History of Upper Beaconsfield

Residents of Upper Beaconsfield came from different walks of life. Some were farmers or orchardists, others were traders, labourers or care-takers. A large number of people from Melbourne spent their holidays in our town, others were non-resident landholders. Upper Beaconsfield people had connections to Berwick, Beaconsfield, Officer, Pakenham and the hill towns, so some information about those places may also be found on this website. This local history research is a work in progress.
The website includes information from Trove's newspaper archive, documents at the National Archives of Australia, the Public Record Office of Victoria, State Library of Victoria, online sources, and primary records from local organisations.
Use the search form to find information about many of the people who called Upper Beaconsfield home.
Also included here are my history articles written for the Upper Beaconsfield Village Bell (see index), or those written specially for this website. They include histories of our historic buildings, eg. Beaconsfield House, Langower, Woonda Mia/Amesfield, Kyogle, and many more. Find out about the history of our General Stores, and The Packing Shed. Do you know who our roads are named after? More articles will be added shortly, incl. one about the school at the Assembly Hall and another about the building of the first St John's church.
From the soldiers index you can find out more about our young men and women who served in the wars. Read about our soldier settlers and their lives. Check out our writers and other personalities.
The Green Circle Plant Nursery has re-published the beautiful 1899 Illustrated Guide to the Beaconsfield Ranges. It is available at local outlets.
Do you have information about people who lived in Upper Beaconsfield? Do you have any photographs of Upper Beaconsfield? I'd love to hear from you. Click on my name in the footer to send me an email, or contact me on facebook.
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Marianne Rocke
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