 Jun 1896 SHERRIFF.—On the 1st June, at Drummond-street, Carlton, George Wm., fourth dearly beloved son of Alexand Margaret Sherriff, of Molesworth, aged 12 years and 10 months. Coolgardie papers please copy.
'Tis hard to break the tender cord
When love has bound the heart;
'Tis hard, so hard, to speak the words,
We for a time must part.
Sleep on, dear George, in thy grave,
Doctors ne'er thy life could save;
Thou to us hast said good-bye
To soar with angels up on high.
Inserted by his mother and sister.
Alas ! how soon comes death to show
We lov more deeply than we know ;
And love in life should sometimes see
What love in death alone can be.
You are not forgotten, brother dear.
Nor ever wilt thou be.
As long as life and memory lasts
We will remember thee.
Inserted by his brothers.3 


  1. [S26] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Births) (online) "#B18223/1883 (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret LAST) - as George William SHERRIFF, Birth registered at Meri, Australia."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D5261/1896 (Age 12) (par Alexr SHERRIFF & Margt HOWARD) - as Geo SHERRIFF, Death registered at Carl, Australia."
  3. [S16] Newspaper - The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), Wed 10 Jun 1896, p1
Last Edited15 Sep 2024

Thomas Edward Sherriff

M, #30743, b. 1876, d. 8 Apr 1965
Father*Alexander Sherriff b. 1856, d. 21 Oct 1899
Mother*Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Last b. 18 Apr 1850, d. 15 Jul 1924
Land-Gembrook*5 Feb 1910 GEM--44 7/LP4390. Transfer from James Cyril Cowden to Thomas Edward Sherriff. 18a 1r 18 3/10p.1 
Land-Note*5 Feb 1910 GEM--44 7/LP4390: Mortgagee: The State Savings Bank of Victoria. Discharged 6 Dec 1926. Mortgagor was Thomas Edward Sherriff.2 
Land-Note25 Oct 1911 GEM--44 7/LP4390: Mortgagee: The State Savings Bank of Victoria. Discharged 6 Dec 1926. Mortgagor was Thomas Edward Sherriff.3 
Marriage*1915 Spouse: Evelyn Cole. VIC, Australia, #M3070/1915, Thos Edwd SHERRIFF & Evelyn COLE.4
Land-Gembrook*6 Dec 1926 GEM--44 7/LP4390 (part). Transfer from Thomas Edward Sherriff to C. A. Nobelius and Sons Pty Ltd. Small corner on NE.5 
Land-Gembrook*7 Jul 1948 GEM--44 7/LP4390 (part). Transfer from Thomas Edward Sherriff to Evan Hoskins Jones, Myra May Cane, Gwendolen Eluned Jones. Balance.6 
Widower5 Dec 1955Thomas Edward Sherriff became a widower upon the death of his wife Evelyn Cole.7 
Death*8 Apr 1965 Emerald, VIC, Australia, #D6854/1965 (Age 90) (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret GASKELL) - as Thomas Edward SHERRIFF.8 

Electoral Rolls (Australia) and Census (UK/IRL)

DateAddressOccupation and other people at same address
1909Emerald, VIC, AustraliaOccupation: farmer. With Margaret Mary Esther Gaskell Sherriff and Frederick Ernest Sherriff.9


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3249-657 - Thomas Sherriff of Emerald Labourer.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3249-657 - Mortgage No 279560. Discharged 6 Dec 1926.
  3. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3249-657 - Mortgage No 299004. Discharged 6 Dec 1926.
  4. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M3070/1915, Thos Edwd SHERRIFF & Evelyn COLE."
  5. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3249-657 - CA Nobelius & Sons Pty Ltd - C/T 5215-838.
  6. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3249-657 - Evan Hoskins Jones, Myra May Jones and Gwendolen Eluned Jones - C/T 7136-014.
  7. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D22771/1955 (Age 67) (par Thomas COLE & Mary Grace WADLAND) - as Evelyn SHERRIFF, born Devonshire, England. Death registered at Ferntree Gully, Australia."
  8. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D6854/1965 (Age 90) (par Alexander SHERRIFF & Margaret GASKELL) - as Thomas Edward SHERRIFF, Death registered at Emerald, Australia."
  9. [S109] Electoral Roll for Australia, 1909.
Last Edited14 Sep 2024

James Cyril Cowden

M, #30744
Land-Gembrook*21 Jan 1908 GEM--44 7/LP4390. Transfer from Jane Maillard to James Cyril Cowden. 18a 1r 18 3/10p - Tx 564087 - C/T 3249-657.1 
Land-Gembrook*5 Feb 1910 GEM--44 7/LP4390. Transfer from James Cyril Cowden to Thomas Edward Sherriff. 18a 1r 18 3/10p.2 


  1. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3027-221 - James Cyril Cowden of No 269 Inkerman Street St Kilda - C/T 3249-657.
  2. [S185] Property Titles ; PROV (Public Record Office Victoria), C/T 3249-657 - Thomas Sherriff of Emerald Labourer.
Last Edited15 Sep 2024

Evelyn Cole

F, #30749, b. 1888, d. 5 Dec 1955
Married NameSherriff. 
Birth*1888 Devon, England. 
Marriage*1915 Spouse: Thomas Edward Sherriff. VIC, Australia, #M3070/1915, Thos Edwd SHERRIFF & Evelyn COLE.1
Death*5 Dec 1955 Ferntree Gully, VIC, Australia, #D22771/1955 (Age 67) (par Thomas COLE & Mary Grace WADLAND) - as Evelyn SHERRIFF.2 
Death-Notice*6 Dec 1955 SHERRIFF.—On December 5, at Ferntree Gully, Evelyn, of Old Narre Warren road, Emerald, loving wife of Thomas Edward.
SHERRIFF.—The Funeral of the late Mrs. EVELYN SHERRIFF, of Old Narre Warren road, Emerald, will leave our parlors, Main road, Ferntree Gully, THIS DAY (Tuesday), at the conclusion of a sevice commencing at 2.15 p.m., for the Spring Vale Crematorium.
Ferntree Gully 333.3 


  1. [S27] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Marriages) (online) "#M3070/1915, Thos Edwd SHERRIFF & Evelyn COLE."
  2. [S28] Victorian Government. BDM Index Victoria (Deaths) (online) "#D22771/1955 (Age 67) (par Thomas COLE & Mary Grace WADLAND) - as Evelyn SHERRIFF, born Devonshire, England. Death registered at Ferntree Gully, Australia."
  3. [S11] Newspaper - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), Tue 6 Dec 1955, p19
Last Edited14 Sep 2024


Some family sections show only the children who were associated with Upper Beaconsfield.

Some individuals may be featured because members of their family were associated with the Upper Beaconsfield area, even though they themselves never lived here.